Basque to Frisian Translation
Get the best Basque to Frisian translation tool in the world!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
If you want to increase your sales by maximizing your content's reach to many potential customers, translate your content into multiple languages, and make it available to everyone.

Be local, bo vocal
If you rely on European business, English speakers, you might find quality on a cheap translation site to be insufficient. Use the right words and connect culturally by translating your content into the language that your customer speaks.

Speak their language
Content that is translated will reach a wider audience and therefore help your business to flourish and expand.

Break barriers
As the saying goes, "you can't attract something with nothing." If you don't provide potential customers with content that they're interested in, they won't be interested in purchasing from you.
About Basque to Frisian Translation Tool
Please note that while our Basque to Frisian translation tool is useful for those who know Basque and Frisian, it is not the greatest tool for those who are not familiar with both languages. Rather, those who know both languages are more likely to obtain more accurate results. Nevertheless, for those who do not know either language, our app can still come in handy for a few laughs or attempts at translating words that you might find in a newspaper or magazine.
This translator is not 100% accurate as any new piece of software will have its flaws. Also, more research has to be carried out to make a near-perfect translation. This is the ideal sentence to use if you wish to highlight the drawbacks and benefits the software has. Maybe the best option is to use a few of the phrases here.
Millones de personas a lo largo y ancho del planeta hablan basque. Para aquellos que analizan esta lengua podría ser un poco complejo, esto se debe a que no pueden entender el significado del lenguaje. Esto se soluciona dando acceso a una aplicación móvil salva-vidas, que en este caso es nuestra, si logramos ofrecer un dominio completo, donde todos los lectores pueden conseguir una respuesta logramos la misión.
Commonly spoken Basque to Frisian phrases
Barkatu gostea .
Sorry dat ik dy hindere.
Autobus geltokira eramango zaitut.
Ik bring dy nei de bushalte.
Eskerrik asko
Ez nago lanpetuta.
Ik haw it net drok.
Amerikarra naiz.
Ik bin in Amerikaan.
Bihar arte.
Oant moarn.
Barkatu, agortuta gaude.
It spyt my, wy binne útferkocht.
Fertel ris.
Paseo bat ematera joan nahiko nuke.
Ik wol graach kuierje.
Gose naiz.
Ik haw honger.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses Microsoft servers to translate text. When you type a word, sentence or phrase in Basque - we send a request to the Microsoft machine translation server. Microsoft will send us a possible translation to Frisian. The translation will often require edits to get it as good as possible. In most cases though - the first translation returned will be accurate.
Absolutely! Our translating tool is 100% Free and we have absolutely no restrictions in using our machine translation software. You can use our translating service to get your content translated FREELY!
Unfortunately, you cannot download Basque to Frisian translation tool on your device. You must use it online.
The Basque to Frisian translation service relies on Google and Microsoft APIs. The service is near-instant and returns near real time results.
Machine translations are useful in allowing readers to get an idea of what a message’s general content is saying, such as in translating from Basque to Frisian. Google Translate —an online translation website—will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with other words equal in both languages. This way it can figure out what words and phrases mean alter, and thusly provide near accurate translations. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!