Basque to Luxembourgish Translation
Translate Basque to Luxembourgish using our best translation tool.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By translating your content into different languages, you can increase your sales by appealing to the new, expanded customer base of the resulting international audience.

Be local, bo vocal
If you want your business to succeed in the long term, you have to tailor your words so that they speak to your customer's culture.

Speak their language
Get your actual message across consistently. There's nothing worse than seeing a brand mention a popular word in every one of their tweets, and then seeing them use a different version in their next tweet in a different language. Proper translation enables your business to be consistent through out.

Break barriers
Although there are many companies that criticise the use of translated content, there are also many companies who praise it. The truth is that, if you want to reach a wider audience with your content, and you want to connect with them, you cannot avoid the use of translated content. Many companies who have a global audience turn to translation agencies to translate their content because they understand how much it can influence their business.
About Basque to Luxembourgish Translation Tool
Our Basque to Luxembourgish translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API. Simply type a word in Basque on the left-hand text box and click on the "Translate" button. Notre outil de traduction via Google Translate adapte instantanément une phrase, une parole ou un mot basque dans votre langue de destination (en l'occurrence l'allemand).
Google Translate is not 100% accurate, but it can provide a basic idea of what you are trying to translate, without too much trouble.
Plus de un million de personnes parlent le basque. Certains ne savent pas comment traduire les mots de basque en français, ou peut-être auraient-ils besoin de connaître le sens d’un mot basque en français. C’est pour cela que notre traducteur interdit d’importation est si important. Le traducteur en ligne peut vous aider à faciliter le téléchargement de mots de basque en français et en français au basque et plus de deux millions de mots et de expressions sont disponibles à la touche de votre doigt! Dans le monde globalisé d’aujourd
Commonly spoken Basque to Luxembourgish phrases
Noizean behin.
Arropa aldatu behar dut.
Ech muss Kleeder änneren.
Maite zaitut
Ech hunn dech gär
Hortxe bertan.
Richteg do.
Barkatu gostea .
Entschëllegt d'Stéierung.
Ondo nago, eta zu?
Ech sinn gutt, an Dir?
Arrazoia du.
Hien huet Recht.
Kontuz ibili.
Sief virsiichteg.
Gauean ikusi.
Bis den Owend.
Ez kezkatu.
Maacht Iech keng Suergen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses Microsoft technologies based on deep learning to translate text. We send requests to Microsoft via their Language Translation API. It is a machine language translation tool that can translate text using artificial intelligence. We use the Microsoft translation service to translate text in Basque - the translation service can translate from one language to another using machine algorithms that learn how to do so. The training is provided by Google, Microsoft, and other companies around the world.
Absolutely! Our translation software is available to anyone and you can use it for any purpose, including personal and commercial use.
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When you need a Basque to Luxembourgish translation, you need it now. We provide all of our services on-demand and rely on Google and Microsoft APIs for fast results.
Machine translations help give off the general idea of what a sentence is trying to say, such as if you were to translate from Basque to Luxembourgish. One example, Google Translate, will take into account the possible combinations of words and phrases that make up the given languages and match them up with other words and phrases in both languages. Track the combinations and it provides near accurate translations. For more accurate and contextual translations, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!