For designers and marketers, one of the best ways to herald a new year change is to take a look at logo design trends that are gaining ground, and will ultimately rule the scene throughout the year.
A company’s logo is more like a person, and acts as a brand ambassador, giving your brand a distinct identity. Unless you have a catchy logo, it is challenging to grab the attention of the customers and engage them. Logo design is important because it creates a good first impression and fosters brand loyalty. A catchy logo design is the best way to create a visible impact that remains etched in the minds of your customers. Whether it is your brand, product, social media presence, or your business card, adhering to the top logo design trends makes all the difference.
That’s why businesses invest a significant amount of time, effort, and money in understanding design trends that convey the ownership, quality, and image of the organization. Companies and creative agencies closely watch the logo design trends that evolve each year to stay relevant and competitive in their respective businesses.
Logo Design in 2022: An Overview
With approaches to logo design changing every year, a combination of old and new styles is in vogue, as we are witnessing a trend of return to the previous eras. Today’s graphic designers have several ways to update themselves to create unique logos. For example, ink-black and white fonts with bright neon pictures are the evolving logo design trend in 2022. Complex animation and 3D gradients are some of the graphic design trends that remain relevant.
Likewise, fancy fonts, gradients, geometric designs, and conciseness are trending today. Muted color palettes, abstract illustrations, bold and simple headline fonts, 3D typography, metallic effects, and brand animations are also a few logo design trends that are in vogue.
Design specialists have been adopting these trends by blending futuristic designs and pattern developments. Logos with layered elements and overlapping elements have also been seeing the light of day. Shapes, textures, and colors add depth and balance to logos, creating a cohesive look.
10 Logo Design Trends to Watch Out For
Let’s dive into the list of some of the most prominent logo design trends of this year.
1. Optical illusion
A three-dimensional (3D) design is a great logo design approach when infused with elements like shapes, colors, and fonts. A 3D logo design creates an impression of great brand value and awareness. Although a bit complex, a logo with optical illusion elements can intrigue the user.
2. Abstract design
An abstract logo is a creative interpretation of a brand’s identity. This design contains abstract symbols as a metaphor to communicate the brand’s vision and reflect the legacy or personality of the organization. With an abstract design, you have more freedom to explore and experiment, and the design is usually open to the interpretation of the user.
3. Overlapping design
The overlapping logo design approach works best for shapes, fonts, symbols, colors, and patterns in various combinations. It magnifies the logo design, making it appear voluminous.
4. Hip fonts
A combination of vivid and bright colors can make a logo appear dynamic and expressive. Add to that a stylish, experimental font, and you have yourself a distinct logo. It also evokes an optimistic emotion in the audience.
5. Vintage design
A retro logo design creates a sense of nostalgia by harking back to aesthetic references of the 1960s and ’70s. This evokes a feel-good factor in the audience. Sometimes, flashy colors are contrasted with fonts, blending into silhouettes. Other times, a monochromatic palette is used too.
6. White space
Innovative use of negative or white space simplifies and enhances your logo’s message. It is an evergreen graphic design trend. Negative or white space works by offering visual relief to the overall design. In this case, it is used as an aesthetic. This is the choice for you if you are a lover of minimalistic design.
7. Cartoons and mascots
The usage of cartoons is increasingly becoming trendy. That is because designers are cashing in on the cartoon fascination that the child in us has. This logo design trend can help make the brand seem friendly and approachable. Brands must be open to including mascots and cartoon characters in their logo designs.
8. Vertical logos
Vertical logo designs have several advantages when compared to horizontal designs, the latter of which is rather mainstream. Such designs are specially optimized for use on mobile phones and tablets. They lend a stylish and sophisticated look to your brand.
9. Monograms
A monogram offers the option of creating a distinct image that cannot be duplicated. This is done by combining the brand’s initials. A monogram logo design generally is an emblem that can be displayed and printed on packages and products without compromising on visual integrity. Monogram logos of luxury fashion brands and high-end stores are the best examples.
10. Hand-drawn designs
Hand-drawn logos are hugely popular as they are designed with a mission of emanating warmth. They are much more personalized. They continue to make an impact and draw attention even in modern times.
6 Tips for Designing a Logo
Now that you know what’s trending in the realm of logo design, it’s important to understand how to create one. Read on.
1. Know the essence of the brand
Every brand has a history or legacy, and its logo has to convey that. Hence, knowing the brand voice and identity is the first step to creating a logo.
2. Choose the colors wisely
Colors create a psychological impact on the minds of the customer. Brands need to choose their colors strategically, for the customer to perceive them as designed. Colors can evoke reactions and emotions, and prompt the customers to think and act instantly.
3. Have a flexible design approach
The logos of some of the most iconic brands are flexible enough to evolve over the years. Uncomplicated, simple designs help you distinguish your brand too.
4. Remember the power of the right font
Using the right font makes the logo more versatile and adaptable to the brand or product. Organizations convey their vision and mission through the right font in their logo design.
5. Capture the right emotion
Capturing the right mood or emotion in a logo is vital. Depending on what your brand is, infusing a little wit into the design makes it more fun. This may not apply to every sector, but a specific mood or emotion has a place across various industries. Business is all about people, and hence, emotion is always relevant, regardless of the business.
6. Pay attention to feedback
While working on a logo design, be open to feedback and take time to review your creation. Designers, at times, fail to look at various aspects while working on a logo design. Examples include unintended innuendos, bad design, and poor choice of colors. It’s always prudent to time-check feedback and suggestions from a trusted peer group. The outcome will always be a better one.
Remember that the prime purpose of a logo design is to communicate and create a memorable experience for the end customer. A logo design must clearly define the sector and nature of the business. The significance of the logo design and understanding of various design trends year on year is of utmost importance for designers and brands. You must follow the key tips while designing logos to make a difference.
If you are a beginner and don’t know where to begin, you can use Pepper Content’s top-notch design services to get the kind of logo you desire.
Key Takeaways
● Nostalgia seems to rule the roost in 2022, as far as logo design trends are concerned.
● As a logo designer, you must seek inspiration for your logo designs from different eras and art styles.
● Always remember to capture the right emotion and mood in your logo.
● In order to stay relevant, it is imperative to stay updated on the latest trends in logo design.
Logo design trends keep changing with the times. The logos trending now include retro rubber hose logos. Other logo design trends include scribbles and sketches, white space imagery, and groovy revival, to name a few.
Graphic design trends 2022 is an exciting proposition as it revolves around creative pragmatism. Bold and expressive branding trends are being spoken about a lot this season. Purposeful and intentional design is also emerging as a top trend this year.
Logo design trends for the future include logos in muted color palettes, with asymmetrical layouts being the choice of many brands. Abstract illustrations and 3D typography will rule branding trends in 2022. Bold and simple headline fonts will continue to be a trend in the years ahead. Metallic effects, brand animations, floating/flying elements, and open compositions are some more logo design trends to look out for in 2022.
There are several types of logos that are part of the current logo design trends, and they include pictorial marks, abstract logos, emblems, mascot logos, combination logos, and more. Some popular emblem logos include Harley Davidson and Stella Artois. Starbucks, on the other hand, has had two types of logos. It first had an emblem logo that was changed to a symbol, which is in use currently.
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