
The 22 Best Books and Twitter Accounts to Inspire Your Social Media Strategy

Team Pepper
Posted on 23/11/217 min read
The 22 Best Books and Twitter Accounts to Inspire Your Social Media Strategy

Table of Contents

  • Best Books to craft a perfect marketing strategy
  1. See You on the Internet: Building Your Small Business with Digital Marketing Paperback
  2. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable
  3. Brand Storytelling: Put Customers In The Heart Of Your Brand Story
  4. Get Shit Done: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity, Procrastination, and Profitability
  5. Faster, Smarter, Louder: Master Attention In A Noisy Digital Market
  6. Mastermind Dinners
  7. Run With Foxes: Make Better Marketing Decisions
  8. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To-Guide To Creating Ridiculously Good Content
  9. Brand Experiences: Building Connections In A Digitally Cluttered World
  10. One Million Followers: How To Build A Massive Social Following In 30 Days 
  11. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook
  • Best Twitter accounts for crisp marketing tactics
  1. @Mashable
  2. @erinbury 
  3. @HubSpot
  4. @hootsuite
  5. @KISSmetrics
  6. @TedRubin
  7. @Adweek
  8. @netflix
  9. @Wendy’s 
  10. @MarketingHits
  11. @Ogilvy
  • Takeaways
  • FAQs

With the world being put at a standstill in 2020, many people found themselves moving online to conduct their businesses. Brands shifted their marketing budgets to spend more on digital and local stores found themselves going out-of-stock overnight with skyrocketing demand. 

Social media marketing is no longer a new thing. Now, it is ‘the thing. If you’re running a business or a brand, you’ve got to be there. Following the right people and accounts is a great way to get ahead of the game.

Here are the best inspirational books and best Twitter accounts to follow that can help you get your campaign right, way from the start!

11 Best Inspirational Books by Social Media Experts to Craft the Perfect Marketing Strategy

  1. See You on the Internet: Building Your Small Business with Digital Marketing Paperback by Avery Swartz

Avery throws in her 14 years of groundwork in the marketing industry, explaining how your social media strategy must be coherent with the online presence and brand image you aim to create for yourself.

All in all, her book is a great source of inspiration on social media etiquette for any professional in the industry.

  1. Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable by Seth Godin

According to marketing expert Seth Godin, “You’re either a Purple Cow, or you’re not.” He gets you thinking about what companies whose marketing strategies are flourishing have in common and helps you take it from there. You end up using Seth’s ‘Purple Cow’ strategy to create something noticeable. This is one of the top inspiring books in marketing

  1. Brand Storytelling: Put Customers In The Heart Of Your  Brand Story by Miri Rodriguez

In his award-winning book, Miri Rodriguez talks about how brands must showcase themselves, use their storytelling skills to gain a proper brand identity and use that to connect with their audience.

It also taps into the case studies of some of the international brands’ marketing techniques, describing what makes their marketing strategies stand out.

  1. Get Shit Done: The Ultimate Guide To Productivity, Procrastination and Profitability by Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey takes his book right to the point. You are a social media manager, but you’re more than just that. You’re a strategist, a writer, an editor, and an executor. It’s not easy being an all-in-one professional, but you’re doing it anyway.

Jeffrey takes you through the simple tips and tricks of how you can get sh*t done; do it all.

  1. Faster, Smarter, Louder: Master Attention In A Noisy Digital Market by Aaron Agius and Gian Clancey

This book takes you through the story of how two people, Aaron and Gian, went from being nobodies to becoming prominent marketing evangelists.

They talk about their marketing journey, experiences and give their readers a glimpse into their strategic planning that led them to become who they are today.

  1. Mastermind Dinners by Jayson Gaignard
    According to Jayson, the crux of becoming an expert in marketing has the same secret recipe as any other profession — Networking. 

He recounts his own story, explaining how he went from being bankrupt to launching a #1 business podcast and running exclusive entrepreneurial events by hosting ‘Mastermind Dinners’. This is one of the best motivational books in the industry.

  1. Run With Foxes: Make Better Marketing Decisions by Paul Dervan

This book wholeheartedly accepts that it does not give you a shortcut to success in social media marketing. Instead, it gives you lessons on how to ace the process.

Run With Foxes is Paul’s treasure trove of stories that take you through his many adventures in the marketing industry, giving you an inside edge into this very dynamic, ever-changing world of social media.

  1. Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide To Creating Ridiculously Good Content by Ann Handley
    According to, Everybody Writes is a guide that explains why writing matters more now, not less. Almost like a writer’s retreat that takes you back to the fundamentals of writing, this book tells you how to make your content thrive.

PS: If you’re marketing on Twitter, please grab this book! You’re going to master the knack of minding the character limit yet communicating what you want.

  1. Brand Experiences: Building Connections In A Digitally Cluttered World by Steve Randazzo
    In his book, Steve introduces you to the concept of ‘Experiential Marketing’. You’ll learn all about how to create a buzz in the market digitally and get the results you’ve been looking for.

