Dutch to Basque Translation
The most accurate Dutch to Basque translations. Get the best translation in minutes!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By translating your content into other languages, you can reach out to many more potential consumers by making it available to them in their own language. (67)

Be local, bo vocal
You want to match your customers' needs, not your needs. A translation must meet the linguistic needs of your customers.

Speak their language
If you focus your efforts in translation and localization of your content in other languages, it will positively impact your SEO. You get it? You're helping people, not annoying or agitating them. {We cannot stress this enough.}

Break barriers
If you want to gain a competitive edge against your competitors, the key is to reach your target audience on an individual level in a way that is tailored thoroughly to them.
About Dutch to Basque Translation Tool
Our Dutch to Basque translation tool was made possible by the Google Translation API, which translates your word, phrase, or sentence into another language within seconds. Simply type a word in Dutch on the left-hand text box and click on the "Translate" button below for instant results. Our app then translates your Dutch word, phrase, or sentence into Basque within seconds.
Although Google Translate is not 100% accurate, it will still supply you with an idea about what you want to translate. Also, an old saying that is quite common, ‘Google Translate is more accurate than ever ’. [This has now become true. Google Translate is becoming more accurate day by day. I do not know if it will ever be near perfect but it seems to be heading it that way.]
El pueblo en los países de habla hispana habla castellano. Si no entiendes el idioma, mucho mejor llevarte un traductor bajo el brazo. No lo dudes y descarga nuestra aplicación en tu móvil ahora mismo. Esto te dará ventaja frente a todos los demás.
Commonly spoken Dutch to Basque phrases
Hoeveel is dit?
Zenbat da?
Ik voel mij goed.
Ondo sentitzen naiz.
Dank U wel, mevrouw.
Eskerrik asko andereño.
Ik houd van je.
Maite zaitut.
Ik breng je naar de bushalte.
Autobus geltokira eramango zaitut.
Ik ga vertrekken.
alde egingo dut.
Ik denk dat het goed smaakt.
Uste dut zapore ona duela.
Zie je vanavond.
Gauean ikusi.
Ik wil dat niet.
Ez dut hori nahi.
Ik ben mijn horloge kwijt.
Erlojua galdu nuen.
Frequently Asked Questions
"Our translation service utilizes a highly polished translation platform based on Microsoft or Google neural net technologies (Deep Learning on Google/Microsoft) servers. When we type a word, sentence, or phrase in Dutch - our cloud software will send a request to the machine translation service. This cloud-based service then uses highly advanced neural net algorithms from Google/Microsoft/IBM/Amazon/Facebook to analyse the sentence in the original Dutch text. This cloud service will then return an accurate translation back to us in Basque."
Our content translation to Basque is absolutely FREE. You can use our translation tool for both personal and commercial use.
Unfortunately, at this moment, it can only be used online. You cannot download it to your device.
You can rely on Google and Microsoft's APIs for all your Dutch to Basque language translation needs. You'll get quick and seamless results.
While Google Translate may be a useful tool for understanding a general message, as opposed to an accurate translation, it may not be the right choice for international clients.