Content Marketing

8 Reasons to Become a Content Entrepreneur

Team Pepper
Posted on 19/04/224 min read
8 Reasons to Become a Content Entrepreneur
If you want to become a content entrepreneur but don’t know how it will benefit you and your career, this blog is for you.

The content entrepreneur has come into the spotlight in the last two years, primarily due to the rise in demand for online content. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, online content consumption like blogs or YouTube videos increased manifold.

This has given rise to a now-familiar term called the content economy, attracting millions of content creators worldwide. We all know who a content creator is—someone who creates content and generates an income through content marketing. How about building a business out of it and becoming the boss of your own content? That is how a content entrepreneur is born!

Who is a Content Entrepreneur?

The world of digital marketing has expanded 10X over the last decade. All successful businesses ride on content creation to reach out to customers and scale their businesses. And herein lies the opportunity for an entrepreneur in the content economy.

A content entrepreneur can be identified through the following traits:

Engages in the delivery of consistent content on niche genres

Builds a loyal audience base over time

Generates content to scale business and not just to satiate their passion

Typically starts with one channel of digital marketing like YouTube before diversifying into multiple channels of marketing.

Uses different content media like video, podcasts, blogs, etc

● Leverages content creation to generate revenue.

In a nutshell, a content entrepreneur is both a content creator and a business owner. In the 21st century, the people driving the passion economy are in the business of empowering freelance content creators by building an audience-first strategy through technology.

8 Reasons to Become a Successful Content Entrepreneur

Content entrepreneurship has grown in importance both in terms of sustaining the passion economy and generating revenue for the content economy. Ankur Warikoo, Co-Founder and Content Creator at Nearbuy, tells us what it takes to be a content entrepreneur.

He says, “You don’t need a reason to become a content creator. Anyone can indeed become one if you have a flair for writing and creating. But can anyone become a content entrepreneur? The answer is – YES.” Read below to find out why you should consider a career in content entrepreneurship.

1. Hold multiple portfolios

Being a content entrepreneur lets you learn diverse tasks and hold multiple roles. So, you may be writing blogs one day or creating a video, and the very next day, you may have to wear the hat of an editor. Or even a graphic designer.

As a content entrepreneur, you have to test the waters yourself before you can afford to hire a full-fledged team with diverse roles. This lets you know each task inside out and makes it much easier to bring out the best in your future employees.

2. Make consistency a habit.

Did you ever think that consistency could become an asset to you to generate revenue out of something you love? When you have to do the same thing repeatedly, like editing a video or recording a podcast over some time, you only get better at it.

And one day, you become the best. When you are consistent with something, there is no way that you will not master it. And only then can you scale a business like content creation.

3. Impact your consumers

You may not realize it at first, but as a content entrepreneur, you have an immense impact on the consumers of your content. Be it a podcast on the significance of mindfulness or the future of the content economy, you evoke emotions among your listeners. And that is the impact that your business is creating in your audiences’ lives.

4. Gain a loyal audience

The content economy is often used synonymously with passion economy. And although there are some fundamental yet subtle differences between the two, both generate one similar outcome—the bonus of gaining a loyal audience. People will keep coming back for more if you strike the right chord.

5. Follow your passion

This follows from reason number four, where you are allowed to be authentic and tell your tale without putting up a facade. The genuine nature of your content goes a long way in scaling your business in the long run.

6. Gain respect

The problem with most big businesses today is that there is no direct contact with their consumers. The fallout of this is often a lack of respect from customers. This is also amplified by the availability of so many stiff competitors. But with genuine content, you can beat that and start gaining the respect of your consumers.

7. Secure financial stability

It will not happen on the first day. It may not happen even in the first year of your content creation business. But if you are true to it and are consistent, financial stability for a content entrepreneur is bound to come in sooner rather than later.

8. Ride the passion economy bandwagon

The biggest gain for a content entrepreneur is probably the chance to turn a deep passion into a revenue-generating stream. Now, that is rare!

The Future of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is not a gig. Nor is it a hobby. It is more a state of being that more people are waking up to with each passing day. The idea of living your dream and following your passion is not a distant dream that can only be realized by those born with a silver spoon or the gift of the gab.

Anyone can become an entrepreneur with a bit of nudge, strategic thinking, and passion. And a content entrepreneur is more of a necessity in the era of digital marketing than it is desirable.

Note: This blog is an excerpt from a session on Creator Economy is Here to Stay

with Ankur Warikoo, Co-Founder and Content Creator at Nearbuy. The session was part of Elevate–a global virtual content summit organized by Pepper Content, bringing together industry leaders in content marketing.