Catalan to Galician Translation
Translate Catalan to Galician in only a few seconds with our most accurate translation tool!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Always be willing to translate your content into other languages and make it available to those customers who do not speak English as their first language.

Be local, bo vocal
Translate content to ensure that your audience understands and can connect with your product or services. Tailored to their unique language, your business will be able to reach out to a larger audience, increasing its profit and success.

Speak their language
You will remain popular in your niche and become a thought leader.

Break barriers
Translating your content is something that you need to do. If you don't, you will be left in the dust and your competitors will continue to dominate the market.
About Catalan to Galician Translation Tool
So what are you waiting for?
Google Translate (or any similar software) does not work on par with a translator such as myself, who has honed the skills for many years and specializes in one particular language. However, I think it does work pretty well if you are in a rush. The first trick is to not be too perturbed by the errors. If you understand the meaning then you can pretty much figure out what is being said. To be honest I think Google Translate is pretty dumb in comparison to what it could be in the future so I hope they make it more efficient.
Millions of people around the world speak Catalan. For those who are inexperienced with the language, understanding it can be difficult. A translation app such as ours allows you to translate commonly used words and phrases quickly and easily, free of charge. This is the true purpose of this tool, to allow you to communicate, informally in Catalan or at least understand Spanish well.
Commonly spoken Catalan to Galician phrases
Ho sé.
No et preocupis.
Non te preocupes.
Crec que té bon gust.
Creo que sabe ben.
M'agradaria anar a passejar.
Gustaríame ir dar un paseo.
Això està bé.
Está ben.
No parlo bé l'hindi
Non falo ben o hindi
No sé com utilitzar-lo.
Non sei como usalo.
Té raó.
Ten razón.
No ho vull.
Non o quero.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses machine learning and deep learning to translate your text. Each time we send a piece of text in Catalan to the web to be translated into Galician - it is analysed by one of the cloud services such as those offered by Google or Microsoft; those services use advanced neural net systems and artificial intelligence to translate the text. It then returns back a blindly selected reply to you in the target language (Galician).
Absolutely! Our translation tool is FREE and we don't impose restrictions for using it. You can use our translation software to get your content translated for free.
Unfortunately, at the moment, this translator is only available online. You cannot download it on your device.:
The Catalan to Galician translation tool runs on the basis of Google and Microsoft APIs, allowing a near-instantaneous translation, with little latency.
Machine translations allow readers to grasp a general understanding of what the message is conveying, such as if you were to translate from Catalan to Galician. Google Translate — in which computers go through all the possible combinations compared to the individual words and phrases that make up that language and match it with other words equal in both languages — works through algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean alter when translated. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!