Basque to Kyrgyz Translation

Looking to translate from Basque to Kyrgyz? You're at the right translation tool!

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Why Should You Translate Your Content?

Marketers who translate their content into their target culture's language can reach new buyers by opening up their content to those who are not familiar with the language it was originally written in.

Reason 1 graphic

Be local, bo vocal

If you change the words in your content to your local dialect or language, your audience will more easily be able to understand the meaning behind your words. Such translation will improve your credibility as a business and make you a more trustworthy business partner, as they will feel they are "in the know" with your company.

Reason 2 graphic

Speak their language

You'll save money by avoiding having to hire an interpreter for your sales presentations. The affinity your translated content creates with your target audience will make you appear knowledgeable, wise, and trustworthy.

Reason 3 graphic

Break barriers

Increase your brand name recognition by utilizing language that is spoken by the majority of the people in your industry.

About Basque to Kyrgyz Translation Tool

Our Basque to Kyrgyz translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API. Simply type a word in Basque on the left-hand text box and click on the "Translate" button. Our app then translates your Basque word, phrase, or sentence into Kyrgyz within seconds.

Although Google Translate has not yet perfected Kyrgyz translation, it can still offer you a fair idea of what the sentence is trying to say. The word ‘yet’ means ‘so far but not any longer’ and is a fairly commonly used word, thus making this translation more informal and conversational.

The Basque language is one of the oldest in the world. Today you can learn Basque online or even find Basque courses online in which to enroll (and gain access to our online translator). Millions of people around the world speak this language, but this isn’t to say they all know how to use it to communicate and feel comfortable enough with the language to be able to translate or accurately express themselves without embarrassment.

Commonly spoken Basque to Kyrgyz phrases

  • Zelan zaude?


  • Non daude komunak?

    Дааратканалар кайда?

  • Smith jauna amerikarra al da?

    мырзабы? Смит америкалыкпы?

  • Ez zaitut molestatu nahi.

    Мен сени убара кылгым келбейт.

  • Ez dut oso ondo hitz egiten.

    Мен анча жакшы сүйлөбөйм.

  • Oso ona dela uste dut.

    Мен бул абдан жакшы деп ойлойм.

  • Pozik nago.

    мен бактылуумун.

  • Barkatu, agortuta gaude.

    Кечиресиз, биз сатылып кеттик.

  • Mesedez, idatzi .

    Сураныч жазып койгула.

  • Ondo sentitzen naiz.

    Мен жакшы сезип.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Basque to Kyrgyz Translation Work?

Machine translation is done by using Microsoft, Google, IBM and Amazon servers. We send your input text to their translation systems and they process the text, returning an answer in Kyrgyz. Their machine translation software uses cutting-edge deep learning techniques, neural networks and machine-learning for a more accurate translation than ever before.

Is translation from Basque to Kyrgyz free

Of course our online translation tool is 100% free. Use it for whatever you need it for and we won't impose any restrictions on you.

Can we download this Basque to Kyrgyz translation service?

Unfortuenately, at the moment, you cannot download this Basque to Kyrgyz translation tool on your computer. You must use it online.

How fast can this tool translate from Basque to Kyrgyz online?

Basque to Kyrgyz translation is powered by Google and Microsoft APIs. You will receive very quick results.

How accurate is this tool’s online Basque to Kyrgyz translation?

Machine translations are useful in understanding the general concept of a sentence, as if translated from Basque to Kyrgyz. An online translation website like Google Translate will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with other words equal in both languages. The translation software uses algorithms like this, since it needs to figure out what words mean both ways around when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. For more, visit Pepper Content’s language services website ( and request expert translations from professional language services providers!

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