Danish to Welsh Translation
Looking to translate from Danish to Welsh? You're at the best translation tool!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By publishing your content in the languages of your target audience, you will be able to sell more effectively on a worldwide basis.

Be local, bo vocal
If you are interested in entering into a new culture, you should take into context the culture of your potential customers. The language should reflect the content and needs of all cultures.

Speak their language
You will also gain an edge over your competitors who will be using English to communicate with customers in their native tongues. These customers may not be able to tell which products are better, but the companies with better translated copy will have a higher chance of being noticed than those who have not bothered with the extra effort of translating their content.

Break barriers
Your content can be more easily shared on social media, and more easily shared within the community where your target readers reside.
About Danish to Welsh Translation Tool
Our Danish to Welsh translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API. Simply type a word in Danish on the left-hand text box and click on the "Translate" button. Our app then translates your Danish word, phrase, or sentence into Welsh within seconds.
Currently, Google is working on ways to improve Google Translate so that it can translate more languages and so that these translations are more accurate. However, it is difficult to master a language. Google Translate has been working on three parts, the first part of Google Translate is to make sure it can interpret how you want to say something in Welsh, then Google Translate works to make sure that Welsh words are being used as opposed to Danish ones. Lastly, it tries to make sense of how the Danish grammar works in relation to the Welsh language.
Dansk er en kendt sprog. For mange personer, der taler andre sprog, kan synet af ord og tegn, der udgør dette sprog, være fremmed og sær. Har du alligevel tænkt, at dette er et billigt sprog, kan du bruge vores online oversættelser og lære at tale og skrive det lettere og rart. Du vil ikke behøve at betale nogen penge, og det vil være meget lettere at studere.
Commonly spoken Danish to Welsh phrases
Jeg har det godt.
Rwy'n teimlo'n dda.
Jeg er ikke klar endnu.
Dydw i ddim yn barod eto.
Jeg forstår det ikke.
Dw i ddim yn deall.
Jeg har ikke travlt.
Dydw i ddim yn brysur.
Han kommer snart.
Mae'n dod yn fuan.
Tak hr.
Diolch Syr.
Tag en chance.
Cymerwch siawns.
Jeg er gift.
Rwy'n briod.
Hvis du har brug for min hjælp, så lad mig det vide.
Os oes angen fy help arnoch, rhowch wybod i mi.
Fortæl mig.
Dywedwch wrthyf.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses Google or Microsoft trained machine learning to translate text. Whenever you type a word, sentence or phrase in Danish - we send out an API request to Google or Microsoft, who then return a string of text in Welsh. Their system uses Machine Language to bring together cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, eep Learning), Big Data, web APIs, Cloud Computing, etc. to provide higher quality translations.
FREE is our specialty too, so of course we don't have any restrictions or bans towards using our tools for both personal as well as commercial use!
Unfortunately, at this moment, you can only use Danish to Welsh translation tool online. You cannot download it.:
The Danish to Welsh translation service runs on Google and Microsoft APIs. The translation takes place nearly instantaneously.
Machine translations allow readers to get a general idea of what the content is conveying. For example, if you were to translate from Danish to Welsh, a search engine that translates unknown languages would be going through every possible combination compared to the individual words and phrases that make up that language. The computer would compare this to the possible combinations before choosing an accurate translation of the phrase. For highly accurate content or a more thorough understanding, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and see if your content requires attention from expert translators.