Branded Content

How to Use Branded Keywords to Drive Traffic and Conversions

Team Pepper
Posted on 15/03/227 min read
How to Use Branded Keywords to Drive Traffic and Conversions

Table of Contents

  • The Importance of Branded Keywords
  • Tracking Branded Keywords
  • Using Branded Keywords to Increase Website Traffic
  • How Brands Have Used Branded Keywords
  • Key Takeaways
  • Conclusion
  • FAQS

You already know what keywords are. These search queries can be a powerful SEO optimization tool. Properly selecting keywords matched with relevant content can push up website traffic. Moreover, they assist with the organization of content and the refinement of online strategies.

Consumers search for solutions by typing general keywords into a search engine. However, what about potential customers? These people are already aware of your brand and need more information to make up their minds. That’s where branded keywords can come in handy.

What are branded keywords? They are words or phrases that contain a brand name. They can also include product features and benefits. Examples of keywords are “soft drink” and “refresh”. Branded keyword examples would be “Coca Cola”, “Coke soft drink”, and “Coca Cola refresh”. These examples demonstrate that the first group of keywords is general, while the second group is specific.

Companies can optimize online content to take advantage of these search terms. Branded keyword strategy is also important because they let marketers track brand mentions across channels. This leads to meaningful consumer interactions that bring about conversions and loyalty. Monitoring branded keywords can lead to a better understanding of consumer sentiment. Keeping an eye on the competition’s branded keywords lets you know their reputation, image, and online strategies.

Tracking Branded Keywords

There are three broad ways to track branded keywords: 

  1. Set up a system of notifications on Google Alerts. Google Alerts is a free tool that monitors mentions on the web. Google emails you whenever there are mentions of your branded search keyword. Examining these mentions can monitor consumer opinions about your company and products. 

You can do the same for your competition. These alerts are also valuable for compiling topics and fine-tuning content strategy. Another advantage is testing a branded keywords example before incorporating it into your content. The Google Search Console also helps you measure search traffic and performance.


  1. You can set up a system to track branded keywords on social media platforms. You could focus on Twitter or Instagram or YouTube, or all of them, depending on the nature of the product and keyword. Most social media platforms have advanced search options for professional use. Manual search operations are also possible. This takes time and resources.
  1. There are online monitoring tools for various needs. For example, with Hootsuite Insights, you can monitor real-time conversations online. Semrush offers a variety of options for keyword research and ranking analytics. Other tools such as Sprout Social also offer convenient all-in-one dashboards for online analysis and management regarding branded keywords examples.

Most marketers use a combination of the above to track branded keywords. It depends on the volume and how and where consumers are searching for your brand. 


Using Branded Keywords to Increase Website Traffic

The main benefit of branded keywords is to boost online traffic. Most of this will be from consumers already aware of your brand. This means a greater possibility of high-quality leads and conversions. Marketers can also increase online traffic by making more online users aware of their brands. This will lead to a rise in branded keyword searches.

Here are some effective ways to achieve these objectives:

1. Digital Display Ads

These ads catch the consumer’s eye and boost awareness. They are cost-effective ways to heighten brand awareness. Many platforms such as Google and Facebook also allow you to monitor ad engagement. Best practices include checking to see the effect of these ads on branded search and making necessary course corrections.

2. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging improves authority, creates credibility, and builds backlinks. It also makes more people aware of your brand. Guest blogs can be powerful pieces of content to drive increased branded keywords search.

3. Optimized Websites

 An SEO-optimized website is necessary for effective organic search. It works the same way for branded keyword traffic, too. The information on your website should be appropriately formatted and easy to read. It should also contain relevant content tailored to your target audience. The search engine crawlers will consider these factors when ranking and recognizing your site.

4. Omnichannel Strategy

The more sites your brand is active on, the more brand awareness. Nowadays, many marketers employ an omnichannel strategy that ties together all the channels their consumers engage. This includes social media, Q&A sites, e-mail, notifications, blogs, and even offline media if it is relevant. The brand voice and style should stay consistent across channels. Proper segmentation and personalization are other facets of an omnichannel strategy.

5. Customer Reviews

Encouraging and engaging with customer reviews is an excellent way for a brand to build awareness and credibility. Consumers place a high degree of trust in the opinions of other consumers. Such reviews should be responded to when appropriate to spark conversations. Reviews are also a valuable source of feedback. They increase consumer loyalty and are a factor in improving rankings.


Along with the above steps, marketers should also identify and classify branded keywords. Some of them contain only the brand name. Others will include a brand feature. And some may mention the brand versus a competitive brand. Analyzing all of these will help devise the right content strategy for success.

