How to Build the Best SEO Team in 2022

Team Pepper
Posted on 29/03/229 min read
How to Build the Best SEO Team in 2022
Wondering what an SEO team looks like? Check our detailed guide where we discuss SEO team structure, key skills, and tips to build the best SEO team.

Table of Contents

  • Overview of SEO Team Structure
  • Why Create an In-House SEO Consulting Team?
  • How to Structure an SEO Team?
  • Key Skills of SEO Team Members
  • Benefits of an In-House SEO Team
  • Tips to Build the Best In-House SEO Team
  • Key Takeaways
  • Maximizing Your Goals with the Perfect SEO Team
  • FAQs


Are you willing to take your digital business to new heights? What better than having an in-hour SEO team for it? SEO or search engine optimization is a crucial component that helps decide how search engines determine ranking for your businesses.

Adopting the right approach for SEO team building can bring several benefits in terms of growth and gaining the attention of targeted customers. There’s a lot to explore about the importance of SEO team structure and tips to build one.

Overview of SEO Team Structure


Why is it essential to have an in-house SEO team? Before creating a team, it is crucial to get familiar with every aspect related to SEO and how it favors business growth.

We are in the digital era, and digital marketing campaigns drive everything here. And without SEO, no brand can ever succeed on social media and digital platforms. Hence, a good and efficient SEO consulting team is a wise investment that could benefit you in the future.

SEO funnels the expansion of ROI and sustainable business architecture that could last long. However, you need to undergo planning and execution work to frame a perfect campaign.

In addition, you need expert SEO managers who take complete accountability for their work and guide their teams to achieve significant milestones one after another. Beholding these capabilities can pose multiple benefits for the success of your business.

Are you still relying on SEO agencies to promote brands on your behalf? It’s high time to overcome the problems persistent when you appoint freelancers who lack commitment or individuals not following the best SEO methods or practices.

An excellent and well-trained SEO team creation might take a while initially, but in the end, it could replicate astounding outcomes.

Why Create an In-House SEO Consulting Team?


Building an SEO master team is extensive and varies from the usual hiring process. Initially, getting the desirable ROI with SEO might be daunting, but long-term goals would keep you going. Even then, it’s a fruitful achievement.

Expertise in your brand

No one knows your product’s strengths better than yourself. With a proper SEO team structure, you can have an agency that understands the business in and out to convince targeted users better about its positive aspects.

Equipping the customers with the business product or service is possible only when the agency knows the promotional hacks. This is a more feasible option when compared to hiring a freelancer or an agency that is not aware of the exact solutions you provide.

Dedicated SEO consulting team

A good SEO team can retain perfect communication between you and the clients. They are always available to guide you on what’s best for the business development and would be willing to push their limits for achieving dedicated targets.

Better and faster plan execution

Incorporating SEO strategies is a gradual movement that could churn out faster when you have an on-board team to handle it. They would create plans and ensure their execution promptly by complimenting them with the appropriate SEO strategies.

You can keep the ball rolling with a quick conference to streamline the plans that work to improve your digital marketing goals.

Affordable solutions

Imagine paying a hefty fee every time you appoint a new SEO agency or freelancer to do SEO for your business. Instead, having a small team of SEO specialists can enable you to achieve the best results and ongoing website functionality.

And all of this is achievable without spending thousands of dollars on it. On a fixed budget, you will have resources for content management, PPC, and enhancing the overall SEO of the website.

A squad of trusted people

SEO agencies or freelancers could or could not be the most fruitful set of people/person you have invested in. Many of them follow dishonest practices leading to inefficiency of tasks and low-quality backlinks from the other end. Hiring a professional SEO team is a perfect investment that helps transform your entity’s digital facet.

How to Structure an SEO Team?

Brands and businesses that plan to grow and flourish on a larger scale often opt for an SEO team structure that helps with in-house marketing operations.

A study suggests that brands with an in-house SEO team tend to gain better outcomes, higher transparency of operations, and effective outcomes. These teams also guarantee a dedicated business expansion as they know the formula of technicality and creativity to bring up a successful business.

Content creators are a crucial component of the SEO teams as they explore creative avenues and develop unique strategies to spread word of mouth on various digital platforms. 

Integrating the SEO team structure fetches the optimum capabilities, specifically when you have sales-driven businesses or it’s relevant to newer product launches. Enrooting the right strategies helps derive the company’s SEO goals.

The ultimate composition of the SEO master team varies depending on the nature of your business, overall market size, and the suitable strategy related to it. However, having an efficient and responsible SEO team can help you achieve the business goals as they are familiar with the particularities of search engine optimization.

Key Skills of SEO Team Members


A good SEO team is the backbone of the successful digital marketing of the business. Here are the different pyramids of a professional SEO team and the key skill they must-have for taking your business to new heights of success. Here’s a list compiled for you:

Team leader

A good team leader has complete expertise in SEO activities and helps you in saving a lot of time otherwise spent on handling such activities.

An SEO team leader must be able to come up with innovative solutions and mind-boggling marketing strategies that could gear up the business motion. Always go for professionals with good experience in this field as they could be the best ones to rely on.

SEO specialists

The team members should be people who have a thorough grasp of Google algorithms and carve out the best optimization strategies to rank your site on top pages.

SEO specialists are masters of technicality and can monitor the website’s progress by infusing appropriate content marketing strategies.

Link building specialist

This person would handle the on-page and off-page link-building tasks within the budget allocated. It is always an excellent option to appoint someone who can promote content on your behalf and trace out the backlinks you receive through it. This justifies your investment in SEO activities.

