Basque to Icelandic Translation
Get the most reliable Basque to Icelandic translation tool on the internet.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Translation of your content allows you to make your product available to a new customer base that speaks another language.

Be local, bo vocal
Make your content relatable and natural to the local audience with the use of language translation and content translation. Your customers will appreciate its originality and authenticity.

Speak their language
Technology has made it quite cheap to host web pages and forums for that matter. If you want to attract foreign online traffic to your site and increase your readership, you must take the language barrier into consideration and translate your content into their native language. If you do not, you are basically cutting off the entire non-English speaking population from your site.

Break barriers
By using these techniques, you will increase the odds of greater returns on financial investment (ROI).
About Basque to Icelandic Translation Tool
Our app makes translating between two different languages a breeze. No matter what you need to translate, the Google Translation API will help you do it. With just a few clicks of your mouse, a whole new world of opportunities and possibilities will be opened to you.
Google Translate has been developed to translate up to 500 characters from Icelandic to Welsh translation and vice versa. Although this is not an 100% translation, you can understand what it is trying to say. You can change a few phrases around or omit portions of words and still get the general idea of what is being said! It will evolve more intelligently with time. But don't hold your breath!
Thousands of people around the world speak Basque. Those unfamiliar with the language may perceive it as hard to learn, but our free online translator allows you to easily convert Basque phrases into another language or vice versa!
Commonly spoken Basque to Icelandic phrases
Mokadutxo bat besterik ez dut nahi.
Mig langar bara í snakk.
Oso famatua da.
Hann er mjög frægur.
Maite zaitut.
Ég elska þig.
Zenbat da?
Hversu mikið er þetta?
Oraindik ez nago prest.
Ég er ekki tilbúinn ennþá.
Mesedez, bete inprimaki hau.
Vinsamlegast fylltu út þetta eyðublað.
Ondo dago.
Það er allt í lagi.
Ondo da.
Það er í lagi.
Mesedez, esan berriro
Endilega segðu það aftur
Garestiegia da!
Það er of dýrt!
Frequently Asked Questions
We translate sentences in Basque or Icelandic text using Microsoft or Google Machine Translation services developed for the task of translating natural-language sentences. Whenever you type a sentence (in Basque) into the input box - we send it to the cloud where it is analysed by the Google or Microsoft Deep Learning NN (neural network) systems. Their system analyses the sentence and returns what they think is a highly accurate translation (in Icelandic) of the sentence in Basque.
Yes, our content translation to Icelandic is ABSOLUTELY FREE. You can use our translation tool without any restrictions or charges.
Unfortunately, you cannot download Basque to Icelandic translation tool on your device at this moment. You must use it online.
The tool translates Basque to Icelandic in a snap, with translations taking place near instantaneously via our integration with Google and Microsoft APIs.
Machine translations help readers get an idea of the general topic of a written work. Google Translate does this when translating from Basque to Icelandic and vice versa. It will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with other words equal in both languages. Translators on Pepper Content’s language services use algorithms like this since they need to figure out what words mean both ways around when translated so they can match them up with other words equal in both languages. If you want accurate or better contextual translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!