
B2B Copywriting Mistakes That Can Kill Your Conversions

Team Pepper
Posted on 1/12/217 min read
B2B Copywriting Mistakes That Can Kill Your Conversions

Table Of Contents

  • Overview of B2B Copywriting
  • B2B Copywriting Mistakes You Need to Avoid
  • Tips to Make Your B2B Copywriting Effective
  • Conclusion
  • Key Takeaways
  • FAQs

Most business-to-business (B2B) transactions commence with online research. And that’s why it’s vital to design a communication strategy that is engaging, comprehensive, and informative at the same time. If you’ve ever written marketing copy, and you believe that delivering a B2B copy is somewhat similar, then think again. Penning down B2B copy is a different ball game altogether! B2B communication has its own nuances, and it requires certain skills and understanding to execute a great copy that attracts potential clients. There are some B2B copywriting mistakes that will keep cropping up in your communications and kill your conversions drastically. However, once you identify and nip them in the bud, it’s easy to achieve greater conversion rates and consistent profits from your clients.

But first, let’s understand what B2B copywriting is and why it is crucial to get it right.

Overview of B2B Copywriting

B2B copywriting refers to the process of crafting marketing communications that are geared towards other businesses in order to generate business leads. It encourages potential clients to take an action via email newsletters, blog posts, webinar registration, or more. Unlike the B2C model where solutions are sold to casual consumers, the B2B model delivers solutions to companies that understand the marketing funnel and make calculated decisions. Hence, B2B copy is required to dive deeper and work towards building trust and long-term relationships that can yield higher returns over time. But, the bitter truth is, it’s challenging to engage individuals while addressing business-level concerns, which often shows up in your communications and makes you incur a loss.

So, let’s get to know a few common copywriting mistakes that you need to avoid.


5 B2B Copy Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Mistake #1: Addressing everyone

In the case of a B2B model, the horizon of potential consumers is pretty narrow. Therefore, if you are trying to cast a wide net in order to get as many prospective clients as possible, it won’t work. Moreover, if you address everyone, you might attract some prospects but end up losing the opportunity to actually connect with your target customers. Hence, it is recommended to focus on your target audience and tailor your copy specifically to them.

Mistake #2: Writing superficial copy

This is probably one of the biggest B2B copywriting mistakes you can make. When a company invests money in your venture, product, or service, it does thorough research about your business. Thus, it is essential to talk about your business in-depth instead of writing a superficial copy that can ruin your image. When you are delivering a B2B communication, it is advised to take it as an opportunity and try to establish yourself as a thought leader and a subject-matter expert.

Mistake #3: Neglecting your value

If you have a great product or service to offer, chances are your focus is on talking about the cool features or explaining the process rather than the value your customer is seeking. Although it is important that your target audience knows about your product’s uniqueness and how your company executes its work, it is even more essential for them to know how you can help them overcome their challenges and add value to their business.

Mistake #4: Failing to be persuasive

Again, one of the biggest copywriting mistakes that you can make is not being persuasive enough. If you are just focused on explaining to your customers about what and how you can deliver, then you will probably end up losing them. Although it is great to write an informative copy that helps your target audience understand what you sell and then make the right decision, your copy ultimately needs to persuade them to take the final action. So, try to incorporate persuasive language in your copy, and let your customers engage with your business.


Mistake #5: Paying no attention post sales

Often, businesses view a sales transaction as the end game in the sales funnel, which is a huge mistake. B2B sales are usually high-value sales. When you are selling something to a company, it expects you to follow up once the sale is done and inquire about problems, if at all they face any. Moreover, it is easier to sell your business to an existing customer than a prospective one. So, it is advisable to incorporate a post-sales copy in your marketing strategy and build a long-term relationship with your customers.

Now that you’ve learned about the mistakes that can kill your conversions, here are a few copywriting tips that can make your copy effective and, thus, help your sales skyrocket.

Tips to Make Your B2B Copywriting Effective

1. Master your headlines

In this highly digital world, consumers’ attention span is quite short. Your target audience will end up reading marketing communications only if they can see you as a problem solver. And, the best way to grab their eyeballs is to come up with a killer headline. A good headline must precisely state the value your product offers, yet it should not turn out to be a listing of that product’s features. Try to reflect on the pain point that your product can fix in your headline.