How Companies Have Used Branded Keywords: Some Examples

Here are examples of how brands have included branded keyword strategy in their optimization strategies to achieve the desired results:

1. Intel 

Intel’s approach starts with gaining search insights to understand online behavior and preferences. In addition, they monitor things such as the products and services that people search for online. The company meets consumer needs by utilizing a range of keywords, including branded keywords. It creates a variety of formats and sites to drive consumers to appropriate landing pages. A typical branded keywords example is “Intel Inside”. This slogan is also promoted on other communication channels to show Intel’s wide-ranging presence.

2. Hawaiian Airlines

Another example is a search campaign by Hawaiian Airlines aimed at people planning visits to Hawaii during summer. This campaign focused on branded keywords like “Hawaiian Airlines” and non-branded keywords like “Flight to Hawaii.” These were linked to short YouTube videos that increased awareness of airline benefits and fares.

3. Bayer

The pharma company Bayer provides another interesting example. They create microsites with separate content for frequently used branded keywords, such as “Bayer aspirin.”

4. Marriott 

The retail and hospitality sector also uses branded keywords, especially for local searches. For example, the Marriott hotel chain in India has: “JW Marriott Indian food”, “JW Marriott restaurants near me”, and “JW Marriott restaurant menu”. In this way, they create awareness among potential consumers in different locations.

5. Bajaj

At other times, brands use long-tail branded keywords. These are specific and exact phrases that consumers use when they are close to purchasing. “Bajaj fan” is a common branded keyword. A long-tail branded keyword would be: “low-cost white-colored Bajaj fan”. This also serves as a branded keywords example.

6. Ford 

This also works in sectors such as automobiles. For instance, some branded keywords for Ford SUV are: “Ford SUV price in India”, “Ford SUV names”, and “Ford SUV models”. Companies with insights into consumer preferences can develop many long-tail branded keywords to arouse interest and drive traffic.

Key Takeaways

  • Keywords are consumer search queries, and branded keywords are those queries that contain brand names. Sometimes, they contain the brand name and features or benefits.
  • With branded keywords, marketers can track brand mentions across channels. They can do the same with the competition’s branded keywords to ascertain their tactics.
  • Branded keywords lead to an understanding of consumer attitudes towards the brand. They can enhance company reputation and foster increased interactions with consumers.
  • Some ways to track branded keywords are employing Google’s analytical tools, searching on social media platforms, and using platforms with all-in-one dashboards.
  • Branded keywords are generally used by consumers who already know the brand. When marketers use strategies to increase brand awareness, they should rise in branded keyword searches.
  • Some ways to do this are digital display ads, making sure websites are optimized, guest blogging, paying attention to customer reviews, and omnichannel marketing.
  • Many large and small companies have successfully used branded keywords to increase awareness and interactions. Some examples are Intel, Hawaiian Airlines, and JW Marriott.


When appropriately used, branded keywords can increase website traffic and move consumers further up the sales funnel. Tracking and monitoring branded keywords can provide ways to fine-tune marketing strategies.

Both branded and non-branded keywords are essential. They play different roles. Non-branded keywords can broaden reach. Many branded keywords examples show how they can seal the deal for consumers who already know their purchase preferences.

Andy Crestodina, co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Chicago’s Orbit Media, says that branded keywords should not be ignored in an SEO strategy. They provide powerful insights for marketers and website planners. In this way, they are a secret weapon for content strategists because they offer powerful clues about consumer needs and preferences.


1. How do I find branded keywords?

Branded keyword research usually starts with studying the sector online and defining goals and topics. Research tools can then throw up the right keywords and their search intent. It’s also useful to look for competitor keywords and long-tail keywords.

2. How do you use branded keywords?

You can use the keywords to create new content. Adding new sections to your site can also target the keywords. It is also possible to highlight the subject of the keyword to make it easier to find.

3. How can you optimize branded keywords?

Marketers use a variety of tactics to do this. You can optimize site links and meta titles. Create content based on popular branded keywords. Use Google’s analytics tools. And include brand keywords when guest blogging or on social media hashtags.

4. Why are branded keywords important?

They help marketers to understand the needs of consumers better. Most often, branded keywords are used by those who are already aware of the brand. If these keywords drive traffic towards your website, the consumers are more likely to be converted.

5. What are some examples of branded keywords?

Branded keywords contain the company or product name. Some examples are “Apple iPhone”, “Hyundai cars”, and “Nike shoes”. Long-tail branded keywords are more specific. For example, “Latest Apple iPhone”, “Hyundai cars mileage”, or “Nike running shoes for marathons”.