Catalan to Frisian Translation
Fast and accurate Catalan to Frisian translation tool.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Make more potential sales by translating your content into other languages and targeting new language markets.
Be local, bo vocal
When words are changed to a different language, they usually change their meanings too. Cultural differences, social conventions and linguistic distinctions between languages lead to a lot of discrepancies in the messages delivered. Make sure to communicate on the same page with your international market. Localizing helps in eliminating these misunderstandings.
Speak their language
Telling your story to everyone using their native language will grow your readership quicker and easier than using a translator.
Break barriers
Companies who translate their content typically see a higher click-through rate and, ultimately, an increase in sales.
About Catalan to Frisian Translation Tool
Our Catalan to Frisian translation tool takes content from either a page on the web or an online document and translates it into another language. All you have to do is choose your language pair from the tabs located above the text box on the left-hand side of the page and begin typing.
Though Google Translate is not 100% accurate and not all of the technology has evolved to that point just yet, Google's engineers are working hard to make sure that translations will be as accurate and reliable as possible. When you consider that computer translators were once considered "silly, toy things" it is pretty amazing how far we have come!
Millions of speakers around the world utilize Catalan. As a second language, Catalan can often be understood easily by others. Conveying this same sense of familiarity to those learning the language can often be difficult. However, with an app like ours it is easy to help everyone - regardless of location, background, ethnicity or creed - communicate more effectively with those who use Catalan as a second language. For those who learn other languages, it can be difficult to find a free and simple means of translating between the ones they know and languages they don’t. This is the approach we’ve taken to make language learning easier for you.
Commonly spoken Catalan to Frisian phrases
No ho entenc.
Ik befetsje it net.
Estic content.
Ik bin gelokkich.
Com va la feina?
Hoe giet it mei it wurk?
No et puc escoltar.
Ik kin dy net hearre.
Just allà.
Krekt dêr.
Això és.
Dat is it.
Tothom ho sap.
Elkenien wit it.
Disculpeu / Ho sento
Ekskús my / Sorry
No estic ocupat.
Ik haw it net drok.
Sóc americà.
Ik bin in Amerikaan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses neural networks to translate text. When you type a word, sentence, or phrase in Catalan, we send it over to Google's servers, where it is analysed by a neural network, and the response from Google's cloud is the Frisian translation of your text.
That's right! For FREE you can use our machine translation service that is available in over 80 languages.
Unfortunately, at the moment, you only can use this translation tool online. You can't download it on your device.
It is now possible to translate Catalan to Frisian thanks to our integration with Google and Microsoft APIs.
Translations must be manually checked for accuracy, correct punctuation, clarity, and other features. Although a computer program can provide a rough idea of what a sentence means, a human translator and editor will take on the task of ensuring the sentence is accurate and provides the most contextually appropriate message. If you need a full translation service, start a conversation with Pepper Content to get started.