
Hiring Tips: How to Find Writers for Your In-House Team

Team Pepper
Posted on 30/12/215 min read
Hiring Tips: How to Find Writers for Your In-House Team

Table of Contents

  • Why Hire an Internal Writer?
  • Hiring Tips for Finding Internal Writers
  • Conclusion 
  • FAQs

So, you’re eager to expand your content production team. Although, you would like to be sure that your writers can speak authoritatively to your ideal customers. It can be challenging to find and hire authors. For many marketers, content creation is by far the most difficult task. During such hours, hiring tips can come to your rescue.

Why Hire an Internal Writer?

It is sometimes ideal to delegate all of your content-related assignments to your in-house staff, especially when they’ve worked alongside you long enough to understand what works and what doesn’t within your business. Furthermore, they’re entirely yours from 9 am to 5 pm each workday. You have the option of requesting multiple rounds of changes and revisions until you’re completely happy.

For drafting key thematic messages, internal writers are usually a better choice. They can devote their time to learning about your company and the message you want to convey to your target audience. They’ll also collaborate closely with your marketing departments to develop a unified message, which can streamline your communications channel.  

Hiring Tips for Finding Internal Writers

Finding and verifying such writers, on the other hand, may appear to be an insurmountable endeavor. It’s a challenging undertaking, but it’s not impossible if you follow the appropriate path to writer-land. Many websites offer tips for hiring new employees, but we have brought you the perfect ones. When hiring a content writer, a few things to look out for our passion, skill level, experience tier, understanding of your brand, correction policies, cost, portfolio, referrals, and likeability. Here are a few hiring tips that you should consider while looking for an in-house writer. 

Post a creative job description

Create interest in the position posting by producing a creative job description, and attracting recognition and interest. A job descrip should establish clear expectations and also captivate the interest of creative authors. A clear and unambiguous job description will make your job easier since this will not only help you find what you’re searching for, but it will also assist you to attract better candidates.

Decide what kind of writer you need

Writers belong to various domains. Based on your brand voice and motion, you can consider hiring writers from the following categories. 

SEO copywriter

Copywriters are known for being multi-talented. They’re required for writing high-volume, basic-level, as well as short articles. They create content that is intended to be purchased. These are not, however, subject matter experts (SME). SEO copywriters incorporate target keywords into your material to guarantee that it ranks well on search engines and increases traffic. They are the ones who can be used for branding, blogging, newsletters, advertisements, and other similar tasks.

Web writer

Writing for websites and apps necessitates a deeper technical grasp of digital experiences, as well as expertise in web design, advertising, SEO, branding, and user behavior. It’s a combination of art plus science, and that is exactly what you would want in your web content writer. 

Subject matter expert

SMEs have extensive knowledge about a particular industry or sector and can write authoritatively. They’re ideal for producing ebooks, whitepapers, or pillar blog pieces. They can set off with just a brief and produce unique, informative content in a short amount of time. However, there’s also the challenge of choosing a subject matter expert over a great storyteller. An SME would have more industry expertise, but will likely be an ordinary marketer who will not elicit the same emotions as a skilled writer.  

Have realistic expectations

There are job descriptions that stretch much beyond a single page, in which the employer expects the writer to be everything from an SEO expert and digital marketer to a writer.

You can’t expect the same person to produce content as well be involved in its planning, marketing, and promotion. Keep in mind that you’re hiring a writer, not a content wizard. Have demands that are both reasonable and feasible. 

Ask around

The next step is to inquire among your group of acquaintances or get in touch with public relations professionals to help you find good leads. If you have someone in your network who has written content before, they might be able to refer you to a skilled writer. Because you would have learned about them from somebody who has vetted their work, recommendations are the greatest ways to find professional writers.

If you ask around in professional circles, somebody in your field might be able to propose someone who is a good fit for your company. LinkedIn or Facebook groups are excellent places to look too. This is one of the best recruitment tips to follow when hiring a writer.   

Turn to publishing houses

Find writers that contribute to top publishing houses, as well as online publications. Hire somebody who actually reads and knows what they are writing about. Many times you may find writers’ email addresses next to their byline. You can simply write to them, expressing your requirements.

Post on job boards or social networks

For a little cost, you can post your needs on a job board. You can even publish job posts for content writers on a professional networking site such as LinkedIn and other social media channels. These platforms host users from across nations, hence diversifying your portfolio of potential candidates. This is one of the best job posting tips for recruiters.


To conclude, the content you provide your audience with will determine how successful you are as a brand. It increases your visibility as well as authority, while also giving your consumers a tangible way to interact with you.

However, as a business owner with a zillion other things on your plate, it’s not always feasible to consistently produce high-quality material. Hiring a content writer may help your company grow significantly. If you do decide to employ a writer, keep the above hiring tips in mind to ensure that you’ll be pleased with your decision. It could be the greatest thing you will do for the firm.


1. What is the most crucial quality of a successful content writer?

A skilled content writer must be able to link themselves to the core topic, think like an insider, analyze what are the skills and abilities of good writers? and solve the readers’ pain points, and appreciate context.

2. What are the skills and abilities of good writers?

Talented writers write their stories such that readers don’t feel lost or confused while reading them. This could imply that a good writer creates stories with clear introductions, middles, and conclusions, or that their text follows a logical plan.

3. What are the components of effective writing?

Focus, growth, unity, clarity, and correctness are five aspects of good writing. These characteristics are particularly crucial for scholarly and expository writing.

4. What characteristics do the best authors share?

Talented writers are keen observers, always collecting detailed notes and noting small changes in their surroundings. This detailing not only makes them excellent editors, able to catch even the tiniest grammatical fault during one read-through, but it also gives their writing a unique touch.