Afrikaans to Swedish Translation
Looking to translate Afrikaans to Swedish? You're at the best translation tool!
Why Should You Translate Your Content?
By creating translated versions of your content, you can reach a far wider audience.

Be local, bo vocal
Translation allows you to communicate using the right language. The right words contextualized are what connects two cultures. This way, the culture of your customer's country will help you be understood, and not diminish you on a cultural level.

Speak their language
Your global readers get to learn more about you, while you get to connect with more of your readers and the location they're in.

Break barriers
Today, modern culture is interconnected, making it possible for businesses to reach more people from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
About Afrikaans to Swedish Translation Tool
Our Afrikaans to Swedish translation tool is powered by the Google Translation API. Simply type a word in Afrikaans on the left-hand text box and click on the "Translate" button below. Our app then translates your Afrikaans word, phrase, or sentence into Swedish within seconds.
In other words, Google Translate (and all other similar software) has already been developed to a point where it can translate up to 500 characters in one session. At the moment, you can usually get the general gist of what is being translated and can even change the phrases around to a certain degree in order to make the translation still sound valid, although you won't always be able to completely understand the foreign language without at least some knowledge of it." Original: Önskar att det fanns en svensk leverantör av Xbox spelutrustning, för på detta sätt kan man köpa direkt från Sverige och dessutom får man vissa förmåner om man köper in på detta vis.
Millioner af mennesker sidder verden over. Disse mennesker taler hverken det danske eller det engelske. Det kan betyde, at de er meget udfordret, når det kommer til at få overbevist sine ledere om noget eller blot lytte til andre personer, som også har noget at sige. Det kan også være en stor udfordring, når det kommer til at få lagt sine egne følelser og tanker i ord, som vi alle drømmer om at kunne gøre med få ord. Disse mennesker har brug for en mikrofon, der udv
Commonly spoken Afrikaans to Swedish phrases
Ek wil jou nie pla nie.
Jag vill inte störa dig.
Dankie meneer.
Tack så mycket herrn.
Praat jy Engels?
Pratar du engelska?
Ek kry koud.
Jag är kall.
Ek weet.
Jag vet.
Ek sal betaal.
Jag betalar.
Ek is getroud.
Jag är gift.
Ek is nog nie gereed nie.
Jag är inte klar än.
Dis genoeg.
Det räcker.
Chicago is baie anders as Boston.
Chicago är väldigt annorlunda från Boston.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our translation service uses the cloud to translate text. When you type a word, phrase, or sentence in Afrikaans - the input is sent to the cloud where they will check the text you typed in Afrikaans. After this, they return to you what they think is the most accurate translation of the text in Swedish. This is all happens in realtime and will be displayed above.
Yes! Our translation software is 100% free, even for commercial use.
Unfortunately, you cannot use this translation tool at the moment. It can only be used online!
The instant Afrikaans to Swedish translation tool is powered by Google and Microsoft APIs.
Machine translations help you get an idea of the general idea of a sentence, for example if you were to translate from Afrikaans to Swedish. Google Translate, for example, will put together all the possible combinations compared to the single words and phrases that make up both languages and match them up with perfect equivalents in both languages. This way, it can figure out what the words and phrases mean when translated, and thusly provide near accurate translations. For accurate and contextual translation, visit Pepper Content’s language services ( and get your content translated by expert translators!