Esha Sinha

Content Head & Manager of Marketing at Wibmo

Marketing Evolution: A Journey Through Insights and Trends With Esha Sinha

Marketing has undergone a profound evolution over the last decade, driven by digital transformation and changing consumer behavior. From traditional print campaigns to data-driven digital strategies, the landscape has shifted towards personalized experiences, AI-driven insights, and multi-channel engagement.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, marketing professionals are faced with the challenge of staying ahead of trends and adapting to changing consumer behaviors.

In this exclusive interview, Aanchal Khosla, Associate Director - Key Accounts at Pepper Content had the opportunity to sit down with Esha Sinha, a seasoned communication and marketing professional with over a decade of experience.

Having worked with industry giants like Paytm and HomeCredit, Esha is currently the Content Head & Manager of Marketing at Wibmo. Their conversation delved into her journey, the transformations within the marketing industry, the impact of AI on content marketing, and her valuable insights for aspiring marketers. Esha's wealth of experience and perspectives provide a compelling look into the world of marketing and content creation.

Here are some excerpts.

1. Tell us about your journey so far.

peaking of my journey, it's been over a decade since I embarked on this path. Fresh out of college, I dove headfirst into the industry, and I must say, it's been nothing short of an exhilarating adventure.

Over these years, I've witnessed a remarkable evolution in the content landscape. With the emergence of social media and various communication channels, I've had the privilege to evolve as a marketer by adapting to these changes. This adaptability is something I consider a personal achievement, as staying current and relevant is pivotal in this field.

The past decade has seen a significant transformation, and I've been fortunate to contribute to it. Notably, my journey has been deeply enriched by collaborating with exceptional companies and visionary leaders who have left an indelible mark on the FinTech landscape of our nation. Each interaction and experience has contributed to my growth as a marketer, and I'm grateful for the opportunities that have come my way.

In reflecting on my professional journey, I can confidently say that it has been a continuous learning experience.

The people I've had the privilege of working with have been instrumental in shaping my perspective and skillset. Their mentorship and insights have significantly aided my evolution as a marketing professional.

In essence, my journey spans more than a decade, but it feels like an eternal learning curve. The changing dynamics of the industry, the rapid evolution of content consumption, and the technological advancements have all contributed to my growth. With every step, I've evolved not just as a marketer, but also as an adaptable, resilient professional ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

2. How have you witnessed the evolution of the marketing industry over the past decade? What are the trends you see emerging in the future?

The landscape has undergone multiple shifts and transformations, and it's been fascinating to be part of this journey. Marketing is a realm where trends don't just change; they frequently shift, demanding constant adaptation. Stagnation in the face of these changes can be detrimental, potentially giving competitors an upper hand.

One trend that stands out to me is the emphasis on a fresh approach to the customer value proposition. This approach revolves around four key elements: engagement, experience, exclusivity, and emotion.

The most successful brands today go beyond providing tangible products. They excel at forming genuine connections with their customers, leaving behind positive emotions and weaving compelling stories.

Interestingly, I recently came across a report that highlighted a surprising statistic.

A staggering 73% of companies could disappear, and many consumers wouldn't even notice. This illustrates the need for brands to transcend the ordinary and strive for exceptional engagement.

Those brands that incorporate the four E's I mentioned earlier—engagement, experience, exclusivity, and emotion—will undoubtedly make a lasting impact on customers. This impact can be substantial, even if the product itself isn't top-tier.

Ultimately, it's all about building a meaningful relationship with the audience. This relationship-building approach is what sets smart players apart in the market. By fostering connections and delivering experiences that resonate, brands can secure their place in the industry. This, I believe, is the prevailing trend that will shape the future of marketing.

3. What are some common pain points faced by marketers, and how do they differ in the FinTech industry?

Let me shed light on some shared pain points faced by marketers across industries. However, I'd like to focus on the specifics of the FinTech sector, which I've been deeply involved in. Although the challenges are universal, they take on a distinct flavor within the realm of FinTech.

