Gandepally Drupad

Head of SEO at Cryptoforce

Adapting to Change: How Digital Marketers Stay Ahead in a Rapidly Evolving Industry

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target audiences. However, the rules of the game are continuously shifting. From the rise of new technologies and platforms to changing consumer behavior and expectations, the digital marketing landscape demands constant adaptation and innovation. 

In this conversation, Gandepally Drupad, Head of SEO at Cryptoforce shares his thoughts on the evolution of digital marketing, the role of content in driving campaigns, and the importance of quality content over quantity.

1. Please tell us about your journey so far.

My journey started in 2017, and at that time, I knew nothing about digital marketing. However, as I started learning about organic marketing, I became intrigued by how people worked on Google Analytics and played with data to churn out strategies. This led me to work on Azure, and eventually, I started logging more and more when I started working with clients. Before the pandemic, the digital marketing space was on the rise, but after the pandemic, the rise of e-commerce sites and online marketing helped most of us. The evolution of AI and machine learning in SEO has picked up a rapid pace, and Google is focusing more on user-centric content than Azure-centric content.

2. How much content fits in your framework for doing campaigns? 

The amount of content needed for campaigns varies depending on the need of the user. For an aggregator site, 40-50 blog posts per month may be required, but for a real estate site, fewer blog posts may be needed. The primary goal is to answer the user's query.

Regardless of the industry or the amount of content needed, the primary goal should always be to provide value to the user. This means answering their questions and providing them with information that is useful and relevant to their needs. A well-written and informative blog post can go a long way in establishing trust with the user and positioning your brand as a thought leader in the industry. Ultimately, the success of any content campaign depends on the ability to connect with and engage the user, so a thorough understanding of their needs and preferences is essential to creating content that resonates with them.

3. Can you walk us through some stints at different organizations and how they have shaped your career?

Working with different organizations has been a significant part of my professional journey. As an individual who is passionate about learning and growth, I have found that working with different businesses and industries has been instrumental in shaping my career. It has provided me with an opportunity to work with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, which has broadened my perspective and helped me develop my skills. The digital space is one area that has undergone rapid and significant changes.

As a marketer, I understand the importance of keeping up with new trends, technologies, and best practices. The dynamic nature of the digital space requires continuous learning and adaptation. Therefore, I have made it a priority to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry and attend workshops, seminars, and webinars to keep my skills sharp.

3. How has the digital marketing space evolved since you first started, and how have you adapted to these changes?

The rise of e-commerce sites and online marketing has helped most digital marketers. Earlier, when I started with SEO, it was more keyword-centric. People used to just work on keywords and try to rank them using various techniques. But now, it's all customer-centric. With the latest algorithm updates, you can see how Google is focusing on user-centric content. The involvement of AI and machine learning has also changed the game.

"SEO is not just about keyword research and getting traffic, it's about collaborating as a team to grow the business as a whole."

4. What is great content for you, and how do you ensure that your content is engaging and valuable to your target audience?

Great content is indeed subjective and can be defined differently by various people. However, the key to creating great content is to provide value to the audience. This means that the content should answer the user's query and provide them with information that they find useful. The content should also be engaging and keep the audience interested throughout.

To create content that provides value, it is important to understand the target audience. This includes knowing their interests, needs, and pain pointsResearchingon the audience can help in understanding their preferences and what they are looking for in the content. Once the audience is understood, the content can be created in a manner that speaks directly to them. This includes using appropriate language, examples, and visuals that resonate with the audience. By providing value and engaging the audience, great content can be created that can help in achieving the desired goals.

5. In your opinion, what are the top trends in digital marketing that businesses should pay attention to?

AI and machine learning are becoming more prevalent in the digital marketing space. Businesses should pay attention to these trends and use them to improve their strategies. Personalization is also becoming increasingly important, and businesses should focus on creating personalized experiences for their customers.

AI and machine learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to gain insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. They can also automate tasks such as email marketing campaigns, social media posts, and website optimization.

6. What are some potential impacts of voice search on Google search?

As the use of voice assistants and smart speakers continues to grow, so does the number of people using voice search. This trend is transforming the way people search for information online. Unlike typing, voice search is more natural and conversational. This means that the queries are more like questions, rather than just a few keywords.

For instance, instead of typing "best pizza places near me," a voice search user would say, "What are the best pizza places near me?" As a result, businesses need to start optimizing their websites for voice search. This process involves understanding the natural language queries that users are likely to ask and optimizing the content accordingly. Additionally, businesses can optimize their website for local search results as voice search is often used to find nearby businesses or services.

6. What are some of the tools the speaker uses on a day-to-day basis?

As a digital marketer, I use a variety of tools on a daily basis. Some of my favorites include Google Analytics, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Hootsuite, and Buffer. Google Analytics is great for tracking website traffic and user behavior, while SEMRush and Ahrefs help me with keyword research and competitor analysis. Hootsuite and Buffer are social media management tools that allow me to schedule and publish posts on multiple social media platforms.

7. What advice do you have for people starting their marketing journey?

For those starting their marketing journey, my advice would be to focus on building a strong foundation. This means creating a solid marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals and target audience. Additionally, it's important to keep up with industry trends and continuously learn and grow your skillset.

For organic marketers, I recommend focusing on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience. For those involved in social media and ads, it's important to test and refine your targeting to ensure you're reaching the right people with the right message.

8. How does the speaker suggest collaborating with other team members to grow a business?

Collaboration is essential for growing a business. As a marketer, it's important to work closely with other team members, such as sales and customer service, to ensure a consistent brand message and customer experience. Regular meetings and communication channels should be established to share ideas and discuss progress. It's also important to give credit where credit is due and celebrates wins as a team.

This enables businesses to save time, reduce costs, and improve their marketing performance. Another significant trend in digital marketing is personalization.

Customers now expect businesses to provide personalized experiences that cater to their specific needs and interests. Personalization can be achieved by using data to segment audiences and deliver targeted messages or by creating customized content, products, and services.

User-centric content is the only thing that's going to work.

Personalized marketing can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement. It can also improve conversion rates and revenue. As a result, businesses that prioritize personalization will have a competitive advantage in the digital marketplace.

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