Bulgarian to Kurdish Translation
Fast and accurate Bulgarian to Kurdish translations by professional translators.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By delivering your content in multiple languages, you can reach out to a wider customer base and make more sales.

Be local, bo vocal
Culture matters; be it political, commercial, or social. When localizing your content, adding cultural value to your business leads to increased sales.

Speak their language
You will use more key words that are commonly used in your content's country of origin, which will result in better search engine optimization (SEO) ratings.

Break barriers
By opening up your content to others, you are finding partners to collaborate with you on your business and you are exposing your products to a larger audience.
About Bulgarian to Kurdish Translation Tool
Our Bulgarian to Kurdish translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API. Simply type a word in Bulgarian on the left-hand text box and click on the "Translate" button. Our app then translates your Bulgarian word, phrase, or sentence into Kurdish within seconds.
Although the translating software in the Google Translate app is not 100% accurate it can still offer you an idea about what you are trying to translate without too much hassle. The phrase '‘it will be near-perfect one day’’ is a common idiom used to describe how advanced and innovative Google Translate has become recently.
Милиони люди по света говорят български. За тези, които не знаят езика, понякога може да бъде критичен за процесите на преодоляване на стенични рамки, които те обичат д
Commonly spoken Bulgarian to Kurdish phrases
Това изглежда страхотно.
Ku xuya dike mezin.
Той е много досаден.
Ew pir aciz e.
Много съм зает. сега нямам време.
Ez pir mijûl im. Niha wextê min nîne.
Говориш ли английски?
Gelo hûn bi Inglîzî diaxivin?
Къде са тоалетните?
Xwarin li ku ne?
Това е вярно.
От време на време.
Dem bi dem.
Гладен съм.
Baştirîn heval.
Ако имате нужда от помощта ми, моля, уведомете ме.
Ger hewcedariya we bi alîkariya min hebe, ji kerema xwe ji min re agahdar bikin.
Frequently Asked Questions
We translate text from one language to another using a technology known as Google Neural Machine Translation. Whenever you type a word, sentence or phrase in Bulgarian, we send your input to our linguistic cloud - Google does their neural machine translation and then sends us back what they think the best translation is into Kurdish.
As for our content translation tool, yes, it is absolutely free - you can use it to translate content for free even for your business marketing purposes.
Unfortunately, now you can't download this Bulgarian to Kurdish translation software on your device. You can use it only online.
The service translates Bulgarian to Kurdish, thanks to Google and Microsoft APIs. It returns near-real time results.
Machine translations allow you to get a general idea of what the content is saying, such as if you were to translate from Bulgarian to Kurdish. An online translation website, such as Google Translate, will go through all the possible combinations compared to individual words and phrases that make up that language. The translation software uses algorithms like this since it needs to figure out what words mean alter when translated, in order to match them up to other words equal in both languages. If you want more accurate translation or to have it written more contextually, visit Pepper Content’s language services (https://www.peppercontent.io/language-services/) and get your content translated by expert translators!