Dutch to Danish Translation
Looking to translate Dutch to Danish? You're at the best translation tool!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By publishing highly-targeted content in other languages, you can extend your reach to even more consumers and make more sales.
Be local, bo vocal
If you sell products in your country, copy them and translate them into the native language of your primary market. This will make them more appealing to your customers.
Speak their language
Your customers are everywhere. If you want your customers to buy from you, come to you, and refer others to you, you will need to speak in a language that speaks directly to them.
Break barriers
Having content translated into another language is a great way to expand your content from a marketing perspective and create a footprint outside of your native country.
About Dutch to Danish Translation Tool
Many applications for computers, smartphones, and even tablets out there are magical devices that you can use to translate different languages, but this only works for certain languages. Our Dutch to Danish translation tool was made with all language pairs in mind because we think that translations should be available for everyone, everywhere, and at any time.
The translation service for Danish language consists of a tool that provides you with an idea about the context of a sentence when it is applied to another language. You can easily modify the Danish language and still be able to decode the message, even though it is not 100% accurate. In addition, Google is working on the software so it will automatically convert text at the speed of lightning. Although it will take years to make Danish language translation 100% accurate, with a few little tweaks, you can already pretty much understand what the subject says.
Het Nederlands wordt door miljoenen mensen over de hele wereld gesproken. Voor degenen die deze taal niet beheersen, kan het voor hen moeilijk zijn de uitspraak en het betekenis te begrijpen, waarom onze vertaalservice zo belangrijk is. Online instant vertalen is niet gratis, maar wij bieden onze vertaalservice nu voor een speciale prijs aan, omdat wij vinden dat iedereen toegang moet hebben tot deze service. Deze service is er voor degenen die een andere taal willen spreken en bestuderen en
Commonly spoken Dutch to Danish phrases
Dat is het.
Det er det.
Ik heb dorst.
Jeg er tørstig.
Wees voorzichtig met rijden.
Vær forsigtig med at køre.
Waar zijn de toiletten?
Hvor er toiletterne?
Ik heb al gegeten.
Jeg har allerede spist.
Lige her.
Dank u meneer.
Tak hr.
Ik ben getrouwd.
Jeg er gift.
Het spijt me, we zijn uitverkocht.
Jeg beklager, vi er udsolgt.
Hij vindt het erg leuk.
Han kan rigtig godt lide det.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation system is based on a neural net cloud which analyses your sentence in Dutch and keeps improving itself over time. You type in a word or sentence in Dutch - our system cracks the Dutch code using machine learning, NLP and neural nets. By sending your phrases through our servers, we learn how to process the sentences efficiently. We keep strengthening our learning on a cognitive level so that you receive the most accurate translation.
Yes, our translation tool is absolutely free, both for the personal and commercial purpose.
Sadly, at the moment, you cannot use Dutch to Danish translation tool on your device. You can only use it online.
Our Google and Microsoft powered neural network is not only able to carry out near-instantaneous Dutch to Danish translation , but is also multilingual.
Machine translations help you get a general idea of what the message is conveying, such as if you were to translate from Dutch to Danish. Google Translate is a classic example - It uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean both ways around when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. The algorithm matches the possible combinations up with individual words or phrases that makes up both languages so that it can figure out what each word or phrase means when translated. For accurate and contextual translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and get your content translated by expert translators!