Amharic to Turkmen Translation
Translate Amharic to Turkmen with our most accurate Amharic to Turkmen translation tool.
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By publishing dual-language content, you can attract more customers who may be hesitant to purchase from you initially due to language barriers.
Be local, bo vocal
Allow localization and translation to your advantage and win over potential customers by effectively translating your content. The right combination of words can be a powerful connection to your potential customers.
Speak their language
If you have products that are meant for the global market, why not share them with people all over the world in their native language?
Break barriers
Content that is translated into another language is more likely to be shared, because people from other countries are more likely to see the value in what you're saying.
About Amharic to Turkmen Translation Tool
Google Translation has made it possible to bridge the gap between speakers of different languages. In order to translate your content, simply type your Amharic sentence or words into the box below and press "Translate." Our application then translates your Amharic word, phrase, or sentence into Turkmen and displays it on the right-hand side.
Although Google Translate can’t guarantee a 100% accurate translation it is pretty good, particularly over shorter distances like in the same country. However, longer distances like from Amharic to Turkmen and vice versa – where you're dealing with completely different languages and dialects – it can be more difficult to translate accurately in some cases. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! One day it will be near perfect ; )
Around the globe, over a million people speak Amharic. Some who are unfamiliar with the language may find it challenging to learn and even to communicate themselves when it comes to those who speak Amharic fluently. A free translation app like ours can help users translate from written or spoken English into Amharic at the touch of a button, allowing anyone access to the tools needed to communicate freely with anyone else from anywhere else in the world with no fluency requirements.
Commonly spoken Amharic to Turkmen phrases
ያ በጣም መጥፎ ነው.
Bu gaty erbet.
ያንን አልፈልግም።
Men muny islämok
እንግሊዝኛ ይናገራሉ?
Iňlis dilinde gürleýärsiňizmi?
ጥሩ ነው።
ስሜ ነው ...
Meniň adym ...
ስምሽ ማን ነው?
Adyň näme?
እሱ ትክክል ነው።
Ol mamlady.
ይህን ለእኔ መተርጎም ትችላለህ?
Muny meniň üçin terjime edip bilersiňizmi?
መጸዳጃ ቤቶች የት አሉ?
Hajathana nirede?
ትክክል አይደለም.
Bu dogry däl.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service is based on Cognitive Services from Microsoft, AWS, and other cloud services - Cognitive services is a Microsoft suite of technologies that allows applications to interact directly with human users through natural conversational speech and text. Our translation service has caused Microsoft's human language to machine language translation algorithms to evolve as it is constantly enriched with new translation work. The translation service creates shortcuts that allow it to translate text with a high degree of accuracy - as this shortcut is reused billions of times per day if not per minute.
We offer free translation service of your contents in the language of your choice. You can get your content translated absolutely free.
Unfortunately, at the moment, you cannot download this online translation tool. You must use it online.
The Amharic to Turkmen translation tool handles its jobs in a jiffy. It leverages Google and Microsoft APIs, returning near-instant results.
Machine translations allow the reader to get an idea of the general content of a message, just like if you were to translate from Amharic to Turkmen. Google Translate, an online translation service, will go through all the possible combinations compared to the words and phrases that make up that language and match them up with other words equal in both languages. The algorithm will do this to figure out what words mean when translated, so it can match up with words equal in both languages. If you would like better contextual translation or accurate translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!.