
10 Things to Look For When Hiring a Web Design Company

Team Pepper
Posted on 20/04/226 min read
10 Things to Look For When Hiring a Web Design Company

Hiring a web design company can be a daunting task when you don’t have the right questions to ask them. Before hiring a design agency, you need to be clear regarding certain aspects. This includes, 

  • Budget 
  • Goals 
  • Team dynamics 

It has now become a trend to hire a web design company. But every business doesn’t need to do so. First, focus on understanding your business needs and determine whether you need a web design company. Only then begin your search for the right one. 

You need to consider certain factors before hiring a web design company. This article lists the top 10 factors to consider. 

Let’s get started.


Should You Outsource Your Work to a Design Team?

Before we look at the traits of a good web design and development agency, let us first understand when there is a need to outsource work to a design team. Hire a web design company if, 

  • You are looking for a complicated and extensive design, and your in-house staff is already caught up with other work.
  • You plan to reach out to the broader audience with something more unique.
  • You have a concept in mind, but you are unsure how to make it a reality. 
  • Rapidly evolving technology is making it hard for your company to have expertise in all areas of web design and development.


If these points match your need, it’s time to hire a web design and development agency.

10 Things to Look For When Hiring a Web Design Company

These are the questions to ask before hiring a design agency. 

1. What is their experience?

The first thing you need to see in a design agency is their experience, how many years they have been working, and how many clients they have successfully delivered the work to. 

You have to be sure that they can easily handle the kind of work you are looking for. You can also examine if they have done many similar projects. 

Additionally, an award, certificate, or testimonials will add to your decision-making process.  


2. Ask for their previous work samples or portfolio.

Being a successful design agency, they will have worked on several projects. You need to ask them for their previous work samples. It helps you understand their work and whether that matches your project’s requirements. 

After all, people can always boast about their skills, but showing proof is different.

Also, a clean portfolio is a sign of a good designer or design agency. If their work sample interests you, there is a high chance that you would like their actual work on your project too. Besides, if their portfolio has case studies on how they completed the project and their processes, it will be an additional benefit.

3. Ask for previous clients’ references or feedback.

A good design agency always has client feedback. Ask for some references. Like in an interview process, you need to talk to these references to know more about the agency and any issues they may have faced with the agency. 


It is always good to reach out to the references through phone or email; however, you can ask the agency about a reference website link if you don’t want to talk to them directly. You can check those websites to know the website loading speed, navigation, responsiveness, etc.

4. Give them a small task to check that you are on the same page

Another way to check the capability of a web design agency is to give them a simple task to perform. Sometimes it might be hard to hire a design agency by looking at their work sample or portfolio; therefore, you can ask them to accomplish a small task. 

They need to be on top of any communication, changes, feedback, anything that you would like to add from your side. Once you are clear on these points, hiring a web design company will become easier. However, it is imperative to know that this task can be paid or unpaid depending upon the design agency.

5. Tell them about your project’s scope and requirements

Before onboarding the design agency and starting the project, you must talk to them in detail about your project’s scope, requirements, and budget. 

If you do not keep these things clear from beforehand, the chances are that you and the web design and development agency might fall prey to miscommunication and misunderstanding, thus ruining your project. 


Your project brief needs to be very specific, like your goals and milestones, deliverables, features, functions, deadlines, and cost. Some companies hire design agencies and end up unsatisfied with the work; however, it’s not always the agency that is at fault, and you must understand that. 

6. Spend some time knowing each other’s vision

When hiring a design agency, you must spend some time with them and learn about their vision and perspective. This way, you both can get to know each other better and see if you are on the same page. Suppose you hired a team and never really got a chance to understand their work process. Would that help in the completion of your project? 

Just like you spend time nurturing your relationship with the in-house team, you need to do the same with the outsourced team. This will help both of you grow mutually as a team, and that in return might give you a faster turnaround time. 

7. What are their web design and development processes?

Design agencies come in all shapes and sizes. And what differentiates them from each other is their approach to the design or the processes they are taking to complete the web design and development in time. Some design agencies are known for offering impractical high-style design, while others offer a design that revolves around clients’ needs.

It’s always up to you to make a thoughtful decision. However, we suggest hiring a design agency that keeps the entire development process transparent and is always ready to solve your doubts.  

8. How much time do they need to complete the project?

Based on their previous work and assuming that all the things are provided to them in time, can the design agency be able to pull out the project in the stated time, or are they setting unrealistic time expectations for the completion of the project? It is essential to figure this out from the beginning.

Talk to them to understand how they manage their time. Do they keep themselves updated with the changing technology and can learn it in time, thus providing you with the desired output?

9. Are they up for communication and doubt clearance?

One of the last things you would want from your design agency is to ruin the work because of a lack of communication. Therefore, it’s essential to test these things in time. 

Check for how long they take to revert to queries or whether they incorporate your feedback in the project or not. 


It’s always good to keep these things transparent from the very beginning.

10. Do they provide a warranty for their work?

And lastly, does the design agency take onus for the work you have assigned them? Suppose you face any future issue regarding the website design or development, would they come up with a solution to fix that or give you a warranty of the work.

Additionally, you must also know from the very beginning whether the website belongs to them or you after its completion. Some design agencies keep the copyright with them, which might not be beneficial for you. 

Therefore, you must always look for a web design agency that gives you 100% control over your website design, from text to images to graphics.

Parting Words

Web design and development is a vast field. There is a lot to take care of, from user experience to user interface to landing pages, email templates, etc. Therefore, you must invest in hiring a web design company. All you need is to figure out the agency that would best suit your requirements.

This blog should help you figure out how to select the right web design and development agency for your business.

Key Takeaways

  • Look for a design agency with relevant experience and a previous client base.
  • Ask for their portfolio and the total time needed for completing the project.
  • Talk about the budget and scope of the project beforehand.


1. How can I find a suitable web design agency?

There are ample design agencies available, but you need to hire the one that matches your requirements. Talk to them and clarify their approach and expertise, and your requirements. 

2. What are the two main factors to consider when hiring a design agency?

Although there are many things to look for when hiring a web design company, the two main things to consider are their experience and portfolio.

3. Do I need to hire specific designers for the specific roles?

Yes, it is always good to ask for specific designers for specific roles. For example, you might want a separate UX and UI designer. Similarly, you want a single person to look after your email template design. This need becomes even more critical when the project is complicated and extensive.