Dutch to Afrikaans Translation

Looking to translate from Dutch to Afrikaans? You're at the best translation tool!

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Why Should You Translate Your Content?

By translating your content into multiple languages, you can reach out to a much larger audience by appealing to many more potential customers.

Reason 1 graphic

Be local, bo vocal

If you do not use any words from your customer's language or dialect, it insulates your customer from the real you, and prevents evolution of your brand. This can lead to potentially permanent loss of customers. Translating your content into the language of your customers allows your brand to feel more personable and approachable.

Reason 2 graphic

Speak their language

Using a sentence that is very similar to one in another language will have a better chance of being shared and re-tweeted, giving you more than enough exposure.*

Reason 3 graphic

Break barriers

Your brand is more credible and more trustworthy, allowing your audience to view your business as one of the best in your industry.

About Dutch to Afrikaans Translation Tool

By using our Dutch to Afrikaans translation tool, powered by the Google Translation API, you can now output your translations in a similar format to how you would input them in the Google Translate service. No need to worry about remembering distinct norms for translating a certain language into another. Simply type your desired translation from Dutch to Afrikaans directly into our translation text box on the left side of the page, then click the "Translate" button!

Although Google Translate is not always completely accurate because the translating software itself is still fairly new, it can still do an adequate job of translating 500+ characters from Dutch to Afrikaans language. Additionally, Google engineers are working to make this translation engine more accurate.

One of the most prominent languages spoken in Europe is that of Dutch. While written and officially spoken in Belgian, Dutch is a more widely used language around the world, by approximately 175 million speakers. While Dutch may seem easy to understand then to its English-speaking users, for others it can be very hard to understand. This is why a translator is so important, to translate words and phrases used in Afrikaans into English, or vice versa.

Commonly spoken Dutch to Afrikaans phrases

  • Dat is jammer.

    Dis jammer.

  • Ik ben gelukkig.

    Ek is gelukkig.

  • Oké.


  • Bedankt voor alles.

    Dankie vir alles.

  • Heel erg bedankt.

    Baie dankie.

  • Dank je.


  • Ik heb dorst.

    Ek is dors.

  • Ik ben getrouwd.

    Ek is getroud.

  • Ik houd van je.

    Ek het jou lief.

  • Hoeveel is dit?

    Hoeveel kos dit?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Dutch to Afrikaans Translation Work?

Our translation service uses Microsoft or Google neural net based services to translate text. Whenever you type a word, sentence or phrase in Dutch - the input is sent to the cloud, where it is analysed using AI based on Deep Neural Net systems. Deep Learning on Google/Microsoft/IBM/Amazon/Facebook servers is used to check the text in Dutch - they then return what they think is an accurate translation for that text in Afrikaans.

Is translation from Dutch to Afrikaans free

Yes. Anybody can use it for anything including personal as well as commercial use.

Can we download this Dutch to Afrikaans translation service?

Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot download Dutch to Afrikaans translator on your free time. You have to use it online!

How fast can this tool translate from Dutch to Afrikaans online?

One of the advantages of the MDetect Dutch to Afrikaans Translation service is that it leverages, and taps into, the Google and Microsoft unstructured databases.

How accurate is this tool’s online Dutch to Afrikaans translation?

Machine translations allow readers to get an idea of what a message’s general content is saying, just like if you were to translate from Dutch to Afrikaans. Google Translate — one example — will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages, and then figure out what words and phrases mean when translated, thusly providing near accurate translations. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and get your content translated by expert translators!

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