
AI Copywriting Vs. Natural Copywriting: Is The Debate Real?

Team Pepper
Posted on 7/12/217 min read
AI Copywriting Vs. Natural Copywriting: Is The Debate Real?

Table of Contents 

  • What is AI?
  • AI Copywriting vs. Natural Copywriting
  • The Marketing Expert Perspective 
  • Advantages of Using AI
  • AI as Tool for Human Copywriters
  • Key Takeaways
  • Conclusion 
  • FAQs 

Imagine a machine churning out articles like sodas out of a vending machine! This resembles the perceived future of copywriting when paired with artificial intelligence (AI). While AI copywriting tools might be a boon for affiliate and digital marketers looking to create a high volume of content every day, it can be a nightmare for the writer who puts his/her heart into writing a content piece. 

With the increase in AI tools developed to create smart content for organizations, most writers are concerned about how rapidly they might get replaced by AI for writing and creating content they would typically make using their own words and experiences. Here, we discuss the ways AI can change and shape the future of the writing community.

What is AI?

AI is nothing but computer technology created to take on specific human tasks. It was designed to bridge the gap between humans and machines by mimicking particular cognitive abilities like learning and problem-solving. And, it has already begun to change the way we lead our daily lives – read Siri or Alexa. AI seeks to understand how humans think instead of just following commands. As we write, tech experts are creating AI robots that can make decisions for themselves and do not need humans to monitor them. 


AI is growing new wings every day, at such a pace that very soon, it will be able to surpass human abilities to perform specific tasks. Machine learning algorithms have already made gadgets and machines more intelligent than humans, setting a clear image for a smarter, AI-powered future. 

With copywriting in the picture, AI technology has begun to leverage its knowledge about natural language and successful campaigns to make writing a machine-based task, too. The outcomes have been better than average writing and have led to new prospects in business, with successful results. 

AI vs. Natural Copywriting

AI can automate processes, enhance efficiency and make operations better gradually. Although this looks like a considerable investment, it can save money and pay well in the long run. Will AI replace copywriting? The word replace means that one thing will displace the other. This might not be the case with AI in copywriting. Some tasks will still need the human touch and will not always be automated. Human copywriters can not completely go out of the picture, but businesses that invest in AI when it is selling like hotcakes could make a fortune in the long run! 

Yes, you heard it right; AI copywriting is a tool that will help copywriters, not replace them. It will make the process easier for many new writers or those with busy schedules or demanding deadlines. AI is already being used to write content, whether it be via machine learning or even by mimicking the human voice. And we’ve seen how well this works for companies in generating leads, engagements, and sales!

The Marketing Expert Perspective

According to Sam Mallikarjunan, Head of Growth at HubSpot Labs, visual content will have a growing influence on SEO. “Search engines are growing better at figuring out what a video, audio snippet, or image is about,” he explains. This insight helps us navigate the journey of the content we create. AI can help in optimizing your content based on the keyword you’re using for your piece. 

However, SEO is not only about using keywords as many times as one could in their content. That’s not the purpose of SEO or the secret of having successful content that reaches many people. SEO is best done when we create content that is creative and holds some value for its consumers. Relevant content written around the keywords, without using them too often is the kind of content we should aim for.

Advantages of Using AI


While writers are still figuring out how AI will or will not be a game-changer for the writing world, here are a few ways in which AI has an advantage in copywriting: 


As a writer, creative thinking is one of the important and strongest skills that one should possess. Even the best of writers do experience writer’s block.

AI comes as a savior in such times. It can help you come up with content ideas, taglines, headlines, etc. Just add your prompt and click a button; you can have tons of ideas to kickstart from there. 

An instance for the same is as follows: 

Let’s see how AI copywriting works for an imaginary product, “baby sleep mattress.” 

Product description: We make spongy sleeping bags that are pretty comfortable.

Product name: Baby sleep mattress

Audience: People who love to sleep like a baby

AI Output

Tagline one: Sleep like a baby. It doesn’t get better than this.

Tagline two: Sleep in comfort with baby sleep mattresses. 

This is a fair outcome from an AI-powered tool, and it absolutely cannot get better than this. 

AI-powered content optimization

Data collection and processing are the most impacted by the advancement of AI. Writers are leveraging SEO tools and making recommendations based on machine learning. Content-creation tools like MarketMuse use NLP to analyze pages.

Content creation at scale

Sometimes, content is needed in bulk, and having an AI content generator can be a boon for content creators. Solopreneurs and boot-strapped startups cannot usually afford a dedicated content department and hence find it easy to use an AI-content generator. 

