Danish to Sundanese Translation
Translate your Danish documents to Sundanese. Our service is fast and accurate.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
To reach a wider audience, try translating your content into other target markets' languages.

Be local, bo vocal
A language is a dialect with an army, navy, and air force.

Speak their language
It's like the difference between eating at a restaurant near your house and one that's far out. When a reader finds your content to be relatable, he/she will be more inclined to stay longer at your site, and that's a good thing.

Break barriers
Your writing will become more concise , concise and to the point, which is the best way to get your point across - saving you time and energy in the end.
About Danish to Sundanese Translation Tool
We hope this tool is helpful and that it will save you time, but we can't guarantee any level of accuracy in the results. If you'd like to remove the Google Translation API from the text box, click here. We leave the tool powered by the Google Translation API for all to use, but we can't control how this tool is used, and we aren't responsible for any content that is translated with our app, Google Translate. We do, however, welcome any comment/suggestion/feedback that you may have and will do our best to fix any issue or error that you may find. Thank you for using our Danish to Sundanese translation tool!
Although, Google at the moment has been evolved to a point where it is capable of translating 500 characters in one go. Although this is not 100% accurate, it will be able to provide you, the reader, with a vague idea as to what the original text might have meant. Google Translate, as mentioned above, is in the process of evolving to become more intelligent and accurate over the years. Currently, the Google team is working on ways for Google Translate (and all comparable software) to become more accurate and reliable over time.
IIRC there are about 1,020,000 active Danish language speakers worldwide, and about 1,93,000,000 people who are familiar with Danish. So this could be an international language, it's almost like a mix of Dutch and German.
Commonly spoken Danish to Sundanese phrases
Jeg er sulten.
Abdi lapar.
Kan jeg veksle penge?
Dupi abdi tiasa ngarobah duit?
Han har ret.
Anjeunna leres.
Vi ses i morgen.
Pendak deui énjing.
Hvordan har du det?
Kumaha damang?
Jeg er gift.
Abdi atos nikah.
Vær forsigtig.
Jeg har fri fra arbejde kl 6.
Abdi angkat ti padamelan tabuh 6.
Jeg har allerede spist.
Kuring geus dahar.
Jeg forstår det ikke
Abdi henteu ngartos
Frequently Asked Questions
We translate text using neural net based systems like Google and Microsoft services. We use cutting-edge technology like neural networks on cloud servers to process the text you enter - the neural net neural networks check the text in Danish (you enter). It then translates that text via text to Sundanese. The advantage of Google/Microsoft services is that they are constantly being improved - but we cannot easily use our own machines to do the translation because they are too complex to tune and not good enough for our service.
Yes, our automated translation tool is absolutely free, no matter if you want to change it to Sundanese or other languages!
Do you have any tips for learning Danish through Sundanese?
There's a Danish-Sundanese translator. It relies on Google and Microsoft APIs. The service delivers translations in an instant .
Machine translations help people get a rough idea of what a sentence says, just like translating from Danish to Sundanese with the online machine Google Translate. Google Translate uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean both ways around when translated so it can match up with other words equal in both languages. The algorithm will compare all the possible combinations against individual words and phrases that make up that language. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and get your content translated by expert translators!