16 Types of Posts to Increase Blog Traffic (and How to Create Them)

Have your blogs stopped receiving engagement? Does content marketing not yield results anymore? Do you feel your audience is bored of your current content?
When your content stops getting shared and there is no traffic to your blog, it is time to remodel your content strategy. Do you want to know how to increase blog traffic through various sources? This blog discusses how to incorporate different blog posts into your blogging strategy to meet that goal.
16 Types of Blog Posts to Increase Blog Traffic
1. Long-form, in-depth posts
Meaningful and valuable content will always drive organic traffic to your blog. Write well-researched blogs that end up being the only resource your readers need on the topic. Guides are the best examples of this type of long-form post that can help increase blog traffic.
You can create other informational and resourceful posts that dissect and analyze a particular aspect of a subject or even a product. Such posts help readers understand the subject better and provide insight, usually backed by solid research.
Many such blogs tend to be longer than 1500 words, providing value for time and explaining/analyzing every detail so that readers find everything they need to know on the same page. Readers will be more likely to visit your website if they receive tons of free valuable information, driving organic blog traffic.
Check out an example below:
2. Listicles
A list article or listicle usually answers a question, offers tips, and inspires ideas in a palatable format. It has bullet points and maybe the following order, or random. For example, a listicle on “Steps to assemble a bookshelf” must follow a certain order, whereas “5 reasons to use X app” can be a list with the points given randomly.
The benefit of lists is that they’re easy to read and garner a lot of engagement. More engagement leads to more visibility, increasing the possibility of increasing traffic to your blog.
Generally, listicles try to answer questions as briefly as possible, but a word count does not bind them. They may be as long or as short as needed.
Check out an example:
3. Infographics
Take visual storytelling to the next level with infographics, the bite-sized packets of traffic powerhouse. Infographics deliver powerful content in a visually appealing and quickly understandable format.
Most importantly, they are easily shareable among your target audience and earn you valuable links, therefore growing blog traffic from diverse sources.
Check out an example:

4. Personal success stories
Inspiration comes in many forms, sometimes even in the form of a blog. People actively seek inspiration and iterative formulae for success in every field. Personal success stories cater to this category of an audience who are ready to take the plunge.
They want to know how successful people scaled heights of glory and are prepared to embark on the same journey. These blog posts are similar to inspirational guides; creating them requires expertise and industry authority. Creating on-demand content ensures increased traffic to your website.
Check out an example:

5. Unique personal opinion
Do you have a contrary to usual or controversial opinion on a subject? Write about it. Readers want your unique perspective, insight, and arguments on the topic. Going against the grain or, in this case, the traditional wisdom and presenting your original ideas can boost your brand visibility by driving blog traffic.
Such blogs have the potential to go viral and could earn you the title of a thought leader in your industry.stry.
6. Data-driven case study
Case studies are similar to personal success stories for businesses. Data and statistics rationally back up your argument or statement. It doesn’t stop telling you what works; it shows you why it works.
Case studies drive more traffic to your blog, strengthen partnerships, and help you attract the followers of your partner brand. Moreover, case studies can influence your prospects to convert.
Check out an example:

7. Videos
The rise of video content in search and social media marketing proves that videos are here to stay. 60% of businesses are already using video content as a marketing tool, which is a powerful one.
While video creation has become more affordable over the years, it still costs more than other content formats like blogs. One way to go about it with a limited budget is to create more short-form videos with snackable content and a few long-form videos or vlogs that engage viewers till the end. The short-form videos can be incorporated into blogs and shared on social media to increase brand awareness.

8. Books/movies/music reviews
Reading a book that you just can’t put down? Just watched a movie that had you on the edge of your seat the whole time? Or maybe you didn’t like it. Perhaps you spent your hard-earned money and time on something you wish you hadn’t.
Get your keyboard or camera out. Tell people about it. People love to hear what others think about the information they have consumed. If they haven’t yet watched that movie or read that book, you’re helping them make a more informed decision. Try to be genuine and make consistent efforts to drive more blog traffic.

Articulate your thoughts and deliver them in a way that sufficiently captures how you felt.
You could even do the same with music. Remember that authenticity and simplicity are the two pillars of creating content that increases traffic to your website.
9. Product/service reviews
Sticking to the “review” theme, product reviews are no-brainers in building blog traffic. People often act cautiously when purchasing something. Ensure that the product you’re reviewing can be helpful to a regular person.
You don’t necessarily want to be reviewing “the egg-peeler that changed my life.” Instead, electronics, such as laptops and phones, websites, apps, software, or even other blog posts, are a great way to keep audiences flowing in.
This way, even if members of your audience aren’t familiar with the product, it creates intrigue, and you’re still able to pique their interest. If they find your review valuable, they will visit your website, engage, and increase blog traffic.

Choose products and services you genuinely feel strongly about. Passion and value are attractive and will help you create a stronger core audience invested in your blogging journey. This is important because it helps generate recurring traffic rather than traffic to just a single post.
10. Podcast show notes
Podcasts have already been established as an incredible source of engagement for creators. It could be something to consider if you haven’t gotten on that bandwagon. If you have a voice, why not share it via as many different mediums as possible?
But you’re here because you want to know how to grow blog traffic. Although having a podcast would help funnel traffic through to your blog, the best way to exploit podcasts is by engaging in something called “podcast show notes.”

