Bosnian to Malagasy Translation
Want to translate Bosnian to Malagasy? This tool is the fastest way to do so.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By reaching out to a wider customer base and reaching them in their native language, you increase your chances of making an additional sale.

Be local, bo vocal
Use targeted words connected to your demographic, resulting in a more effective translation and a more effective brand. Communicate with your market in a way that it understands, for a more effective marketing campaign.

Speak their language
Your content is more likely to be shared, becoming a topic of discussion for groups of people.

Break barriers
Whenever we see something or read something in another language that is a piece of garbage, it leaves us wondering; what the author was thinking when writing it?
About Bosnian to Malagasy Translation Tool
If you're into translation, then try out our translation app! The Google Translation API allows you to translate your phrase, sentence, or any other text into another language within a few seconds - try it out for yourself!
Taqob: “Google has developed a translation program as part of its technologies in building the Malagasy language keyboard. Now, Malagasy can have easy access to Google Translate app. It usually takes around 500 characters to translate from Bosnian to Malagasy and 500 characters to get the translation from Malagasy to Bosnian. However, the accuracy of ones Google translation might not be 100% accurate, but still allows you to get a basic idea of what is being said. Google will continue to develop more accurate translation they can provide us with more reliable translations.
Je preko miliona ljudi na Zemlji koji govore Bošnjački. Za one koji ne mogu da razumiju Bošnjački, ovo može da zvuci komplikovano. Ovaj je razlog zašto je naša aplikacija tako važna. Do sada većina sajtova nudi online prevod Bošnjački - Malagaski u nagradu od stotinak dolara, ali mi smatramo da prevođenje poznatih i korisnih izraza i reči ne smije biti neki porez za koji plaćamo. Zašto ne b
Commonly spoken Bosnian to Malagasy phrases
Veoma je dosadan.
Tena mahasosotra izy.
Hvala za sve.
Misaotra amin'ny zavatra rehetra.
Da li je gospodin Smith Amerikanac?
Mr. Smith Amerikana?
To je u redu.
Marina izany.
Reci mi.
Teneno aho.
Ne želim to.
Tsy tiako izany.
Budi pazljiv.
Veoma sam zauzet. Nemam vremena sada.
Tena sahirana aho. Tsy manam-potoana aho izao.
Frequently Asked Questions
You can translate Bosnian text into Malagasy text very quickly. Whenever you type a phrase, sentence or word in Bosnian, the characters are sent through a number of AIs. Neural nets process the words and then return them in Malagasy; so our language translation service is often very fast.
Absolutely! Our content conversion tool is free for both personal and commercial use. 🙂
Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot use this translation tool on your device. You must use it online!
Our Bosnian to Malagasy translation tool uses Google and Microsoft APIs. Translation takes less than a minute to complete.
Machine translations are helpful in understanding the general concept of the message. For example, if you were to translate from Bosnian to Malagasy, Google Translate would work with the algorithms and rules of that language to figure out the context behind each word. This would help the translator to formulate a better translation, and the translator will use phrases and words equivalent to those in the original language. If you want better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!