Basque to Kazakh Translation
Looking for the best Basque to Kazakh translation online? Look no further, the fastest and most accurate Basque to Kazakh translator is here.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By translating your content into another language, you can expose more consumers to your company, products and services.

Be local, bo vocal
Localization allows you to publish content that is relevant to your local market.

Speak their language
Being lost in translation is never a good thing, especially when it pertains to the nuances of your business. The difference between a professional translation and a self translation lies within the little details, the fine nuances that you can't always find a way to explain to someone else. Instead of opting for a self translation, invest in a professional translation service.

Break barriers
Instead of using translation software to translate your content, you're using translation software to ultimately rank higher in the search engines. Therefore, you're more likely to get more clicks to your site.
About Basque to Kazakh Translation Tool
Get easy access to any of our available language pairs through the side navigation menu below - your translation awaits!
Өнөр албаны шахсрар-шуудан Ағаш дорууга авчирдаг. Ағаш чулуу чулуунаас үзмөтөрөөс ээлээд буй ард чадсанд байгууламжтай ыртыла. Аймагын бага бүт
Millions of people around the world speak Basque. Whereas this might be a familiar language to those who’ve taken it up as a second language, others may be intimidated by it and find it hard to speak. This is why our mobile translator is so useful. Our mobile translator can allow you to translate from English into Basque, and vice versa with millions of different words and phrases available at one’s fingertips at no cost! As the world becomes more and more connected with the information age, we feel that the ability to communicate with those from any background from anywhere in the world will become increasingly significant. For this reason, we believe it is important to provide a free service that facilitates the exchange of information throughout our global community, and to do so for the benefit of everyone worldwide.
Commonly spoken Basque to Kazakh phrases
Zelan zaude?
Oraindik ez nago prest.
Мен әлі дайын емеспін.
Egarri naiz.
Мен шөлдедім.
Eskerrik asko jauna.
Рахмет, сэр.
Ez dut ondo hitz egiten hindia
Мен хинди тілінде жақсы сөйлей алмаймын
Barkatu, agortuta gaude.
Кешіріңіз, біз сатылып кеттік.
Oso ona dela uste dut.
Менің ойымша, бұл өте жақсы.
Zein da zure izena?
Сенің атың кім?
Kontuz gidatzen.
Көлікті абайлаңыз.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses cloud based machine learning to translate text in Basque. When you type a word, sentence or phrase in Basque - it will send API requests to Google or Microsoft servers; the translation server fetches the Basque text, analyses it using neural nets, and then translates it into Kazakh. We use Google/Microsoft deep neural nets to translate text.
Yes! We provide our translation tool for free. The tool can be used by anyone, both personally or commercially.
Unfortunately, at this moment, you must use this tool online for Basque to Kazakh translation. It cannot be downloaded on your device.
Basque to Kazakh Translation relies on Google and Microsoft APIs. It is fast and accurate; translations are realized in literally a snap.
Machine translations allow users get a basic idea of what a sentence is trying to convey. For example, if you were to translate from Basque to Kazakh, an online translator like Google Translate will be going through all the possible combinations compared to the individual words and phrases that make up that language. The translation software uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. For accurate and contextual translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!