Catalan to English Translation
The best Catalan to English translator on the Internet.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
Be local, bo vocal
Your customers are people; give them the same treatment that you would give another person.
Speak their language
You will establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and a content machine to be reckoned with.
Break barriers
Creating content in a different language opens up your audience to a new market, which also increases business.
About Catalan to English Translation Tool
Our Catalan to English translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API, making it easier than ever to translate content between two different languages. All you have to do is type your translation along with your language pair in our innovative text box on the left-hand side of the page, and within seconds our tool will give you the English translation.
Google translate can be inaccurate. The translations are incorrect sometimes and you have to know some Catalan to be able to change the translations where they are wrong. Google translate is not always correct but still you can get a rough idea of what it's trying to say. In fact, you can change the wrong words around a little or even leave a few words out of sentences and still get the general idea. Google translate will hopefully change in the future and become more accurate but for now you just have to live with inaccuracies. Google translate has been evolving in recent years and the prospect of Google translating lists of words and phrases in the future is exciting. This can revolutionize effective communication between countries, big and small.
Millions of people around the world speak Catalan. Those who do not understand Catalan often believe that it is easier to speak or communicate with other people who can speak the language due to how difficult it can be to understand just what someone is saying if they do not speak the language fluently. Our translation app is there to allow everyone to have the same communication advantages when speaking, whether from written words in Catalan to translated English or from spoken English to written Catalan. If a person has the ability to speak another language then all others in their surrounding area should have the ability to understand and converse in full sentences freely as well, whether that be in written or spoken form.
Commonly spoken Catalan to English phrases
Espero que tu i la teva dona tinguis un bon viatge.
I hope you and your wife have a nice trip.
Estic casat.
I'm married.
És suficient.
That's enough.
Si us plau, torneu-ho a dir
Please say it again
Ja he menjat.
I ate already.
Això és correcte.
That's right.
Tinc mal de cap.
I have a headache.
Tornaré més tard.
I'll come back later.
Crec que té bon gust.
I think it tastes good.
Ho sento, estem exhaurits.
I'm sorry, we're sold out.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service takes an image's pixels, passes them through a neural network, and then tries to guess what object is in the picture.
Absolutely! Our content translation to English will never have any additional or hidden costs. You can freely use our content translation tool for your personal as well as commercial use!
Unfortunately, you can only use this translation tool online. You cannot download it on your device.
The translation service is augmented by Google and Microsoft APIs. The results are near real time.
Machine translations help readers understand the general idea a piece of content is conveying — like a sentence. If you were to translate from Catalan to English, use Google Translate as an example. Google Translate will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with other words equal in both languages. This way it can figure out what words and phrases mean when translated, so the algorithm can match up to other words and phrases in the same language. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!