Firstly, one prevalent challenge I've observed is the integration of AI. While AI holds immense potential, the proliferation of tools like ChatGPT and automation software poses a common dilemma—information overload. Marketers must grapple with managing the influx of data and content generated by these tools. Moreover, there's the concern of content becoming indistinguishable due to excessive automation.

Striking a balance between utilizing AI tools and preserving distinct messaging becomes pivotal. This requires us to sharpen our messages and ensure they effectively resonate with the intended audience.

Secondly, the issue of reduced attention spans has gained prominence. In an era of multiple devices and information sources, customers seek quick access to information. The challenge lies in delivering messages that are both concise and compelling. Marketers need to master the art of conveying messages precisely and engagingly, ensuring they cut through the noise to capture the audience's fleeting attention.

Lastly, but perhaps most crucially, is the challenge of ROI measurement for marketing expenditures. As a marketer, justifying every dollar spent in the ever-evolving landscape can be arduous. With a constant budget and the emergence of diverse channels and tools, this becomes even more intricate. Making well-informed decisions about where to allocate resources for optimum ROI becomes a strategic imperative. Balancing innovation and fiscal responsibility demands a thoughtful approach.

4. You mentioned AI's potential for information overload. Could AI have a positive impact on marketing as well?

Certainly, when discussing AI's potential, I want to emphasize its positive impact on marketing. While I touched on the issue of information overload, I truly believe that AI can revolutionize the way we approach marketing, making our lives significantly easier in the process. As a content specialist, I've witnessed firsthand how AI-powered tools can assist in streamlining tasks, enhancing efficiency, and freeing up time for strategic thinking.

AI holds tremendous promise for both marketers and brands. It can empower us with actionable insights by analyzing vast amounts of data, helping us make informed decisions in real-time.

For instance, AI-based personalization can be a game-changer. By harnessing AI, brands can engage customers more effectively, foster loyalty, and boost revenue. The ability to understand customer preferences and behavior in real-time allows brands to tailor their messaging precisely, resonating with the right audience and increasing conversion rates.

In essence, AI isn't just a tool; it's a transformative force that can elevate marketing to new heights. While challenges like information overload do exist, the positive impact of AI's capabilities is undeniable. As marketers, we have the opportunity to harness AI's potential for strategic advantage, ultimately creating more meaningful connections and driving tangible results.

5. Could you share a content strategy or framework that you've found successful in your career?

A successful content strategy requires aligning with your brand's mission and values. Begin with a deep understanding of your target audience, their pain points, and aspirations. Develop a clear messaging hierarchy, ensuring your content resonates emotionally and logically.

Leverage various formats such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts. Consistency and authenticity are crucial in establishing trust with your audience.

6. What advice would you offer to those aspiring to enter the marketing and content creation field?

For those aspiring to enter the dynamic realm of marketing and content creation, my advice would be to craft a robust toolkit that aids your journey. In this digital age, having a well-curated martech stack is paramount. This stack enhances internal collaboration, measures marketing efficacy, and enables personalized customer communication. A perfect martech stack is one that not only addresses current challenges but also prepares you for future shifts.

As a content enthusiast, I emphasize the significance of practical and affordable tools available today. With a plethora of options, it's crucial to select tools that align with your specific needs and budget.

From my perspective, tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Quillbot (an effective content paraphrasing tool), Canva, Hemingway App, and collaborative platforms like Asana have proven indispensable. Additionally, the grammar-enhancing prowess of Grammarly has been a reliable ally. I'm also excited about the potential of ChatGPT as a game-changing tool shortly. These tools collectively amplify productivity, refine content quality, and enhance collaboration, ultimately contributing to a successful journey in the marketing and content creation field.

Remember, your toolkit isn't just about technology—it's about harnessing the right resources to fuel your creativity and strategic thinking. By staying attuned to industry trends, embracing innovation, and nurturing a passion for storytelling, you'll be well-equipped to make a meaningful impact in this ever-evolving landscape.

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