Karan Kumar

CMO at ART Fertility Clinics Group

Unveiling the Art of Content Marketing in Healthcare

In the marketing world, only some have the experience and expertise that Karan Kumar brings to the table. He is a veteran in the field with over two decades of marketing leadership roles across various industries, including FMCG, real estate, and healthcare. Currently serving as the CMO at ART Fertility Clinics Group, Karan is at the forefront of addressing a sensitive yet crucial aspect of healthcare - reproductive medicine.

In this enlightening conversation, Karan shares insights into the intricacies of content marketing in the healthcare sector, particularly within the context of fertility treatments. He emphasizes the importance of empathy, authenticity, and inclusivity in content creation, shedding light on navigating the challenges posed by such a delicate subject matter.

1. Can you share how your diverse experiences have shaped your approach to marketing in the field of reproductive medicine?

My journey has indeed been diverse, and each industry brought its unique challenges. In FMCG, I learned the art of storytelling and the significance of humor in marketing. However, authenticity and empathy take precedence in healthcare, especially reproductive medicine. My experiences in real estate taught me to simplify complex topics for a wider audience. All these lessons have influenced my healthcare marketing approach, where trust, inclusivity, and addressing personal concerns are paramount.

My journey in marketing spans over two decades, starting in 2001. I spent most of my career at ITC, working with various brands in different sectors, including FMCG, personal care, and apparel. Afterward, I moved on to Fab India, where I served as the first Chief Brand and Marketing Officer. Subsequently, I joined DLF, a leading player in the real estate industry. Currently, I head the global marketing function for ARC Fertility Clinics, focusing on reproductive medicine and fertility treatments. My journey has taken me through diverse industries, each offering unique challenges and opportunities.

2. Reproductive medicine is often considered a sensitive topic, particularly in the Indian context. How do you approach content marketing to address the challenges posed by this sensitivity, both in India and the Middle East?

You're absolutely right; this is a sensitive area. The conversation is slightly more advanced in the Middle East than in India. In both markets, we strive to normalize the discussion around reproductive health. We initiated "Let's Talk Infertility" with NDTV, aiming to reach millions and create awareness. The key is to be open, honest, and empathetic. We aim to mainstream this conversation, addressing how fertility issues affect men and women. We aim to foster inclusivity and ensure no one feels sidelined.

3. Balancing informative content with promotional content can be challenging. How do you strike the right balance, especially in the healthcare sector?

It is indeed a challenge. We focus on metrics like total leads, quality, and conversions for lead generation. Our educative content, on the other hand, aims for reach and engagement. The key is to answer the questions people have about fertility treatments honestly and empathetically. We avoid judgment and focus on building trust. PR efforts have separate metrics. Each part of the marketing pie demands distinct KPIs, ensuring a comprehensive approach.

4. How do you ensure your content doesn't unintentionally sideline any specific audience in a sensitive domain like reproductive medicine?

Inclusivity is crucial. We emphasize that fertility issues aren't gender-specific. Through our content, we convey that both men and women can face challenges. Our brand film, for instance, highlights this inclusivity. We maintain an empathetic and non-judgmental tone, ensuring viewers from all backgrounds feel comfortable and understood. The content addresses concerns that may not even be voiced but are essential to our audience.

5. Could you share some insights on how you set up your content machinery to meet the unique challenges of healthcare marketing, specifically in reproductive medicine?

Setting up a content machinery for healthcare is an ongoing process. We have an internal team working in collaboration with external partners. Content creation is iterative; we learn from each piece of content and improve the next. Listening to our audience, anticipating their questions, and providing honest, empathetic, and authoritative answers is crucial. Customer-centricity guides us, ensuring our content is relevant and trustworthy.

