Social Media Marketing

How to Effectively Run Instagram Paid Ads

Team Pepper
Posted on 11/05/224 min read
How to Effectively Run Instagram Paid Ads

Are you already running paid display and search ads on Google, advertising on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn? But not sure about advertising on Instagram?

Well, you should rethink your decision because Instagram is growing fast, and it’s a great platform for brands and businesses looking to build brand awareness. Though Instagram is younger than Facebook, it is still an effective platform for running Instagram paid ads.

So, if you’re someone looking to up your advertising game, here is everything you need to know about how to use Instagram ads effectively.

How to Run Effective Instagram Ads


If you are planning to create Instagram paid ads, here are a few tips on running effective Instagram ads for your business.

Base your ads on an overall marketing structure

Instagram ads, just like any other social media or digital advertising platform, shouldn’t be made in a vacuum. While making an ad, follow an overall marketing and brand strategy. The advertisements should be created in a way that they support the main idea of your brand. It should have the right call to action that feels right for your brand. You should also consider how the Instagram ads can complement or enhance all your other social media campaigns.

Images should be central to the campaign

Images can have a great impact when it comes to effective Instagram ads. A single image can entice viewers to take action. Having a standout image for your Instagram paid ads or Instagram paid promotion ads will help you get more attention.

Hence, always try to use images specifically taken for campaigns on Instagram. Unusual angles or close product shots will help build curiosity in the audience.

Use hashtags and keywords

Using hashtags and keywords are effective strategies that you can use for your Instagram ads. Instagram users and advertisers can add keywords and hashtags to their content to make it show up in specific searches.

When users tap on a specific hashtag on the Instagram platform, it takes them to a page that shows them all images tagged with that particular hashtag. So, when creating effective Instagram ads, always think carefully about where you would want the images to show up.

Hashtags can be easily added to existing or new content on the platform. So, if you’ve forgotten to add them before, you can go back and simply edit and add them in. Also, ensure that you’re using proper keywords for your products and brand.

Use your social media statistics

Most platforms will provide you with data on posts that perform the best, including the time and days when your posts receive the maximum shares, views, and clicks.

Make use of this data to help build effective Instagram ad campaigns. Ensure that you’re working around the times and days when people respond and interact the most. If you’re still wondering how effective are Instagram ads then you must go ahead and try them out yourself.

Test your Instagram ad campaigns


For your Instagram paid ads to work effectively, testing is very important. Making effective Instagram ads is similar to any other social media ad campaign. Testing can teach you a lot. First, establish a benchmark ad, run test ads against the benchmark, and examine the results.

Your ads need to tell a story

Another important tip for effective Instagram ads is that your advertisements should tell a story. Instagram users love to see visual stories and attractive images on their feed. It doesn’t matter if the story consists of photos or videos that tell a product story.

Storytelling is an important part of content marketing on Instagram. Hence, to make your Instagram paid ads effectively, they must have an emotional connection. It should be able to engage the audience. Attractive images can help engage people on the platform and using Instagram to tell your brand story is perfect for your business.


Use these simple tips and tricks to make effective Instagram ads that work for you. It’s a popular platform that is great for advertisers and marketers looking to build brand awareness and grow their business. So, make Instagram paid ads a part of your marketing strategy to create the right impact.


1. Which Instagram ads are most effective?

Carousel or image ads are the most effective ads on Instagram. These types of ads are very successful since they are easy to portray. The message reaches the users while they are just scrolling through Instagram.

2. How long should you run an Instagram ad?

Like image ads, video ads also allow the users to look at a brand and its products or services. With in-feed ads, videos can be up to 60 minutes long, but the shorter the video, the more effective it is.

3. Why are Instagram ads better than Facebook?

The engagement rate is higher on Instagram than on Facebook. The median rate for branded posts is 3.5%, higher than the engagement rate on Facebook. There is 10x more engagement with brands on Instagram compared to Facebook.

4. Why are Instagram ads so effective?

Instagram paid promotion ads to allow you to create effective ad campaigns for all types of users in all stages of the funnel. It helps to build brand awareness and also drive conversions as well.

5. How do you make an effective Instagram ad?

● Choose your ad objective
● Name your Instagram campaign
● Choose your ad placements
● Target your audience
● Define your ad budget and schedule
● Choose your Instagram ad format