2. Focus on one platform

There are tons of communication media like email marketing, social media, video content, podcasts, and more, in this digital world, which can be overwhelming. You might feel like doing everything; but, what if your audience engages on only one platform? Try to know your potential client and focus your endeavors on a platform that seeks their attention.   


3. Create a brand persona

If you try to please everyone, you actually please no one. In order to serve your target audience, you need to study them. Conduct some research and create your own brand persona that signifies who your audience is and what they want. Try to figure out their goals, likes, and dislikes, and what their pain points are. As you incorporate these points in B2B communications, it will clearly reflect your understanding of the target audience, which will eventually help you fetch potential customers.  


4. Trigger emotions

A satisfied reader does not take action. However, when there is a disruption, it leads to an urge to resolve the problem. Incorporate some pain points in your B2B copy that your audience resonates with and trigger their emotions. It might just compel them to take immediate action and engage with your brand. If you understand your audience well, this is probably one of the best B2B copywriting tips to fetch some prospective clients.  

5. Focus on your reader

If you want to brand your business well in your copy, try to focus more on your reader rather than branding. When your copy puts too much emphasis on branding, it doesn’t let your audience engage with your product or service. Keep the language of your copy conversational, and let it focus on the needs and problems of your target customer. Your reader must see you as someone who is there to offer real help and not someone interested in making a sale. Once you build your brand as one that cares, then you may not even require CTAs to achieve your sales goals.


In a nutshell, if you want to take your copywriting game up a notch, first learn from all the B2B copywriting mistakes that people often make, and then learn how you can avoid or fix them. It’s crucial for your copy to have a solution for your customers’ problems. Try to understand their pain points, and keep them in focus. Let them know how you can add value to their venture, but at the same time don’t lose your brand’s voice. Avoid the aforementioned mistakes, and you are ready to see sales skyrocket like never before!   

Key Takeaways

1. Research your audience

In the case of a B2B model, it’s crucial to bear in mind that you are writing for another business owner. Don’t try to be too vague or too generic; it may entice them to move on to another brand. Use your brand persona to fill the gap that their business expects from you.

2. Offer quality

In this digital world, when consumers’ attention span is becoming shorter, it’s challenging for businesses to make their presence felt. Most businesses fall into this trap and end up offering quantity over quality. While it might seem easy to churn out a plethora of content every week, it does not necessarily result in a good rate of return in the long run. Try to be consistent rather than offering a bunch of content that couldn’t take you anywhere.

3. Provide value

Shift your focus from branding to providing value. One of the biggest copywriting mistakes that a venture often makes is exhibiting its USPs throughout the copy. In a B2B model, you are dealing with another business. Your audience rarely cares about what you are up to until you have something to offer that can add value to their business. Let your copy revolve around how you can help them achieve their goals.

4. Embrace your brand

Again, providing value does not mean that you ignore your brand completely. Try to create balance in your copy and represent your business in a way that showcases you as a thought leader or an influencer. Embrace your brand’s voice and let your reader connect with you.

5. Balance emotions with facts

Even though you are writing B2B copy, don’t forget that, eventually, it’s people who are making the decision. You can expect a company to contemplate over statistics, but people are generally emotional buyers. And, that’s why you need to balance emotions with facts while writing B2B copy.            


1. How is B2B copywriting different from B2C copywriting?

B2C copywriting generally revolves around the end consumer who deals with emotions, while in the case of B2B copywriting, your reader is another business. The B2B model may involve some emotions, but it is mostly about statistics and logical factors, like cost, impact on profit, and more.

2. Why does the quality of B2B copywriting matter?

Like casual consumers, businesses also connect with their solution providers via digital media. If you are in a business that serves both businesses and consumers, you just can’t deliver the same message to both markets. Try to identify your audience, and let it direct your content. When a B2B copy is done right, it can transform your sales chart.

3. What makes one a good B2B copywriter?

A good B2B copywriter should not be afraid of stepping out of the box. Ask yourself how you can deliver the best piece of communication for the given brand. Try to understand the pain points of your audience and offer them a solution they can’t find anywhere.

4. Does one need to have a degree to be a copywriter?

Although many copywriters possess a Bachelor’s degree in English or journalism, it’s not necessary to have one. All you need is a flair for writing along with an ability to identify your audience and convey the right message that can make sales. .

5. What points does one need to keep in mind before writing a B2B copy?  

1. Attract prospects from the chosen platform
2. Provide a solution to the visitor
3. Prompt your reader to take the action
4. Sell your product or service