Facebook ads need compelling visuals. This is the first step in acquiring customers and actually getting their attention to make them momentarily stop scrolling.
But what is the next step? Now that you have made your target customer stop and notice, how do you ensure he listens? Here’s a lowdown on how to write Facebook ad copy that converts?
Importance of a Facebook Ad Copy
This is where the copy comes in. That first sentence he reads to analyse what this is about, that brief second where his brain starts ticking, assessing whether this is in fact something interesting worth his attention or just a good-looking picture, that is where you need to tell him exactly what you are about.
Remember seeing the Nike ad above? See it again, now without the copy. Is it just a shoe?
Writing ad copy is a lot like waking up, a sleeping class. You may get them to wake up for a second or two with a scream, but you will need something interesting to keep them awake. Or, in the case of ads, something smart, something to make them humor you for the next few seconds by either clicking on the ad and coming to your page, watching your video, or just reading the rest of the copy.
If this is what you are trying to crack, the art of communicating value with text, we strongly suggest you continue reading.
Context is King
But as always, context is king. Before you get to the what, you need to understand the why. Before you start communicating, you need to understand what the customer wants to listen to. Unfortunately, there are no cheat codes to help; you can’t always know what will work with which customer, what solution you can provide, which he will jump at and say – yes, this is what I want!
However, if you have done your research right, you know what kind of problem you are trying to solve. If you are a healthy snacks brand trying to get consumers to eat right, you probably know they agree with you because they want to look better.
If you are a writer selling a book, you probably know that your readers are always looking for a ‘Connect’ as cognitively driven social animals. If they can see a small part of themselves in your main protagonist, that is half the war won.
If you are a technology-driven company trying to find your first band of customers, you know that within that one second of consideration, you need to showcase what business value your software brings to the table—the rationale behind buying your software.
Are you saving them time? Are you assisting them in increasing profit? Or are you helping them reduce their costs?
Whichever it is, if they can rationalize buying your software – they will probably give you the benefit of the doubt and click on your link.
But of course, it isn’t that simple. Sometimes, what is obvious to you, isn’t obvious to them. But that is why you have a website, right? Your ad copy only needs to make them halfway.
3 Pegs to use with FB Ads
There are multiple ways to get them there; however, here are the three easiest ones.
1. Pain or benefit
While talking to a friend, have you ever had that moment where they confess that they are going through something that you have gone through in the past? What is the first thing you do?
You tell them you understand exactly what they are going through. And then you tell them how you dealt with it. It may or may not work for them, but doesn’t it help? Knowing what worked for someone else?
For example, the below ad uses the image to get attention and then the copy to talk about the problem and the benefit.
Similarly, what if you were the one seeking help and you realized there was someone else who had gone through the same? Wouldn’t you ask how they got through it? That’s your first kind of hook –we call it the bait and pull as with fishing.
As a business, writer, and technologist, you would always know what problem you are trying to solve and how. This is your connection—the problem and the solution that you are providing.
So that is what you do – you highlight the problem and then suggest a benefit of your product that provides a solution.
2. Feelings
Before we get to how this works, let us look at the ad from WWF India below. How does the curled-up Pangolin make you feel? You may never have seen a Pangolin. You may not know that they are a critically endangered species. However, images like these tend to touch a chord somewhere. You stop, you read because the image appeals to your humanity.
While using your customer’s feelings is dangerous ground, it can be powerful if your product or service can improve how someone feels. And WWF does it brilliantly here.
Pro Tip: This hook specifically also works well with TV advertising.
Take, for example, Coca-Cola, another great brand that consistently uses feelings as a motivator.
In short, when you give customers a taste of what it feels to be a certain way and they see your product as a way to reach their personal goals, you can get their attention. This is one of the important Facebook ad copy tips.
However, a word of advice to marketers, given you have the power of influence.
3. Logic & humour
The next hook you can use is that of logic. If you can find a logical statement or fact that proves your point in the first sentence of the ad copy, the left-brainers are going to agree with you and want to continue reading.
However, the logic hook needs to have an unquestionable foundation in data. An undisputed fact that rings true to make readers sit up and notice. Take, for example, baby care. While the below does also have a feelings hook, the fact remains that babies need extra care.
While these are the main hooks you can use with FB ads, one more is growing in prominence.
Probably the biggest hit with younger audiences, especially Gen Z, who love something unique, is the art of using humor. Whether it be memes or ad copy, using humor definitely helps.
How to structure an FB Ad
Now that you have an idea of the different hooks you can use to keep users engaged let’s break down making great ad copy down into three simple steps.
1. Entry
This is the first line or the first few lines that get the customer hooked. This is where you should potentially signal your potential customers.
Notice how the below ad callouts athletes and fitness enthusiasts with the ad copy and the visual?
2. Pitch
This is where you move from your entry line to your pitch. Don’t oversell, and don’t make it seem like a sales pitch. Notice how the below ad uses the words exquisite, milk, and creamy to get the user thinking about drowning himself in chocolate.
3. Call to Action
Now that you have gotten the user interested, it’s time to close the sale.
Tips and Examples
Now that you know the basics of how to write ad copy for Facebook, here are a few tips and tricks to get the most from your ads:
1. Write to a specific audience
It is easier to sell a series of books to 100 readers who have already read the first book than trying to get 10,000 readers to buy the first book.
2. Customize
Did you know that advertisers play TV ads in regional languages? Similar concept; try different ad copies with different audiences. While the younger generation prefers humor with their daily cup of tea, the older generations like to read the paper.
3. Summarize
Leave the selling pitch to your website or the images. Try to keep your ad copy concise and effective.
4. Build intention
Your customers will click on your ad; just ensure you have them riled up with purpose first.
5. Be consistent
Your ad copy and imagery should send the same message.
6. Use numbers to your advantage
Ads highlighting an attractive price, maybe?
Once you have identified the problem you are solving, the toughest task is getting the people who you solve it for to notice. Luckily for you, though, there are more channels today than there were years ago for you to go say hi. The number of touchpoints that you can have with new prospective customers is innumerable. What this means is that you have more than one chance to get them to notice you. This also means that you need to track what you tried, what worked, what didn’t, and whom. Now that you know what your options are, happy tinkering!
Try Peppertype.ai to help you create quality Facebook ad copies.
Here are a few Facebook ad copy tips you need to follow for good conversions:
– Don’t have a very long ad copy. Keep it short; the way people like to communicate on social media platforms
– Don’t give your audience too many choices
– Have real discounts and show them in rupees
– Show your product in action
– Show real people
Facebook ads manager recommends keeping the ad text around 125 characters. A copy with a greater word count will get truncated on mobile devices and other ad placements.
Here are some basic pointers on writing good ad copies for Facebook:
– Understand your audience. Know who you’re trying to talk to
– Write short and easy-to-understand content
– Always have a Call To Action (CTA) that goes along with your strategy
– Have a visual that matches your copy perfectly or vice-a-versa
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