Basque to Spanish Translation
The most accurate Basque to Spanish translation tool on the internet.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Translating content into other languages ensures you're making sales to customers in other countries and allows you to broaden your overall marketing influence by increasing the number of people you can reach with your content.

Be local, bo vocal
Even if little of your customer base is culturally connected to your localized content, the right message will be much more easily understood than any poorly translated text.

Speak their language
Your content will be read and shared by more people around the world, broadening your audience.

Break barriers
Our content, when translated into another language, will speak to a greater number of users. This increases the odds of increasing our client base.
About Basque to Spanish Translation Tool
Our Basque to Spanish translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API. Simply type your word, phrase, or sentence in Basque in the box on the left-hand side of the screen and press the "Translate Into Spanish" button below. Our tool will instantly translate your text using the Google Translation API into Spanish.
Google Translate is a good online tool that provides a rough conversion from Spanish (or Basque) to English, and it is constantly improving this aspect. Until now, Google Translate is a good tool for converting up to one paragraph of 500 characters from Basque to English (or Spanish), it is not 100% accurate, but you can understand what it is meant to say. Google Translate is also on a mission to create a near perfect translation tool for both languages.
Sa basa eskerik ez genetik. Egunero ainez, egunero ta ekainaren eguna.
Commonly spoken Basque to Spanish phrases
Oraindik ez nago prest.
No estoy listo todavía.
Ez zaitut molestatu nahi.
No quiero molestarte.
Ondo dago.
Eso está bien.
Aquí mismo.
Usain txarra dauka.
Eso huele mal.
Maite zaitut
Te quiero
Ez dakit nola erabili.
No sé cómo usarlo.
Erlojua galdu nuen.
Perdí mi reloj.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses Google's or Microsoft's neural networks to translate text. When you type a word, sentence or phrase in Basque - it sends API requests to Google or Microsoft for a translation. In return, they respond with a translated text in Spanish.
Si! Nuestro método de traducción masiva es Absolutamente Gratis! puede usar nuestros escaneados en Autotraducir para traducir su contenido gratis!
Unfortunately, you cannot download this Basque to Spanish translation tool on your device at this time. You must use it online.
With the Basque to Spanish Translation service from Oré Language Translation, one will not have to wait more than a few seconds for translations to come back. Google and Microsoft APIs drive the speedy service.
Machine translations provide a rough idea of what a sentence is trying to say. One example is translating from Basque to Spanish; Google Translate will work through all the combinations possible compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages. The software uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean target when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!