Siddharth Rajani

Head Of Marketing at Redington India Ltd

Siddharth Rajani on Concise Messaging, Humanizing Brands, and Engaging the B2B Market

Immerse yourself in the riveting conversation between Naresh Pandey, Sales Director at Pepper Content, and Siddharth Rajani, Head Of Marketing at Redington India Ltd, in an in-depth exploration of the shift in content creation and marketing over the years. In an era marked by rapid digital disruption, Rajani offers valuable insights into how content has shrunk from long blogs to short, snappy messaging, reflecting our shrinking attention spans.

Further, he discusses the trend of humanizing brands and altering methods of communication for better engagement. The conversation then veers into a fascinating comparison between B2B and B2C markets, providing a nuanced understanding of changing audience preferences. This insightful discourse is a must-read for anyone eager to comprehend the evolution of content in the digital age.

To get customers to talk to you, you must ensure you have very snappy content. It can't be long. It's just enough for them to know, okay, this is it.

1. What are the notable shifts in team structure and roles you've observed across different IT companies amid recent digital disruption?

I've noticed a significant change in content lately. It used to be about long blog posts, but now it's all about being concise. People's attention spans are shorter, and we see this in written content and customer interactions. Quick, snappy content is key.

Videos are the new focus, especially with platforms like Instagram. Short videos are where it's at, like 10 or 5 seconds. This trend is likely to stick around for a while unless a new format takes over. Just look at online ads – they've gone from elaborate banners to just a few words.

In this evolving world, effective communication is vital. Even in IT, we're trying to add a human touch to our stories. Take Intel, for example. They're in every machine, but they're highlighting how they help people achieve their goals. It's all about humanizing the message.

2. In the era of brand humanization and shrinking attention spans, how does the attention span difference between B2B and B2C audiences affect the tech sector?

In the B2B sector, a significant shift is evident – people are no longer seeking generic information. They've had their fill of general insights from various sources. What truly captures their interest now is the real-time updates. They want to know how to leverage these updates for their benefit and gain insights that will elevate their performance. To put it simply, organizations are eager to enhance themselves. They're less concerned about anything else. This focus makes perfect sense. What's intriguing is that when we organize activities, particularly physical events, we aim to bring in industry experts or individuals from their network with a wealth of practical experience. People want to hear stories from those who've walked the walk and built things from the ground up. These are the stories that draw a captivated audience.

Once they witness the effectiveness of these strategies, they naturally want to delve deeper. They come back with questions to understand the 'how' behind the success stories. This is where the evolution lies – in the transformation of our approach. Likewise, the dynamics extend to our partner community. Collaborating with channel partners has shown us the power of peer influence. A partner's testimony resonates deeply with everyone. In webinars or similar engagements, we ensure the presence of partners who have experienced our products and navigated our online platforms. They articulate their successes and pinpoint advantages adeptly. This format has become the standard. Gone are the days when audiences had patience for a rundown of 25 different products. Today, it's about demonstrating real value, authentic experiences, and real success stories that truly connect.

3. Do you see the inclusion of AI, like GPT-4, in your marketing strategy to create and adapt content more efficiently?

One remarkable aspect of utilizing tools like this is the rapid generation of options. Imagine you're looking for topics related to CTOs using GPT-4. Within moments, you'll have a list of around 10 to 15 potential topics at your disposal. This initial step feels almost like having your intern who can accomplish what would take six hours in just half an hour, providing you with valuable content ideas. This method proves immensely efficient. You extract those ten topics, cross-reference them with trending discussions using platforms like Buzzsumo, and carefully select the most relevant content pieces. Then, the magic continues as you employ tools like ChatGPT to refine specific areas. However, the process doesn't stop there. The content still undergoes the human touch – someone rewrites it, ensuring it's concise and highly readable. This streamlined approach is a game-changer, saving significant time and resources in the content creation process.

This concept is gradually taking root within teams. They're recognizing the potential benefits and learning how to use these tools. Take, for instance, the scenario where you need a marketing plan for either a B2B or a B2C context. Instead of sifting through a list of 25 generic points, you can focus on what truly matters. Maybe five of those points are truly relevant to your unique situation. By honing in on these specific elements, you can craft a tailored plan that's both effective and efficient. This approach acknowledges the importance of quality over quantity and is a step towards more thoughtful and impactful content creation.

4. Given worries about AI replacing writers and its current content limitations, do you foresee using AI for video creation to enhance your marketing strategy?

Today, the content production process has evolved dramatically. Previously, video crafting involved weeks of scriptwriting, illustration, and revisions. Now, AI expedites the process. Scripting takes a day, AI aids in creative design, and a video is ready within two days. This efficient approach clarifies directions for external agencies, solidifying the desired outcome. AI has shifted from a mere tool to a precise guide, ensuring the best possible result.

Our focus is on getting the right people from the industry or their circle, who've done stuff, who's built it, have a story to tell, and that's where people are interested in coming and listening to that.

5. With the rapid evolution of marketing tools and platforms, what would you consider the ideal modern marketing stack?

In modern marketing, three key elements compose the ideal stack: a potent AI-driven database engine, a dynamic automation tool for precise audience segmentation and insights, and the crucial inclusion of on-demand triggers. This evolution is evident, with once-revolutionary features like trigger-based email re-engagement now commonplace. As the landscape advances, expect a surge of competitively-priced tools and the emergence of convenient tool aggregators, simplifying the process for businesses seeking an all-in-one solution. The future of marketing stacks is primed for a comprehensive and accessible transformation.

6. With various marketing tools and platforms, what common challenges do you and your team face daily that might suggest opportunities for new solutions?

Imagine having a tool that could curate valuable insights specifically for CTOs in the manufacturing industry. Picture this: The tool meticulously analyzes the preferences and patterns of 500 CTOs in the manufacturing realm. It sifts through their consumed content, likes, shares, and posts. From this trove of data, it distills the essence and presents you with a brief list of the five most pressing topics on their minds. Envision the clarity this could bring to your persona targeting. Armed with these distilled insights, you'd possess a clear and direct path to engage and resonate with your audience.

7. What advice do you have for future marketeers?

For marketeers, two core aspects stand out. Firstly, an in-depth grasp of the product you're promoting is foundational. Second, mastering a few tools, like analytics, AdWords, and automation platforms, is vital. These skills not only enable effective targeting but also provide a broader algorithmic understanding that spans different platforms.

8. When you shape a content strategy with agency partners, freelancers, internal teams, and tools, how do you ascertain its effectiveness and alignment?

From my perspective, I approach content strategy by considering the various personas I engage with. Imagine a matrix where I address employees, vendors, partners, and end customers – four distinct audiences. Recognizing that a one-size-fits-all approach won't suffice, I focus on tailoring content to each unique segment. The key is a strategic balance, ensuring I have the right content for each target audience while upholding the brand's positioning. This approach allows me to craft a compelling brand presence across all facets of interaction.

Our organizational journey at LinkedIn is a testament to this strategy's effectiveness. Our follower count surged from 25,000 to nearly 70,000 in just a year and a half. This growth, attributed to our deliberate content strategy, now positions us as a go-to source for job seekers inquiring about open positions. The essence lies in a comprehensive approach that spans all dimensions – employees, vendors, partners, and customers. This multi-faceted content strategy remains the foundation of our endeavours as we progress.

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