For example, if your e-commerce store requires 100 product descriptions in a day, an AI writer can quickly assist you. 

An AI copywriter can create full-blown product descriptions from a list of features.

Rewrite existing text to avoid duplicate content

For various purposes, such as location pages, it might be necessary to use the same content differently. AI content generators are perfect for such scenarios. You can use them to rewrite existing text to avoid duplicate content and ensure your website is always original; but, the benefits don’t stop there. An AI generator is better than a typical text spinning tool because it produces original content.

Copywriting frameworks for beginners

AI copywriting tools have algorithms based on specific copywriting frameworks. Frameworks like PAS (Problem, Agitate, and Solution) and AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Call to Action) can be used to create conversion-optimized AI copy.

Strategic content planning

Writers can also use AI to identify content clusters and create strategic content and determine topics of relevance. For instance, the Surfer SEO content planner suggests a list of topics, along with relevant keywords and search intent. Each topic comes with a list of keywords (primary and secondary) that you should target with one piece of content. You can avoid duplicate content and avoid competing with yourself by planning your topics in this way.

AI as Tool for Human Copywriters

Only humans can understand (more like drown) in emotions. This is the only aspect that sets humans apart from all other beings. To create promising copies, you need to attract the right emotions. Here are some more reasons why AI cannot replace human writers.

  • AI-based writing is often factual and bland, which might not attract human readers. A copy needs to engage readers on an emotional level. 
  • If anything, AI is not self-sufficient in producing content that can touch human emotions in the slightest. 
  • Unlike human writers, AI does not have the experience or the creative capacity required to play with words to express a completely different standpoint for many things. 
  • Most AI programs would fail if the passwords for the system were changed. 
  • AI requires assistance from a human at most steps to complete a task successfully. 
  • AI programs cannot perform a task unless they are explicitly programmed for that task alone. In contrast, a human writer can write content for multiple fields, each one highlighting a different emotion. 
  • You cannot explain to an AI the emotion your brand is trying to induce in your target audience through your product. 
  • AI can never comprehend the depth of your brand message, purpose, culture, and values. 
  • AI can help you kickstart an article or copy with words to express a few of those emotions; but, putting together a sentence to specifically induce an emotion or memory in your target audience is something only humans are capable of doing (at least for now).
  • Sometimes you need your gut and years of experience with the brand to guide you towards the purpose of your brand and product, along with finding the uniqueness that separates it from other products of a similar type. You can easily sense when something does not align with your brand and the message it’s trying to convey to its audience; an AI program can never assess that part of the content for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Al is useful for content writing: Although humans can never entirely be replaced by AI for content creation or copywriting, it can enhance our work for the better. 
  • AI can help optimize content: It can optimize our content to make it more comprehensive and profound. AI can help us more than ever before in tasks we thought were all for us to do. 
  • Quality and AI: AI is becoming smarter at creating content and polishing ready produced content.
  • Accepting AI: We can and actually should let AI aid us in producing better quality content. Now, that’s a change everyone is ready for. 
  • Our work as human copywriters: The critical work – generating content that comes straight from our emotions and experiences – stays in our department.


Even while AI is becoming more intelligent than humans in many areas, it will not be able to replace specific characteristics. Empathy, for example, is a human-centric attribute that AI cannot imitate. Despite having a high processing capacity and reading 100% of the Internet, it has no idea how to interact with humans in context. For the foreseeable future, we do not see AI replacing humans entirely. Aiding content writing as a tool is currently its best function. 


1. What can we expect from AI shortly?

Even large organizations investing heavily in AI software will need humans to assess the content their AI will create. They can use AI software to carry out mundane tasks like creating repetitive content or transcription work. Still, they’ll mainly require humans to produce original and authentic content for their companies and brands.

2. How will big organizations use AI?

Most companies investing in AI and technology for content will still value content creators who can give them quality and originality in their pieces. If anything, AI will help and enhance the work of human copywriters by producing large quantities of content in a short amount of time.

3. How will improvements in AI change SEO?

SEO is best done when we create creative content that holds some value for its consumers, something only a human can do to its maximum extent.

4. What should content writers do to stay in the field?

AI cannot replace human copywriters to produce content for a long time. As with any other competitor, content writers must create original material through assessment of facts and research.

5. Will AI replace the majority of copywriters?

AI isn’t self-sufficient in terms of creating content that can even somewhat touch human emotions. Unlike human writers, AI lacks the experience and creative aptitude to play with words to offer a completely different perspective on various topics. As a result, natural copywriting will largely remain a human endeavor.