
55 Digital Marketing Statistics to Prepare You for 2022

Team Pepper
Posted on 4/02/226 min read
55 Digital Marketing Statistics to Prepare You for 2022

Table of Contents

  • 55 Digital Marketing Statistics to Prepare You for 2022
  • Key Takeaways
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and owing to its ever-changing nature, it is essential as a digital marketer to equip yourself with the tools and strategies of the craft. Staying updated is key in the world of online marketing. Trends, tactics, technology—you need to combine and churn the best out of all the three for a successful digital marketing campaign. 

Digital marketing statistics are an essential element of this process. To know what’s relevant and which latest trends in marketing are influencing or affecting the consumer’s buying decision, it is good to keep an eye on digital marketing statistics. 

Statistics provide demographic information, such as how many potential customers your business has in a particular geographical location or area, based on their ages, gender, education, interests and preferences, income levels, etc. Digital marketing statistics are also useful for competitor analysis. Statistics is an invaluable and insightful tool in digital marketing.

55 Digital Marketing Statistics for 2022

Let’s look at the recent roundup of digital marketing statistics that will help you prepare your campaigns and strategies accordingly for this year. 

Content marketing statistics

With a compelling content copy, which has relevant information, is high on shareability, and has embedded media elements and links, you can reach out to your potential customers more effectively. 


Content marketing statistics are vital as they determine your strategy. You can then decide which techniques are useful for your business or what type of content generates leads for your brand. 


  1. 89% of content marketers used blog posts in their content creation strategy in 2020.
  2. The top-performing articles are over 5,700 words in length in the marketing industry. 
  3. 57% of marketers say that blogging has brought in new customers 
  4. WordPress users produce about 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments each month. 
  5. Today, blogs are among the primary three forms of media used in content strategies. 

Video Content

  1. 87% of video marketers say that video has increased traffic to their website. 
  2. 80% of video marketers claim that video has directly increased sales. 
  3. 91% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI they’ve seen from video marketing on social media. 


  1. As of April 2020, over 30 million podcast episodes existed. 
  2. As of 2020, Google’s search algorithms are trying to transcend text to images, voice/ podcasts, and videos. 
  3. 52% of people who use voice assistants do so several times a day. Voice-based shopping is expected to jump to $40 billion in 2022. 

Content Strategy

  1. 78% of companies have a team of one-to-three content specialists. (SEMrush, 2019) 
  2. Nearly 40% of marketers say content marketing is a very important part of their overall marketing strategy. 

Email marketing statistics

While planning your digital marketing campaign, you need to pay equal attention to each element in the mix. This also includes your email messages and email marketing strategies. Email marketing is highly effective today. To ensure your overall campaign’s success, you should also consider the following email marketing statistics.


  1. On average, email marketing has a 4400% ROI.
  2. 49% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. 
  3. 60% of consumers subscribe to a brand’s list to get promotional messages and deals. 
  4. 49% of consumers say they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis. 
  5. Friday is typically the day with the highest click-through rate potential, at 2.7%. 
  6. Email marketing has the highest return on investment for small businesses. 
  7. Tuesdays see the highest email open and email unsubscribe rates. 
  8. More than half of us even check our email before doing anything else online. 

Social media statistics

When billions use social media throughout the day worldwide, it is vital to observe and check digital marketing stats related to different social media platforms. With a careful study of social media statistics, you can expand your reach and increase brand awareness. 


  1. IGTV, an app for long-form, vertical video on Instagram, allows users to share live video content between 15 and 16 minutes long.  
  2. In 2023, Instagram is projected to reach 120.3 million monthly active users in the U.S., up from 107.2 million users in 2019. 


  1. Facebook is the primary content distribution channel for marketers today. 
  2. 79% of video marketers use Facebook as a video marketing channel. 
  3. More than 100 million people use Facebook Watch every day. 