This is self-explanatory, but it is essentially what you get when you express podcast episodes in textual form. You could indeed highlight the entire show, but some shows are too lengthy to be described in the text, giving you an excellent opportunity to capture the essence of a podcast by highlighting its themes or summarizing it.
The podcast notes are a great way to drive more traffic to your blog as people don’t always have the time to listen to an entire podcast episode, but if it’s an interesting podcast, they’ll surely get hooked on it. You could make these notes for your podcast or someone else’s.
11. Interviews
Interviews are among the best types of blog posts to drive more traffic to your blog. They allow you to provide your audience with fresh voices, faces, and perspectives. Although video interviews are often favored, as explained earlier, you can also post them in audio or textual format.
Much like any other post, the engagement that the post receives is based on its quality. In this case, the quality depends on both the interviewee and the interviewer.

An added advantage of posting interviews is that the interviewees will likely share them on their blogs, social media profiles, and websites. This is tremendously helpful in terms of driving the growth of your blog traffic.
12. Guest posting
Guest posts offer the same advantage of leveraging others to accelerate your growth. You can approach various bloggers or blogging services as freelancers and request them to write a guest post on their websites. Their readers will surely like to engage with a fresh voice.
This is always a win. As a writer, you can leverage your voice more effectively and be heard as an individual. You can also invite others to contribute to your blog. They’re certainly going to want to share their work, and in doing so, they will be sharing your website and creating engagement. It is a great way to drive more traffic to your blog.

13. Q&A posts
This might seem obvious, but the best way to get your audience talking is to engage with your audience! You could post a social media post inviting your following to ask questions about your work, personal life, or anything. Let them know that they will be answered in your next blog post.
You could still invite questions at the end of a blog post regarding the blog’s topic or your opinions. This format of posts makes the reader feel heard. It helps build a stronger relationship between you and your audience and as mentioned earlier, creating a core audience is very important.
14. Reinventing old posts
If you can’t keep up with the times, forget about driving more blog traffic. As you grow as a blogger and writer, you want to ensure that your posts remain relevant and accurately reflect your values. For example, if you’re a fashion blogger, it would be off-putting for a reader to find an old post where you rave about the new Zara collection while presently condemning fast fashion.

Apart from maintaining the consistency of your image, your skills as a writer would have probably improved, and you don’t want people to be judging your skills based on those old posts.
What you can do in this case is reinvent those old posts. Exhibit your new skills as a writer and offer fresh perspectives on the posts that are no longer relevant to your brand.
If you feel like that old part of you is too valuable to do away with, you could dedicate a post to your growth as a person or a writer and how you’ve progressed over the years. This will enable you to document that older side of yourself while still keeping your brand and website relevant.
15. Insights posts
It may not always seem obvious, but audiences are interested in witnessing your growth as a business and an individual. You could let them in on how your blog has been performing. But engage your creativity while doing so.
Rather than simply plastering statistics about your blog, you could communicate with them in the form of a “thank you” post. If your blog seems stagnant, you could show them insights and talk about how growth is not always consistent and, maybe, elicit opinions via Q&As. Making such posts attractive will foster engagement and drive more traffic to your blog.
These could be similar to the previous success stories, but they don’t necessarily have to focus on success.
16. Current events
Is there any better way to stay relevant than writing about current events? We don’t mean writing about border disputes and political affairs when we say current events. Well, you could, but the point is that you should take stock of the things that are happening around the world that are relevant to your brand.
Or current affairs that you feel strongly about. Not just things that you think will ensure engagement. If you’re a tech blogger, your audience will certainly be interested in knowing what you think about the new iPhone.
It’s important to also write about less prominent events, like, maybe, an app launched by a new tech startup that you think has great value and potential. This credits you with being relevant and valuable.

A Quick Summary
Including different blog post types in your content strategy in the right proportion can be your recipe to drive more organic traffic to your blog. Blog types like long-form posts and case studies establish you as an authority on a subject.
In contrast, videos and infographics deliver powerful content in easy-to-consume packages and carry leads further down the funnel. Incorporate them into your content strategy to drive better quality traffic to your blog.
If you feel that you have run out of content ideas, try content-generator tools like Peppertype.ai . It is powered by artificial intelligence and can generate a multitude of ideas. With Peppertype.ai, you will never run out of blog post ideas. Maintain a consistent posting schedule on a content calendar.
Key Takeaways
- Of the various blog posts, long-form articles with more than 1500 words have a high engagement rate and help drive more traffic to a blog. Articles with a word count between 2250 and 2500 earn the most organic traffic.
- Video posts help drive more traffic to your blog as they are often more engaging and easier to consume than text. Video posts can include interviews, Q&As, podcast show notes, and reviews.
- Infographics are easy to share and can help you earn valuable links. Since they are so visually appealing and engaging, they drive blog traffic by a large percentage.
- Guides and how-tos are effective ways to engage audiences and provide value simultaneously. Long-form posts are often suitable to grow blog traffic.
- Listicles are an easy way to convey and consume information. Internet search algorithms are naturally attuned to finding results that contain lists. They are also very easy to share, making them one of the best blog posts to drive more traffic to your blog.
- Guest posting and interviews are a great way to drive traffic to your blog as they leverage other people’s audiences and direct them to engage with your website.
- Blog posts that provide insights into your life, business, and brand make you more relatable and, therefore, helps drive traffic to your blog.

1. Write more
2. Incorporate SEO keywords
3. Know your niche
4. Promote using social media
5. Invite guest contributors
6. Include photos
1. Business blogs
2. Personal blogs
3. Niche blogs
4. News blogs
1. Health and fitness blogs
2. DIY blogs
3. Sports blogs
4. Travel blogs
5. Political blogs
6. Automobile blogs
1. Long-form, in-depth guides
2. Listicles
3. Videos
4. Interviews
5. Personal success stories
Articles with a word count between 2250 and 2500 earn the most organic traffic.
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