Croatian to Frisian Translation
Looking to translate from Croatian to Frisian? You're at the right tool!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Apart from increasing your sales numbers, there are additional benefits to publishing content in your target market's language, including:
Be local, bo vocal
Use cultural terms in your original copy instead of your usual building blocks. The only way to fully reach your target market is to learn the culture in which they operate, and then use those roots to connect with your customers over cultural principles instead of language and marketing details.
Speak their language
Not only is a strong readership built, you create a customer loyalty based on a shared language and understanding.
Break barriers
Do your research before writing your content. When you're familiar with what your target audience is looking for, you'll have a better chance of succeeding with your content.
About Croatian to Frisian Translation Tool
Our Croatian to Frisian translation tool enables you to accurately translate content between two different languages! Simply type your Croatian translation within the text box on the left-hand side of the page and click the "Translate" button or the Google icon below. A few seconds later, our app will automatically display your Croatian word, phrase, or sentence translated into Frisian on the right-hand side. If you liked our app, please share it with your friends!
Currently, Google Translate has been in development to describe 500 characters in one sentence from Croatian to Frisian translation. Although this translation is not 100% accurate, it is highly possible to make out the summary. In fact, you can change the words around or eliminate some words and still get the idea at hand! Goole team is spending their time working how to get more accurate and reliable.
Daar wêreld wurdt meh miljoene lieden Sptreekt in die Slaviese taal. De zogein kieze foar ein of 'n Toereg te lernen, is nie enkel gekies Grammer of Letternoamte, maar nog meh mits die faktuur.
Commonly spoken Croatian to Frisian phrases
Ja ću ga uzeti.
Ik sil it nimme.
Mislim da je dobrog okusa.
Ik tink dat it smakket goed.
On je vrlo poznat.
Hy is tige ferneamd.
Izgubio sam sat.
Ik bin myn horloazje kwytrekke.
Kako si?
Hoe is it mei dy?
već sam jeo.
Ik iet al.
Je li to dovoljno?
Is dat genôch?
Vratit ću se kasnije.
Ik kom letter werom.
ja to ne želim.
Ik wol it net.
To je to.
Dat is it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service translates text in Croatian to Frisian by using Microsoft or Google based systems to analyze the input language. Whenever you type a word, sentence or phrase in Croatian, that information is sent to the cloud, where it is analyzed by artificial intelligence. By using artificial intelligence, the text from Croatian is translated into Frisian .
Yes. You can translate content from any language to Frisian absolutely free of cost . You can use our translator tool for both personal as well as commercial needs.:
Unfortunately, at the moment, this Croatian to Frisian translation tool cannot be downloaded on your device. You must use it online.
Croatian to English translations are powered by Google and Microsoft APIs. They are completed in real time.
Google Translate is a great way to get an idea of what a message’s general content is saying, like if you were to translate from Croatian to Frisian. Here’s an example of how it works behind the scenes. Computers known as translation software use algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. The algorithms will compare all the possible combinations against individual words and phrases that make up that language. If you want more accurate or contextual translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!