Chinese to Frisian Translation

Our tool helps you with your Chinese to Frisian translation needs.

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Why Should You Translate Your Content?

By translating your content into multiple target markets' languages, you can make more sales by appealing to many more consumers.

Reason 1 graphic

Be local, bo vocal

Localizing your content allows you to: Don't be afraid to translate your content into the language of your audience. When you cater to your customer's language, especially if it's their own, you remind them of your home country.

Reason 2 graphic

Speak their language

Quality content writing opportunities are abundant in certain niches, but not so plentiful in others. Leverage yourself by creating a well translated piece of content that may seem translatable but isn't.

Reason 3 graphic

Break barriers

Ultimately, the time you spend learning and researching the differences in translation will pay off.

About Chinese to Frisian Translation Tool

And our app was created with you in mind. It's lightweight, elegant design allows you to use our Chinese translator without ever having to leave the web page you're currently on. Ever. Plus, it's really easy to use.

Google has introduced a new technique to make translation more accurate. The new software is not 100% accurate but it gives you the main idea of what you have written. Although it still has a few flaws, it is heading in the right direction. Although you can't rely on it to translate something entirely, you can try to rephrase sentences, change a few words and still have an idea of what was written. This is because the software is still evolving and improving every day.

Millions of people around the world speak Chinese. They often perceive Chinese as difficult to learn and communicate themselves in a language that they don’t know anything about. A translation app could have been the answer to all their problems but our app does it for free!

Commonly spoken Chinese to Frisian phrases

  • 太贵!

    It is te djoer!

  • 我还没准备好。

    Ik bin der noch net klear foar.

  • 我认为这非常好。

    Ik tink it is hiel goed.

  • 我来接你。

    Ik kom dy ophelje.

  • 我不忙。

    Ik haw it net drok.

  • 我稍后再来。

    Ik kom letter werom.

  • 请再说一遍

    Sis it asjebleaft nochris

  • 我会付钱的。

    Ik sil betelje.

  • 我不会说印地语

    Ik praat net goed Hindi

  • 你好吗?

    Hoe is it mei dy?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Chinese to Frisian Translation Work?

Our translation service uses cutting edge [AI/ML/Cloud/Big_Data/Web/Optimization/eep_Learning/Apps/NLP]  technologies to translate text from Chinese to Frisian. Whenever you type a word, sentence or phrase in Chinese - it sends API requests to Google, Microsoft, or any other machine language system using /eep_Learning - these neural networks make use of deep learning algorithms and AI to improve over time. They take the given text in the source language (Chinese) and translate them into an equivalent version in the target language (Frisian).

Is translation from Chinese to Frisian free

Yes, our content translation tool is absolutely free for use, for both personal and commercial use.

Can we download this Chinese to Frisian translation service?

Unfortunately, at the moment, you can't use this Chinese to Frisian translation tool. You can only use it online.

How fast can this tool translate from Chinese to Frisian online?

Google and Microsoft APIs are embedded into the Chinese to Frisian translation service. The translation is near-instantaneous, thanks to its integration with the two APIs.

How accurate is this tool’s online Chinese to Frisian translation?

Machine translations are useful in helping the reader learn the general content of a message. For example, if you were to translate from Chinese to English, Google Translate (a translation program I use) does this by comparing all the possible combinations from each language’s individual words and phrases to the other languages to match them up with words and phrases that are equal in both languages in order to figure out what they mean and how they came to mean what they do. Computers such as this one use algorithms like this since they need to figure out what words or phrases mean when translated so they can match other words or phrases equal in both languages. For accurate or contextual translation that conveys the same feeling as the original message, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!

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