Steve talks about all those unique selling opportunities you’ve been missing and helps you make the most of every opportunity.

  1. One Million Followers: How To Build A Massive Social Following In 30 Days by Brendan Kane

Building social media fan bases. Gaining mass exposure. Connecting with audiences across the globe. Brandan tells you how you can make it all possible and gain one million followers in a month in his book full of growth hacks.

What’s more? He also shares in-depth interviews with marketing experts, influencers, and celebrities to give you a complete, well-rounded perspective. It is one of the best motivational books of all time.

  1. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuck

Best-selling author and social media expert Gary tells you how to beat competitors and create a winning marketing strategy.
His words of wisdom are tools of inspiration from budding and established marketers worldwide, and if there’s one person who tells it best in the business, it’s him.
In his book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, Gary takes you through social media marketing strategies that truly do work.

11 Best Twitter Accounts to Follow for Engaging, Crisp Marketing Ideas

  1. @Mashable

Without Mashable, social media would be missing a chunk of its aura

A news outlet for all that is trending on social media, Mashable tells you everything you need to know or post about. A direct source of information and inspiration, Mashable is a must-follow for all social media marketers.

  1. @erinbury

A CEO, co-founder, and thought-leader, Erin’s tweets voice the thoughts of many leaders and managers in the industry. Her messages are simple excerpts of her thoughts on how leadership should be made efficient, approachable, and easy-going in a company to make the business flourish.

She is an inspiration to both current and budding leaders and is willing to start a  conversation with anyone who piques her interest.

  1. @HubSpot

A fun combination of relatable and fact-based content, HubSpot is always talking about what’s in, what’s out, and what’s being missed out.

It not only tells its readers what one should be looking for but also gives its personal opinion on what may or may not be the next big thing in social media — something all agency managers are always on the lookout for.

  1. @hootsuite

Although Hootsuite is a social media management platform, it is also known for its informative tweets that guide marketers in their campaign planning. Along with putting up helpful advice on its social media platforms, it also holds certification options by the ‘Hootsuite University’, which is considered to be a serious upgrade to one’s skill base in the world of digital marketing.

  1. @Kissmetrics

A digital analytics tool, Kissmetrics keeps its tweets as fact-based as its business is, always shooting for the ‘straight-to-the-point route. What else? It goes out of its way to help new marketers and brands understand what kind of analyses to take up for themselves

  1. @TedRubin

A social media expert, Ted shares his thoughts, opinions, and insights from his experience in the creative industry, helping brands understand the little things that often end up making a big difference. He is one of the most followed persons on Twitter in the industry.

  1. @Adweek

The one place you must go to for all information regarding social media — Adweek is almost like the newspaper for all things marketing, advertising, and tech. It tweets articles related to everything new and happening in the industry while also giving its own take on the same.

  1. @netflix

If you’re on Twitter, then you’ve probably heard of Netflix’s sensational Twitter account.

It gives regular updates on the must-watches of the moment and tweets such entertaining content that people follow it more for their tweets than to gather information. If you’re searching for inspiration on how to make your strategy engaging, here’s where you should look.

  1. @Wendys

Ever heard the word ‘savage’? It should be the name of Wendy’s Twitter handle.
Wendy’s is known for its witty responses and its jaw-dropping responses to fans and followers. Most would not expect such a controversial tone-of-voice from a fast-food brand, but that’s what sets the brand’s social media strategy apart. It knows where it stands, and it uses that belief to own its page.

  1. @MarketingHits

Brian Yang takes the audience through a step-by-step process of establishing a smart social media strategy, one that helps them understand all those marketing jargon and also how they can be used efficiently to make the best of a mini-budget social media marketing campaign.

  1. @Ogilvy

Whether you’ve just entered the social media marketing industry or have been a part of it for the last ten years, Ogilvy is a name you could not have missed. A leader in the field of advertising, Oglivy’s Twitter feed is filled with its latest work — a source of inspiration and reference for many.


1. Which is the best book for online marketing?

There is no best book as such. Every book is amazing at its place. The books listed in this article will surely help you to learn the strategies of online marketing.

2. Which books are best for beginners?

All the books mentioned in this article are very helpful for beginners. These books will teach you everything- right from scratch to advance level.

3. Is Twitter good for social media marketing?

The answer is yes. Twitter can help you to promote your product, drive traffic to your website and grow your audience.

4. How many Twitter accounts should I follow?

It depends on you. If you want to know about crazy and crisp marketing ideas, then the accounts listed in this article are a must-follow. We don’t promote any kind of accounts.

5. Which is the best account on Twitter to follow?

Every person associated with the domain of online marketing tweets something worth learning. Crowning one account with the “best account” tag won’t do justice to others. 

6. Is it really important to generate an online presence?

After the pandemic, it has been necessary to maintain an online presence because you never know what will happen tomorrow. Hence maintaining an online presence would be safer