Tanvi Tibrewala

Brand Manager At Caratmundi

A Design-Driven Approach to Modern Marketing With Tanvi Tibrewala

In the dynamic landscape of modern marketing, where consumer engagement and brand resonance are paramount, the fusion of design and strategy has emerged as a powerful catalyst. Welcome to a journey that delves into the intricate interplay of design and marketing, showcasing how this synergistic relationship has revolutionized the way brands communicate and connect with their audiences.

Join Aanchal Khosla, Associate Director - Key Accounts at Pepper Content, and Tanvi Tibrewala, Brand Manager At Caratmundi as they share valuable perspectives on crafting exceptional content, overcoming challenges, and harnessing the power of AI.

Here are some excerpts.

1. Tell us about your journey so far.

My journey has been a whirlwind of experiences, filled with both highs and lows. Today, I find myself working in the entertainment division of a company. However, the path to this point has been quite diverse. I began my career in the FMCG sector, then ventured into real estate, before transitioning back to FMCG and eventually ending up here.

Within just four years, I've been a part of various companies and industries. Of course, the unforeseen twists and turns that COVID brought along further added to the unpredictability. While I started with a prominent FMCG company as a management trainee, it was there that I learned the fundamental aspects of marketing.

Since then, I've explored real estate marketing, which operates on distinct channels, and now I'm here at ndi, where digital marketing takes precedence. It's been quite a ride, although I wouldn't say there's anything particularly remarkable about my achievements. Let's just say it's been a learning curve.

Throughout this journey, I've witnessed campaigns with varying levels of success. While some have performed remarkably well, others haven't achieved the desired outcomes. However, let's not focus solely on achievements. The reality is, there isn't anything extraordinary to boast about. The ups and downs, the challenges and the lessons – they've all contributed to shaping my perspective and approach in the marketing landscape.

2. Could you elaborate on the pivotal moment that made you commit to marketing, particularly highlighting the synergy between marketing and design?

Certainly! During my pursuit of a BD in finance, I found myself enrolling in a design course during my undergrad days, simply to make productive use of my free time. It was during this course that I discovered my passion for graphic and web design. This newfound interest gradually overshadowed my enthusiasm for finance. The allure of design was so strong that I decided to shift my focus away from finance.

My perspective underwent a further transformation during an internship in marketing. This experience unveiled the profound connection between marketing and design. Marketing, as I realized, revolves around the art of storytelling and effective communication. These two elements, intertwined with design, play a pivotal role in crafting a brand's narrative. This understanding prompted me to pursue an MBA.

In my initial year, I grappled with the choice between finance and marketing for my specialization. However, as I delved deeper into the subjects and engaged in corporate projects, the synergy between marketing and design became increasingly evident. This realization solidified my decision to choose marketing. I was driven by the notion that design enhances marketing's impact across diverse channels. Whether it's trade creatives, digital marketing, or brand development, design holds the key to capturing audience attention.

The visual component of design resonates more powerfully than mere text, creating a profound connection with the consumer. This very synergy between design and marketing became the foundation of my passion for the field. I am convinced that this intricate interplay will guide my growth as a marketer.

3. How do you see marketing evolve in the coming years?

Predicting the future of marketing is a complex endeavor. The landscape is in a constant state of flux, with changes happening on a daily basis. Reflecting on my journey, I recall that when I began my career with Idus Wellness, the emphasis was primarily on building brand identity.

As I transitioned to the real estate sector, the focus shifted to traditional modes of advertising, such as print and outdoor hoardings. While digital platforms existed, their impact was limited. However, today, the paradigm has completely transformed. Digitalization has taken the forefront, and social media is a non-negotiable aspect of marketing. The shift is remarkable – what was once reserved for experiential marketing and high-budget TV commercials is now predominantly happening in the digital realm. Even if a brand executes a physical campaign, its resonance is amplified by its digital presence.

The digital consumer's response often surpasses that of the traditional consumer.

Projecting how the industry will unfold is challenging, yet one significant trend emerges: the modern consumer is more informed and discerning than ever before. With countless campaigns, controversies, and cases circulating, consumers are increasingly vocal and discerning.

One notable instance is the infamous 'Kattha' case, where renowned actors endorsed a brand despite their personal disinterest in the product. Consumers are now equipped with information, and they demand transparency.

In this era, authenticity reigns supreme. The days of peddling half-truths are numbered. Brands must embrace candor and honesty, resonating with the consumer's discerning nature.

The era of overselling and embellishing is giving way to forthrightness. The consumer cannot be deceived – whether it's selling junk food or a high-end product, the reality must align with the brand's narrative. The truth is inescapable, and it's imperative for brands to stay genuine. As technology and consumer behavior continue to evolve, the only certainty is that authenticity and truthfulness will be the pillars that uphold successful marketing strategies.

