Sneha Jubin

Senior Marketing Specialist at Ivy Mobility

Building a Winning Content Strategy: Expert Tips from Sneha Jubin

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, where attention spans are dwindling and competition is fierce, having a well-defined content strategy is the key to staying ahead of the curve. Content has become the lifeblood of effective marketing, and businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with their target audiences.

But what does it take to build a winning content strategy that not only captures the audience's attention but also drives action?

Join Prateek Kalra, Pepper Content, and Sneha Jubin, Senior Marketing Specialist At Ivy Mobility as they discuss all this and more.

Whether you're a seasoned content marketer looking to refine your approach or a newcomer seeking insights, this conversation has got you covered. Explore the essential elements, best practices, and expert tips to help you build a content strategy that resonates, engages, and ultimately leads to success in the digital realm.

Here are some excerpts:

1. Can you share a bit about your career journey, highlighting the challenges you've tackled, and what you're currently focusing on at Ivy Mobility?

I began my career with TCS as a system analyst straight out of college, which proved to be a fantastic learning experience. During my four and a half years there, I gained valuable insights into how projects are implemented and how to handle demanding clients. This tenure opened my eyes to the intricacies of the IT sector, far beyond what's portrayed in movies.

After TCS, I transitioned to Zoho, where I joined the marketing team with a specialization in content marketing. This move marked my entry into the world of Software as a Service (SaaS), and it was a transformative phase in my career. I delved deep into the nuances of SaaS marketing, understanding its dynamics, the dos and don'ts, and the pivotal role that content plays in SaaS marketing strategies.

Subsequently, I moved to Ivy, where I now lead their content strategy team.

Ivy Mobility specializes in providing supply chain solutions, driving digital transformation for Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies. Ivy operates as a hybrid, part SaaS, and part services-based company. Currently, at Ivy, our focus is centered around content because, in the realm of B2B marketing, content is indispensable. It's the conduit through which we share our case studies and experiences, connecting with our audience and conveying the value we bring to them.

These three distinct phases in my career have been incredibly exciting, and I continue to thrive in the dynamic environment at Ivy.

2. How have you observed marketing as a function evolve over the years, and what do you foresee as the future impact of these changes?

In my journey through different companies, I've had a firsthand look at how marketing as a function has transformed over the years. At TCS, marketing wasn't as prominent; it felt like TCS's reputation spoke for itself, and there wasn't a dire need for aggressive marketing efforts. However, when I transitioned to Zoho, I witnessed a significant shift. Marketing took center stage in our operations, becoming the driving force behind what we did at Zoho.

Moving on to Ivy Mobility, I've come to realize that marketing is not just a function but the very essence of our existence. In today's world, it's become increasingly evident that without effective marketing, businesses simply can't thrive. Even when individuals approach me with startup ideas, my first question is about their online presence. Do they have a website? Are they active on social media? These elements have become crucial starting points in the journey of any startup.

Marketing's importance has grown tremendously, and it's now the lifeblood of businesses, playing a pivotal role in their success.

3. What changes have you noticed in the role of a content marketer, and what challenges do content marketers face today?

One significant change I've observed in the role of a content marketer is the growing presence and influence of AI. There's widespread apprehension among content marketers about AI potentially replacing their jobs.

["However, from my perspective, AI is more like a valuable companion that makes our jobs significantly easier. It's akin to finding the best friend with whom you can brainstorm ideas and engage in insightful discussions."]

I find interacting with AI, like GPT, quite fascinating. Sometimes, the responses it generates make me pause and think, "Wow, this AI is incredibly smart!" The key is to view AI as a tool that enhances our capabilities rather than a threat to job security.

4. Considering AI's impact on content creation, what do you think the future holds for AI in content marketing?

From my perspective, AI has introduced an entirely new dimension to content marketing. At Ivy Mobility, we've harnessed the power of AI, and it has proven to be a game-changer. Our AI solution simplifies complex data analysis and offers valuable recommendations to our customers.

Tasks that would typically take a human weeks or even months to interpret can now be accomplished swiftly with AI. It's not just about saving time; AI adds tremendous value to the investments businesses make. I believe AI's journey in content marketing has just begun, and it's poised to revolutionize how businesses operate, making them more efficient and profitable. Our experience at Ivy is a testament to AI's potential to achieve remarkable success.

5. How do you define ideal content?

Ideal content is a highly subjective matter, much like a piece of art. What may work brilliantly for one person or organization might not resonate with another. Defining the perfect content is, in fact, challenging.

However, I believe that any content can be deemed ideal if it successfully engages your target audience. It's about establishing a connection and prompting them to take action, whether it's clicking on a call-to-action button or filling out a form. In today's world, where our attention spans are dwindling amidst a sea of technological distractions, grabbing someone's attention in less than three seconds is no small feat.

When your content not only captures their interest but also compels them to take action, such as filling out a form, you've achieved something remarkable. That, to me, is truly great and impactful content.

6. How do you set up the right machinery for the creation of content that evokes action?

Setting up the right machinery for creating content that inspires action can be a blend of various factors. Sometimes it's serendipity, a stroke of luck that strikes a chord with your audience. Other times, extensive research is the key, delving deep into what your target audience truly needs. And then there are moments when it's the raw emotions behind your content that resonate most.

In the world of content creation, it's essential to be adaptive. While taking inspiration from competitors can sometimes work, it's not a foolproof strategy. What may have succeeded for them might fall flat when you attempt it. The crucial aspect is understanding that not everything will connect with your audience.

["It's about experimenting, giving your best, and stepping into your customer's shoes to see how they perceive your content."]

Ultimately, the litmus test is whether your content adds value to your readers and audience. Even if it makes a small but positive impact, that's when you'll witness traction. In contrast, merely following viral trends or replicating your competitors without offering genuine value can lead to a higher chance of content failure.

7. What does your ideal marketing stack look like?

Our ideal marketing stack at Ivy is built on simplicity and effectiveness. We prioritize SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as the cornerstone of our in-house content creation. SEO plays a pivotal role in our strategy, ensuring that our content is discoverable and valuable to our target audience.

Additionally, we rely on Google Analytics to monitor our website's performance and track user interactions on our landing pages. This data is invaluable in understanding how well our content resonates with our audience and informs our future strategies.

For email marketing campaigns, we trust the tried-and-true MailChimp, which helps us effectively communicate with our audience.

However, if I were to envision the perfect marketing stack, I'd prefer an integrated platform that streamlines our processes. Currently, we juggle various tools, such as Grammarly for content writing and SEMrush for SEO analysis. Consolidating these functions into a single platform would be a game-changer. Imagine logging in and instantly accessing all the data you need, from SEMrush scores to rankings and visitor statistics. Such integration would greatly enhance our content creation and improvement efforts.

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