Dutch to Luxembourgish Translation
The best way to translate Dutch to Luxembourgish
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Making your articles available to foreign language readers by translating them into other languages is a particularly effective way to increase sales and exposure.
Be local, bo vocal
With cultural translation, sharing your words of wisdom with other people via the internet allows you to cross geographical borders, giving you the ability to spread your message internationally.
Speak their language
You'll be able to optimize your content for different audiences, depending on each language.
Break barriers
Considering that almost a third of the web's content is in English, it's crucial to step outside our comfort zones and provide a new perspective into an industry that many don't speak our native tongue.
About Dutch to Luxembourgish Translation Tool
Our Dutch to Luxembourgish translation tool powers Google Translate, which translates your language into another in no more than two seconds. This means that you can type your Luxembourgish onto the left-hand side of our innovative tool and, within a matter of seconds, it will be translated into Dutch for you to read.
Although there have been many improvements in translation applications such as Google Translate, there is still much work to be done to ensure that they are 100% accurate. Eventually, they will be able to make near-perfect translations, but for the time being, they can provide you with an idea of what is being said.
Dutch is a language that is often picked-up by those who need to learn a foreign tongue. There are many people who use the Dutch language as a second language, especially if they are doing business with someone who speaks it over an extended period of time. Therefore, to help people communicate and/or understand spoken Dutch further, we produced an app of our own that can be used to translate Dutch, Luxembourgish, and vice versa through the use of a simple toolbar that can be downloaded and used on any computer, laptop, or mobile device.
Commonly spoken Dutch to Luxembourgish phrases
Tot ziens.
Bis herno.
Excuseer me
Entschëllegt / sorry
Is meneer Smith een Amerikaan?
Ass den Hr. Smith an Amerikaner?
Ik zal betalen.
Ech wäert bezuelen.
Ik weet het niet zeker.
Ech sinn net sécher.
Waag een kans.
Eng Chance notzen.
Ik spreek niet goed Hindi
Ech schwätzen net gutt Hindi
Wees voorzichtig met rijden.
Sief virsiichteg fueren.
Dat is prima.
Dat ass gutt.
Dat is genoeg.
Dat geet duer.
Frequently Asked Questions
In order to get translation from Dutch to Luxembourgish, our system type in a word or a sentence in Dutch and send its API request to Microsoft or Google. In return, these companies send what they believe to be an accurate translated sentence of that text in Luxembourgish.
We provide a FREE translation service for Luxembourgish. As a benefit for using the tool, you get the option to have the translated text fully rewritten by our professional translators. You can use the on-demand rewrite option and there are no limits to using the tool for both personal and commercial use.
Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot download this Dutch to Luxembourgish translation tool on your device.
The Dutch to Luxembourgish translation the service makes use of the Google and Microsoft APIs. It translates in a snap and delivers near real time results.
Machine translations help readers understand the meaning of a message’s contents, like if the request was received in Dutch and the answer is in Luxembourgish. Google Translate and similar programs will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with other words equal in both languages. This way it can figure out what words and phrases mean alter, and thusly provide near accurate translations. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and get your content translated by expert translators!