4. What does your marketing stack look like today?

Certainly, when it comes to my ideal marketing stack, I believe in simplicity and effectiveness. Currently, my toolkit isn't overly extensive. For me, it boils down to two key elements: robust data analysis and maintaining organizational clarity.

These components form the bedrock of my day-to-day marketing activities. As for creating content, there are specific tools that I find indispensable. One such tool is ChatGPT, which I have conveniently bookmarked on my screen. This AI-powered assistant plays a pivotal role in crafting emails and communications.

Even when it comes to reviewing and fine-tuning content provided by my agency, I trust ChatGPT to proofread and enhance the quality. This AI integration is now a common practice among marketers, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. It's safe to say that AI is becoming an indispensable asset in today's marketing landscape.

Additionally, I harbor a strong inclination towards design, and I am always armed with design tools. These tools are essential for me as I often prefer to create preliminary versions of my creatives or presentations myself. This not only ensures a clear visual direction but also aids communication with my agency. Whether it's refining a poster or shaping a mood board, these design tools are my creative companions.

In terms of my marketing stack's future, I anticipate further integration of AI-driven tools and seamless platforms to streamline content creation and data analysis.

This will enable marketers to optimize their efforts while maintaining a personalized touch. The fusion of AI with human creativity is an exciting prospect that can revolutionize how we conceptualize, create, and communicate with our audience.

5. How much of an impact do you think you know, artificial intelligence would have on marketing?

Artificial intelligence is already wielding a significant impact on the realm of marketing. Its influence is unmistakable. Just take, for instance, the Coca-Cola ad created entirely by AI—an impressive example among many. The versatility of AI makes customization effortless and unlocks novel possibilities.

Even with my continuous efforts to stay informed, the pace of AI's advancements is astounding. I dedicate regular time to stay updated, but the sheer volume of AI-related tools and knowledge is seemingly endless. From website creation to chatbots, AI is pivotal across the spectrum. It has become a cornerstone for tasks like crafting compelling copy or designing visually engaging content. It's not about replacing personalization, but rather using AI as an efficient tool to enhance the initial drafts and save valuable time.

For instance, I input my thoughts into AI platforms like ChatGPT or Copy.ai, which provide helpful suggestions and refine my content. Additionally, tools like Microsoft Designer help me visualize possibilities even when my ideas aren't fully formed. This integration of AI accelerates the creative process and raises the bar for personalization and engagement.

Looking forward, AI's impact on marketing is set to revolutionize how brands communicate and interact with customers.

The potential for customization and personalization in messaging is vast, and AI is redefining the customer experience in ways we're only beginning to grasp. It's a thrilling era to be part of, and I'm excited to witness the unfolding of AI's transformative role in marketing.

6. What are some challenges that marketers are facing these days?

Certainly, I've encountered my fair share of challenges in the marketing landscape. One persistent hurdle is the budget constraint. Balancing aspirations with available resources can be quite a struggle. I often find myself wanting to implement innovative strategies and initiatives, yet having to navigate within limited budgetary boundaries.

It's akin to desiring an iPhone but having the budget for a more modest option, which creates a considerable friction point. This is a common sentiment shared with my agency, where aligning ambitions with financial realities becomes a delicate task.

Another challenge pertains to understanding the diverse consumer landscape. Customers today exhibit a wide spectrum of preferences, which can be complex to decipher. For instance, working with both general trade and online consumers reveals stark differences in peak sales periods. The online space often yields surprising patterns, like heightened sales during particular periods such as the holiday season. However, tailoring messages to these diverse audiences can be demanding, requiring a nuanced approach to resonate effectively.

In the age of digital communication, walking the fine line between creating impactful messages and inadvertently sparking controversies is a considerable concern.

7. Could you shed light on how marketers can create effective content and develop winning content strategies?

Certainly, when it comes to crafting outstanding content, understanding your target consumer is crucial. Unlocking insights into the problems your product solves or their desires is the key. This insight drives your marketing plan and content strategy. Even with a less-than-perfect product, aligning messaging with core customer desires is transformative. It's about seamlessly connecting their needs with your unique offering.

For young marketers, prioritize consumer insights. Understand audience pain points, aspirations, and preferences. This forms the foundation guiding all marketing efforts, from content creation to strategy. Embrace technologies like AI for efficiency and creativity. Successful marketing resonates on a meaningful level. Adapt, learn, and keep consumers at the heart of your strategy.

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Global Marketing Leaders 2023 by Pepper Content is an exclusive curation of the brightest minds who have revolutionized the world of marketing. These visionaries have pushed the boundaries, disrupted the status quo, and transformed the way we approach content and marketing. Check out the full exhibit to be informed and inspired by the insights shared by these trailblazers.