Bosnian to Norwegian Translation

Our Bosnian to Norwegian translation tool is ideal for instant Bosnian to Norwegian translation.

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Why Should You Translate Your Content?

Your choice of languages should be made keeping in mind your target market's vocabulary and grammar skills.

Reason 1 graphic

Be local, bo vocal

A simple and effective way to build your brand culturally is through language. There are two levels at which to market your brand. The first is your tone and word choice, the second is language translation.

Reason 2 graphic

Speak their language

Content translated into another language can reach many more people than if it were left in one language alone.

Reason 3 graphic

Break barriers

You can reach a wider range of people through your content. You can create conversation where it's not possible otherwise, which can lead to greater opportunities than you could have initially expected.

About Bosnian to Norwegian Translation Tool

If you are in a hurry, or need to translate Bosnian to another language that requires you to be more direct, you can do it with our Bosnian to Norwegian dictionary below. Simply type what you're trying to say in Bosnian into the text box on the left and use your arrow keys to navigate to the Norwegian word you want to see. There are thousands of words in our dictionary, and each word has been translated from Bosnian to Norwegian and back again so you can get the most accurate definition possible. Touching your screen will bring up the word's definitions in Norwegian, while pressing on the word will give you its definition in Bosnian.

Although Google translation app is not 100% accurate there are portions of speech in the language it can still translate without too much hassle. Google translate is becoming more intelligent with time and in the near future it is going to be almost perfect! In fact Google is working on the way that translate apps should work by making them more intelligent.

Our online translator allows users to translate both ways between Bosnian and English, while also providing over a million words or phrases in Bosnian, spoken and written. In today's digital world, it is more crucial than ever that we offer a free service to those who need it. We believe that language should be accessible to more than just those of a specific background and is not a tool to be limited in usage.

Commonly spoken Bosnian to Norwegian phrases

  • Mogu li promijeniti novac?

    Kan jeg bytte penger?

  • Požuri!

    Skynde deg!

  • To je u redu.

    Det er greit.

  • Molim te pričaj sporije

    Snakk sakte er du snill

  • Govoriš li engleski?

    Snakker du engelsk?

  • To je previše.

    Det er for mange.

  • Moram ići kući.

    Jeg må hjem.

  • Nazvat ću te kad odem.

    Jeg ringer deg når jeg drar.

  • Jako mu se sviđa.

    Han liker det veldig godt.

  • Ja ću platiti.

    Jeg vil betale.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Bosnian to Norwegian Translation Work?

Our translation service uses AI to translate text - whenever you type something into our system, the Bosnian text is sent to Microsoft, Google, or IBM servers where they can compare it to the Norwegian text, and try to match the highest rated translation for each word or phrase. These AI based services use deep learning neural network systems on the cloud; these systems are trained using statistical machine learning (that is, data from millions of previously translated examples is used to train it). Translation based on NLP (Natural Language Processing) and natural language understanding is then used to check the text in Bosnian - they then return what they think is an accurate translation for that text in Norwegian.

Is translation from Bosnian to Norwegian free

Yes, you can make use of our translation software for FREE. Our software does not impose any restrictions for both personal and commercial use.

Can we download this Bosnian to Norwegian translation service?

Unfortunately, it can still only be used online. You cannot download it.

How fast can this tool translate from Bosnian to Norwegian online?

The Bosnian to Norwegian translation service relies on the Google and Microsoft APIs. Our close integration with these platforms results in near-instantaneous translation results.

How accurate is this tool’s online Bosnian to Norwegian translation?

Machine translations help a reader get a general idea of what the sentence/message is saying, such as if you were to translate from Bosnian to Norwegian. Google Translate, though it isn’t the best, is a good example of how computer systems translate. A computer will use algorithms and compare any possible combination of words and phrases within both languages. The algorithm has to figure out what words mean when translating so it can match them up with other words equal in both languages. If you want better translations, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!

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