
15 Insightful Listicle Writing Tips

Team Pepper
Posted on 5/05/226 min read
15 Insightful Listicle Writing Tips

A listicle is simply an article or blog that is written in a list format. Instead of containing detailed paragraphs, listicles break down the topic into multiple points, ensuring that the information is easily readable. No wonder, then, that listicle writing is preferred more and more by content marketers.

Many readers love listicles as they provide information in a concise format, with each point providing digestible chunks of information. According to the Nielsen Norman Group, 70% of the readers will look for bulleted lists to read online, as they help absorb and digest information quickly.

15 Tips on How to Write a Good Listicle

If you are wondering how to write a good listicle and impress your readers, we have put together a list of the top 15 tips that you can use. Keep reading!

1. Make sure your title is self-explanatory

The primary reason any reader will open your article is the title, and it has to be self-explanatory for the user to know precisely what you intend to cover. Readers like to know what they can expect from your piece when they click it, making it important for titles to be reader-focused and not just SEO-focused. Here’s an example of an effective listicle title:


You can check out the headline generator that provides headline recommendations that are SEO-focused as well as compelling for readers.

2. Set your intentions in the introduction

Next, focus on a stellar introduction, which sets the tone for the entire article. If the opening is not catchy or exciting enough for the reader, the chances of a bounce are high. We recommend setting the tone at first and providing additional details on the topic as you move forward in the piece. This helps set the context for the reader and keeps them wanting to read till the end.

3. Stick to the topic

For your listicle writing to be top-notch, it must be relevant and value-driven. Let’s say you are writing about the top three ways to improve social media, and the listicle goes:

3 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Efforts

● Be unique

● Take risks

● Measure your results

Although short and to the point, do you think the listicle by itself is valuable? Would the reader learn anything new from it? Thus, it is essential to provide them with information that will be useful.

4. Keep the information fresh

When including information in the article, include new or recent statistics and figures. For example, if you are looking for statistics on video marketing and have numbers from 2019 and 2022, include the latter to give the reader the latest and most accurate information.

5. Avoid clickbait

Marketers often use clickbait-y titles to get a higher amount and traction. But on the downside, luring readers with misleading titles has two big drawbacks:

● It leads to the reader not trusting your brand.

● It creates a high bounce rate, which will affect your SEO negatively.

Stick to simple and genuine titles, and make sure your listicle provides high-quality content.

6. Make it visually pleasing

Gone are the days when blogs or websites would be content-heavy. Many users now prefer to read articles that also have visual cues. Some of the top-performing listicles have relevant and high-quality images that help enhance the listicle content.

7. Use short sentences

In addition to the creative elements you include in the listicle, make sure your sentences are short, fragmented, and bulleted, as required. Even with subheaders, bullets are a more effective way for the reader to consume information, rather than descriptive and long paragraphs.

8. Make it digestible

The USP of listicle writing is readability, enabling readers to get important information quickly and easily. So while it is tempting to expand on a point and go into detail, focus, instead, on readability and crispness.

9. Learn from your competition

Listicles are a great way to capture attention, but remember that you won’t be the only one doing it. To stay ahead in the game, you need to know what your competitors are up to, and be aware of their strategies. Learning from the competition helps you step up your game and add value, helping improve your overall content marketing efforts too.

10. Know when to stop

The length of your blog can be a deal-breaker, depending on the type of your audience and the context you have set. Listicle content is often not considered long-form writing, so it should be between 600 and 800 words. The longer you make it, the lesser the chances of it getting engagement.

11. Avoid writing fluff

Fluff or the addition of unimportant content to meet a particular word count is a misleading practice in content writing. It can often lead to the article, which is well-researched and well-written, losing substance. Instead of adding fluff, focus on the topic and keep each list item to the point and precise. A good case in point is this deck from BuzzFeed that is concise and gives just enough information for the reader to continue reading:


12. Explain with examples as much as possible

In addition to using facts and figures, mentioning examples is a great way to put your point across. It makes your listicle content more practical and easier to understand.

13. Create a logical order


Once you have put together your listicle, it is time to properly edit and structure it. To make sure your listicle flows seamlessly, follow these key steps:

● Position the points logically

● Categorize list items if possible

● Add numbering

14. Finish strong

As you reach the end of the listicle, do not just close it abruptly. Instead, include a conclusion or takeaway to summarize the listicle content. It is also a good practice to include the next steps and CTA, especially if it is a business-focused blog, so that your reader can easily take the required action.

15. Update your listicles regularly

As with any content marketing effort, listicle writing is not a one-time activity. Older content can easily be repurposed and reused with new facts and changing circumstances. So timely updates and edits to the listicle are important, as that will enable it to be relevant and up to date.

Why Is the Listicle Format So Popular?

Listicle content is increasingly popular and used by several online portals. The reasons can be as follows:

● Listicle titles usually tell readers exactly what to expect.

● Numbers get people’s attention, as the human mind is curious to know what numbers represent. For instance, instead of writing a title like, “Ways to improve content writing,” including the number “10 ways to improve content writing” gets more attention and arouses interest.

● Listicle content is easy to read and grasp, and keeps the information neat and tidy. Readers find it easier to go through key observations made in the piece. This makes it ideal for those who are busy and need to read something quickly.

● It breaks complex topics into digestible chunks.

And you have reached the finish line! By applying these tips to your listicle writing, you can attract a large number of eyeballs. Listicles are a great way to enhance your website, and help your audience enjoy reading your content.

If you love the idea of writing listicles but need someone to help you build the content, reach out to us! Our web content writing services comprise the widest network of content experts, who can help you craft professional and quality content.

Key Takeaways

● A listicle is a type of blog or article in which information is broken down into digestible points, which are easier for the reader to skim through and understand.

● The listicle format is extremely popular among digital marketers and publishers.

● Listicle titles have to be self-explanatory, as it is due to the title that a reader will want to read the entire article.

● Make sure each point is explained properly but isn’t too descriptive, as that may cause you to stray away from the main theme

● Each item in the listicle should follow a logical flow.


1. What should a listicle look like?

A listicle is essentially an article that converts complex and descriptive content into lists that are easier to grasp and read.

2. How effective are listicles?

70% of readers look for bulleted lists or articles containing lists. Since people’s attention spans are getting shorter by the day, listicles are a great way for the online audience to digest information quickly and easily.

3. What are some examples of the earliest listicles?

Although BuzzFeed can be credited for popularizing listicle writing, the earliest form of listicles dates back to 2400 BC, when an Egyptian government official wrote an article that comprised quotes of wisdom for the young Egyptian populace.