Danish to German Translation
Get the most reliable Danish to German translation tool on the internet.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Translating your website's content into another language will enable you to reach a larger base of customers by appealing to a diverse range of cultures, which may increase your future sales.

Be local, bo vocal
Using the correct words to convey a specific idea will help you to form a better connection with the customers in your target market.

Speak their language
Your readers will be more amenable to purchasing products that they understand and find easier to navigate through.

Break barriers
It’s not just speaking the native language that is important, but making sure to use appropriate words, sentence structures, and patterns that allow your audience to relate to your product or service.
About Danish to German Translation Tool
In order to incorporate Google Translate's Danish to German translation tool into this website, we first had to make sure that Google Translate properly recognized both of the languages. Once we did, we set up our tool so that it utilized Google Translate's Danish to German translation service. Simple, transparent, and all encompassing.
Google Translate has become quite intelligent and can be used with great ease these days. You can easily translate up to 500 characters in one go. Although this may not be 100% accurate, you can still get a catch at the general idea of what it is trying to say. The engineering team at Google is working hard on this to improve its accuracy and make it more intelligent over time. Soon, it should be able to produce near-perfect translation!
Il y a plus d'un million de personnes dans le monde qui parlent le danois. Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas le danois, il peut être difficile de comprendre ce qu'ils disent. C'est pourquoi une appli de traduction comme la notre sera si pertinente. Alors que de nombreux sites Internet vous proposent de traduire le danois dans d'autres langues comme le allemand pour quelques dollars, nous pensons que des mots et des phrases les plus utilisés ne devraient pas être quelque chose que vous avez à payer. Cette véritable raison de notre appli, c'est qu
Commonly spoken Danish to German phrases
Det er for dyrt!
Es ist zu teuer!
tak skal du have
Vielen Dank
Jeg elsker dig
Ich liebe dich
Alting er klar.
Alles ist bereit.
Jeg er ikke sikker.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher.
Det ser godt ud.
Das sieht gut aus.
Tak for alt.
Danke für alles.
Jeg taler ikke særlig godt.
Ich spreche nicht sehr gut.
Jeg skal hjem.
Ich muss nach Hause.
Jeg har ikke travlt.
Ich bin nicht beschäftigt.
Frequently Asked Questions
We have created a Neural Network Machine Language service that translates text. These Neural Network Machines take your input in Danish, recognise patterns, and output written text in German, English, etc. They use advanced technology on the cloud such as AI based on Deep Learning (neural nets and learning machines).
Absolutely, our content translation to German is FREE. You can use our free automated translation tool for whatever you need it for, including personal or commercial use.
Unfortunately, at the moment, it can only be used online. You cannot download on your device.
The Danish to German translation is done with the help of Google and Microsoft APIs. The results are nearly instant.
Machine translations help you understand the general idea about a piece. For example, to translate from Danish to German, a website by name of Google Translate in its functionality will go through all the possible combinations to equalize key phrases with the same number of words in both languages, etc. The algorithm uses computers because it needs to figure out the right combination of words, phrases, etc. so it can match up the words and phrases that are equal in both languages. If you want accurate and contextual translation, visit Pepper Content (https://www.peppercontent.io/translation-services/) and have your content translated by professionals.