SEO manager

The role of an SEO manager has a broader spectrum as they have to notch both technical and managerial skills. SEO Managers help frame a perfect SEO strategy by getting feedback and discussing it with other contractors and agencies.

In addition, they must have good decision-making skills to develop prompt solutions to any issue concerning the implication of SEO strategies.

Copywriters and content creators

Good, meaningful, and well-researched content is the soul of any business. Copywriters are the stepping stones to climb towards a successful SEO, and they must pertain to advanced creativity levels.

These individuals must be ingenious and dive in to bring out a most versatile piece of content and ad copy that adds value to the promotion of the product or services.

Hence, carefully choosing the content creators is imperative if you focus on ranking your platform on the top pages of the leading search engines.

Benefits of an In-House SEO Team


If you wish to grow in today’s time, having a good SEO team structure is compulsory. This would regulate an uninterrupted flow of SEO activities that might help businesses achieve the set targets with ease.

However, remember that SEO can be tricky, and you need an efficient SEO team that can comply with all your marketing-related demands without any loopholes or delays.

Below are the other benefits that companies can achieve with an in-house SEO consulting team:

Feasibility of operations

Suppose you have a dedicated SEO team inside the company. In that case, they can always be in the loop about other general business operations and readily access all the data without lining it up differently. This bolsters the responsiveness to the right actions that could help in the timely marketing of the business through digital means.

Better results

Compared to hiring freelancers or SEO agencies, the in-house teams have better competency and ability to cope with challenges than anyone else. In addition, they are well aware of their targets and how to get the best outcomes from them.


Keeping an eye on outside SEO agencies is trivial, and it could be time-consuming to get regular feedback from them.

On the other hand, an in-house SEO team has transparent operations, and there is absolutely no risk of data theft. Thus, your confidential information about new product launches or other such activities can stay secured through this means.

Tips to Build the Best In-House SEO Team


There are several things to keep in mind for developing an in-house SEO team that helps fetch a great market positioning for the business on a digital front. Here are the tips to help you develop a result-yielding expert SEO team.

Infuse the perfect blend of skills

The SEO master team must consist of people from distinct backgrounds who seek mastery of a specific set of skills. For example, suppose you need an efficient in-house SEO team. In that case, it is vital to include professionals who have mastery in website development, design, link building, content creation, marketing, and promotion.

Set a budget

Budget development is another significant step to creating a perfect SEO consulting team. Remember that budgeting matters on countless factors like the area where the firm is located, affordability of salaries, nature of business, and the type of professionals you wish to hire.

It is also a good idea to set a budget well in advance, depending on the stage of your business development.

Goal establishment

A perfect SEO team cannot be functional until you set some goals that regulate them. You need to envision the growth or marketing of your company before determining the objectives.

SEO team structure includes multiple functionalities and giving them a goal chart would help brainstorm ideas to reach the top SERP positions. Ensure that you also prevail over the expected profit margins you are willing to achieve.

In-depth research

If you need a perfect SEO team, a detailed study of various key roles of the team and their skill sets is a must. Unless you are unaware of that, it is impossible to achieve the desired outcomes from digital marketing campaigns.

Hiring a professional SEO team could be a valuable investment that could churn up good outcomes in the long run.

If you are well-versed with the intricacies of SEO and know its significance for digital existence, this is the best option for you. Building an SEO consulting team from scratch can be quite toiling, but it would reap good outcomes in the end.

Key Takeaways

  • The in-house SEO team helps in the organic growth of the businesses. 
  • Technical SEO and content SEO lead to strategic website optimization. 
  • SEO is an ongoing process, and a structured team helps achieve the targets. 
  • A Dedicated SEO team acts as a vital marketing funnel to create brand awareness.

Maximizing Your Goals with the Perfect SEO Team

Is your SEO master team ready? Now focus on the careful allocation of time, planning, and investments so that you can make your dream come into reality.

Constant efforts and the inclusion of top SEO strategies are bound to give you desirable outcomes that can navigate your business a long way ahead.

Also, ensure that you do not overburden them with expectations as few targets are hard to achieve.

Gradual and consistent growth on digital mediums must be your focus, as staying on top search engine pages is more important than just making it to the top for a while.

So stay motivated and venture into new challenges for creating a successful business with your knack for digital marketing.


1. What role does an SEO team play?

Every emerging business needs a robust SEO team that holds detailed SEO knowledge and can monitor the site performance on leading SERPs.
The key role of the SEO team is to curate and integrate specific marketing strategies that favor business development and lead generation.

2. How to structure a good SEO team?

Small and big enterprises can structure a perfect SEO team by focusing on three crucial aspects. It includes SEO leadership, content SEO, and technical SEO.
Big organizations with a higher budget can also have SEO analysts, specialists, and other heads for content management or technical roles. 

3. How many people should be in an SEO team?

If you aim for a fruitful SEO program, the in-house SEO team must consist of two to five members.
In addition, each member must specialize in a particular field to push forward the SEO program. 

4. What is the importance of web traffic in SEO?

In SEO terminology, the website traffic is measured through the website visit metrics, and the organic traffic is driven to your site.
Therefore, it helps in giving an overview of the SEO performance.

5. What are the different types of traffic SEO teams aim to get?

The SEO team targets several kinds of traffic, such as organic, referral, social, email, paid, display, and direct. It is about how users get attracted to your platform.