  1. LinkedIn is the second-most popular social media platform used by B2B marketers, ranking only behind Facebook. (Statista, 2019) 
  2. The best times to post on LinkedIn are 8-10 AM and 12 PM on Wednesdays and 9 AM and 1-2 PM on Thursdays. Sunday is the worst day for engagement. (Sprout Social)


  1. The number of Pinterest users in the U.S. is expected to reach 90.1 million. 
  2. 97% of top searches on Pinterest are unbranded. 


  1. The number of global daily active users on Twitter is 166 million. 
  2. 38% of video marketers plan to include Twitter in their 2020 video marketing strategy. 

Social media usage and engagement

  1. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter lead the pack as the most common social media platforms marketers use.
  2. As of October 2021, 4.55 billion people are active on social media. 
  3. 1.3 million new users joined social media every day in 2020.

Lead generation statistics

To get more conversions, you have to understand the process of lead generation. 


The following lead generation stats are some of the most important digital marketing statistics, as they will help you discover how to convert more potential buyers into actual customers.

  1. The top priority for marketers is generating leads. 
  2. Google Analytics is the top SEO tool used by marketers. 
  3. More than half (53%) of marketers say webinars are the top-of-the-funnel format that generates the most high-quality leads. 
  4. Lead-nurturing emails get as much as 10 times the response rate compared to standalone emails. 
  5. 28% of marketers say using additional account-level fields helps improve their lead scoring. 
  6. 89% of marketers rank emails as their primary lead generation source. 
  7. Only 20% of leads are followed up.
  8. 75% of marketers use their reports to show how campaigns directly impact revenue. 
  9. Nurturing leads can increase sales by 50%.
  10. Most marketers use more than five marketing tools daily. (Welcome Software, 2020)

Advertising statistics

Good advertising is what attracts customers in the first place. Your brand’s awareness and visibility rely on your advertising efforts. Let’s look at what advertising tactics are proving to be useful for businesses today. 

  1. Mobile advertising has been rapidly growing in the past couple of years but is expected to slow down to about 10.4% by the end of 2022. 
  2. 55% of marketers prioritize audience segmentation and targeting. 
  3. 70% to 80% of users ignore paid ads and instead focus on organic results. 
  4. At least 73% of consumers don’t like pop-up ads. 
  5. 94% of Facebook’s advertising revenue is generated via mobile. 
  6. Small businesses earn an average of $3 in revenue for every $1.60 they spend on Google AdWords. 
  7. Across social channels, photo and imagery posts are the most-used content type to increase audience engagement. 
  8. 76% of marketers fail to use behavioral data for online ad targeting. 
  9. An overwhelming majority of people (94%) report watching explainer videos to learn more about a product, with 84% being swayed to make a purchase. 
  10. Mobile advertising spending is expected to surpass $240 billion by 2022. 

Key Takeaways

  • Statistics provide demographic information and are an invaluable and insightful tool in digital marketing.
  • Blog posts are being used increasingly as a part of content creation strategy.
  • Email marketing has the highest ROI for small businesses.
  • Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are marketers’ most commonly used platforms.
  • One of the top priorities for marketers in 2022 will be generating leads.
  • Mobile advertising has been rapidly growing in the past couple of years but is expected to slow down to about 10.4% by the end of 2022.


Digital marketing stats encompass ROI statistics, online advertising statistics, social media stats, and much more. To excel as a business or get recognition as a brand in 2022, it is essential to pay attention to the different digital marketing statistics and strategize accordingly. 


1. What percentage of businesses use digital marketing?

More than half of small businesses (58%) use digital marketing. The top six digital marketing channels small businesses invest in are our social media (73%), website (73%), email marketing (57%), SEO (49%), video (34%), and content marketing (32%).

2. What are the digital marketing trends for 2022?

Discounts losing favor fast, war on data, emails as the top priority, increase in digital storytelling are some of the digital marketing trends that will be observed in 2022.

3. What will marketing be like in 2030?

According to,’ By 2030, marketing technology will be more viable, advanced, commercialized and widely adopted’.

4. What parts of marketing are growing the fastest?

The fastest-growing marketing industry segments include mobile and social sectors.