All You Need to Know About The SEO ROI Calculator

Team Pepper
Posted on 14/03/235 min read
All You Need to Know About The SEO ROI Calculator
An SEO ROI Calculator is an ultimate tool that helps any business determine whether its SEO efforts bring optimum results. This blog highlights this and more

SEO is an important digital marketing strategy that enables businesses to get online visibility. It is significant to any digital marketing plan and helps attract customers to the business website. Essentially, SEO leads the audience to the website content and eventually converts them into tangible leads. 

But how do you determine the value of SEO? Many marketers do that through page rankings and web traffic. But we need to know more to understand the earnings. That is where the ROI (return on investment) for SEO comes into the picture. An SEO ROI calculator is the best way to go about this. Read below to learn all about SEO ROI.

SEO ROI Calculator


The Importance of Measuring SEO ROI

SEO return on investment is the measure of any SEO campaign’s success and can be assessed using an SEO ROI calculator. It shows the spending against the returns. It also shows why SEO is a worthwhile investment for the business. Here are some reasons SEO ROI is an important metric.

1. The best measure of success

Any business owner must understand various marketing strategies and know how to use all marketing channels effectively. They must also learn how to use SEO to boost promotion and sales and add value to the company. SEO can be measured using standard performance indicators like sales and conversions. Still, the best way to do it is through SEO ROI statistics, which give the ultimate report of the most tangible results of SEO efforts.  

2. It shows which SEO strategy is performing well.

Like other marketing channels, SEO uses many tactics. Knowing which SEO strategy is doing well helps your business. SEO ROI helps improve decisions regarding where to invest for promotion and marketing. SEO ROI becomes an essential metric for sales generation or the success of a campaign. One gets to know the correct digital-revenue driving channel. More effort, focus, time, and funds can be put into these revenue-driving channels.

3. Lays the foundation for future marketing plans with a bigger budget

Any marketing professional must understand SEO’s pivotal role in a company’s success. Understanding the expansion and scaling aspects through SEO ROI can lay the groundwork for future projects. It creates the right environment for better marketing strategies. 

4. Shows the business’ progression

Business owners need to know the quantitative value of marketing efforts. Digital marketers also need to know that their efforts are bearing fruits. SEO ROI helps identify what is working and what is not. That makes it convenient to tweak tactics that are not working. It also makes it easy to replicate those that are. It gives precise financial value to business owners on every SEO technique.

The Challenges of Calculating SEO ROI

Calculating SEO return on investment seems easy. But there are many factors in SEO that one should be aware of. And this makes interpreting and measuring SEO ROI complex and challenging. Here are some of the common challenges: 

1. You cannot achieve instant results on SEO ROI

Search engine algorithms are getting more complex by the day. Hence, website changes take time to reflect in search engine results. As new content adds up, indexing also takes place, and several websites may compete for the same keywords. As a result, generating SEO ROI takes time.

What this means is that SEO is a long-term strategy. So you need to revise the standard ROI calculation of investment compared to your gains needs. It takes at least six months or more for returns. This vast period becomes an important factor in SEO getting rejected.

Tools used for SEO ROI


2. The flawed nature of marketing attribution

Irrespective of the attribution model used, attributing to conversions need to be revised. The customer touchpoints and journeys are more complex than analytical software makes them. So it is impossible to determine which channel led to conversion.

3. Limited testing

SEO ROI is quite limited when you compare it to other channels that test SEO’s effectiveness. For example, it is easy to turn off PPC and compare the revenue to determine PPC effectiveness. If there is no change in the bottom line, then that means your PPC campaign is not working. But the same cannot be done using SEO. A website cannot be removed from search engines, which becomes a limitation.

4. SEO ROI cannot measure retention

SEO metrics cannot measure retention. They need to measure what the users want in brands they know about. SEO metrics can increase the customer’s lifetime value. But it is not possible to see the retention value when calculating ROI.

How to Calculate SEO ROI

Measuring ROI is important as it helps to know the financial value SEO brings to the business. While there are other SEO KPIs that you can track to know ROI, the ultimate measure of success is positive ROI. Here’s how to calculate it.

1. Set up conversion tracking

The foremost step in knowing SEO ROI is conversion tracking. It helps track the conversions on the website that earn money. The setup is dependent on the site’s sales. E-commerce sites can use e-commerce tracking to get data on online transactions. That helps measure online revenue. Tools like Google Instructions can help. 

Conversion tracking


Once you start tracking the data, the e-commerce overview becomes available. This contains all online sales-related information. Use this report to check the website’s performance and success.

2. Conversions by channel

Once the conversions tracking is set up for about a month, there is enough data to measure the ROI. Use Google Analytics to do this. Choose multi-channel funnels and assisted conversion options. Select conversions and find the conversion-related data within the time range. It includes all users who found your site using various search engines. That means the conversions can be attributed to the SEO strategy.

3. Calculate SEO ROI

Once you know the revenue generated through SEO for a certain period, compare the invested amount during this period. The most common formula for an SEO ROI calculator is:

(Profit from the investment – Cost of Investment )/Cost of Investment.

In Summary

SEO ROI is a crucial metric for any business. Whether you are a business owner, marketing agency, or in-house marketer, keeping an eye on ROI generated through SEO is vital for your overall marketing plan. SEO ROI is a foolproof way to prove your SEO efforts are working. This can be used as a buy-in for additional investment in SEO strategy. 


1. When should SEO ROI be measured?

Typically, it is measured monthly, quarterly, or yearly. SEO is a long-term strategy. Positive results may not be seen in the first few months. After which, you can see a return. 

2. How to measure SEO ROI?

The formula for SEO ROI is (Gain from Investment – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment). Substitute the numbers and get your ROI from SEO. 

3. What is considered a good ROI?

It depends on the business goals. Since every company is different, there can be no set value assigned. Set an ideal ROI for the business and keep this as a benchmark for the marketing teams to measure against. It is best to start small and then work towards a bigger goal.