6. Karan, what advice would you give aspiring content marketers, especially those in the healthcare sector?

My advice is simple. Be honest, empathetic, and authentic in your content. Understand your audience's concerns and answer their questions. Avoid judgment and prioritize inclusivity. Healthcare marketing requires a delicate touch, and your content should build trust. Continuously learn and adapt, as healthcare is an ever-evolving field. Remember, your content can make a meaningful impact on people's lives.

7. How do you approach marketing in the sensitive field of reproductive medicine, especially in a country like India, where such topics are often considered taboo?

Marketing in the reproductive medicine field is challenging, especially in a country like India, where discussions about infertility are often hushed. Our approach is twofold: firstly, we aim to mainstream the conversation around reproductive health and fertility treatments. We do this through initiatives like "Let's Talk Infertility," which is a collaboration with NDTV to raise awareness and encourage open dialogue. Secondly, we strive to be empathetic and honest in our content, avoiding judgmental tones. We emphasize that fertility issues are not solely a woman's problem but can affect both partners. Our content aims to answer common questions and concerns, providing honest, empathetic, and gender-agnostic information.

8. How do you define success parameters for your marketing campaigns in the healthcare industry, specifically in the context of fertility treatments?

Success parameters for marketing campaigns in the healthcare industry, especially fertility treatments, vary depending on the campaign's objective. For lead generation campaigns, we measure success by tracking metrics like the number of leads generated, lead quality, conversion rates from leads to valid appointments, and the success rate of appointments turning into treatments. We also analyze the cost-effectiveness of these campaigns. On the other hand, for educational content, success is gauged by metrics like reach, impressions, video views, and engagement levels. The objective here is to raise awareness and educate the audience about reproductive health and fertility treatments.

"In healthcare, authenticity is supremely important. You cannot make tall claims if you can't substantiate them. Underpromise and overdeliver."

9. How do you ensure that your content doesn't sideline any particular group or cohort of the audience, considering the diversity in India?

In our content creation, inclusivity is a top priority. We aim to be gender-agnostic and avoid creating content that could potentially sideline any group. Our messaging highlights that fertility issues can affect men and women, emphasizing equal responsibility. We maintain an objective, empathetic, and non-judgmental tone to ensure our content resonates with a diverse audience. By addressing common questions and concerns openly and honestly, we strive to make everyone feel included in the conversation surrounding reproductive health and fertility treatments.

10. Could you provide an example of how storytelling has been effectively used in marketing campaigns for reproductive medicine, given the topic's sensitive nature?

Certainly. In our marketing campaigns, storytelling plays a crucial role in conveying sensitive information effectively. For instance, we created a brand film that addresses the issue of fertility treatments' sensitivity. In this film, we feature a single character speaking directly to the camera, emphasizing that fertility problems are not the sole responsibility of women but also impact men significantly. The film maintains a serious yet empathetic tone, making it relatable to our target audience. By portraying the issue honestly and without judgment, we have successfully used storytelling to engage and educate our viewers while promoting inclusivity and awareness.

11. Could you share insights into how you set up and manage your content machinery to meet the unique marketing challenges in the healthcare sector?

Establishing and managing our content machinery involves a two-pronged approach. We maintain an internal content creation team that collaborates with external agency partners. This setup allows us to harness the expertise of our in-house team and benefit from the fresh perspectives and creativity offered by external partners.

Our content creation process is iterative, constantly improving based on real-world feedback and results. We closely monitor the performance of our content, looking at metrics such as engagement, reach, and conversion rates. This iterative approach helps us fine-tune our content strategies, ensuring that each new piece of content is better than the last.

Moreover, we remain customer-centric and empathetic in our content creation. We strive to understand the questions and concerns of potential patients and address them in our content. By staying attuned to our audience's needs, we can create relevant, trustworthy, and informative content that resonates with them. This customer-centric approach guides our content machinery and ensures our messaging remains effective and authentic in the healthcare sector.

"Empathy is supremely important because, in reproductive medicine, you need to simplify the language, make it unintimidating, and establish a bond of empathy between the person recording the video and the viewer viewing it."

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