Diptakirti Chaudhuri

Vice President of Marketing at Bajaj Auto Ltd

2023 Content Marketing Trends: Expert Predictions from a Seasoned Marketer

In this blog, Diptakirti Chaudhuri, former Vice President of Marketing at Bajaj Auto shares insights on the future of content marketing. He discusses their extensive experience in various industries, emphasizing the importance of understanding the motivations, fears, insecurities, hopes, and aspirations of the consumer in different contexts. He also explains their role at Bajaj Auto and how they tailor marketing efforts to reach the same consumer in different ways. Additionally, Diptakirti explains how the involvement of content differs when selling experiences like holidays or travel versus physical products like cars. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of content marketing and how businesses can stay relevant and effective.

1. Can you give a brief intro of your career and the industries you have worked in?

I currently work with Bajaj Auto as a Vice President of Marketing, where I look after media planning, offline and online media, social media, content marketing, influencer marketing, research and insights, and PR and communication. Prior to that, I worked in various industries including ed tech, digital media, print media, and FMCG, mostly in marketing roles at various stages of my career.

2. How does marketing change with different industries?

Marketing doesn't change at all between different industries. The context changes, but the consumer remains the same. Whether it's education or the automobile industry, the same person may be looking for both an online learning product and a bike. It's important to understand the motivations, fears, insecurities, hopes, and aspirations of the same consumer in different contexts and reach out to them in whichever way possible.

As such, businesses must tailor their marketing efforts to appeal to the consumer's motivations, fears, insecurities, hopes, and aspirations in each specific context. Effective marketing strategies require a deep understanding of the target audience. Businesses must conduct extensive research to gain insights into the customer's needs, preferences, and behavior patterns. By utilizing this information, marketers can create campaigns that resonate with the consumer and drive engagement. However, marketing efforts must remain flexible and adaptable to the changing needs and expectations of the consumer. The key is to stay attuned to the shifting landscape of the industry and continuously refine marketing tactics to remain relevant and effective. Ultimately, successful marketing requires a holistic approach that considers the consumer's needs and the specific context of the industry.

3. Can you explain your role as a Vice President of Marketing at Bajaj Auto?

As a Vice President of Marketing at Bajaj Auto, I look after media planning, offline and online media, social media, content marketing, influencer marketing, research and insights, and PR and communication. My role is to ensure that we reach out to the same consumer in different ways and understand their motivations and aspirations.

4. How does the involvement of content differ in selling experiences like holidays or travel as compared to physical products like cars?

When selling experiences like holidays or travel, the involvement of content is higher as people tend to research and read about what to do, what not to do, what to carry, and other related information. This is because people are investing in an experience and content plays a crucial role in ensuring they make the most of it. On the other hand, for physical products like cars, the involvement of content depends on the weightage assigned by the buyer to their purchase.

For a considerable investment like a two lakh or one and a half lakh bike, people constantly seek positive reinforcement to justify their decision and consume relevant content to make an informed decision. Therefore, the level of involvement of content is dependent on the buyer's perception of the product and the importance assigned to it.

The level of involvement of content is high in this case, as people seek positive reinforcement to justify their decision.

5. How has the ability to consume content changed with the advent of platforms like Instagram Reels or TikTok?

The ability to consume content has increased significantly with the advent of platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok. People's ability to consume entertainment has gone up exponentially, and they can now consume more content despite having a demanding job and being socially active. With infinite content available at their fingertips, people can consume as much content as long as it is relevant and meets their needs. People constantly seek ways to squeeze out more juice from whatever is available, and there is no endpoint to content consumption as long as it remains interesting and relevant.

This increase in content consumption has also given rise to a new era of content creators, who are now able to reach a wider audience than ever before. With the ability to create and share content with ease, these creators can produce videos that are both entertaining and informative, covering a range of topics from cooking and fashion to fitness and beauty. This has not only given rise to new careers and opportunities but also allowed for a more diverse range of voices and perspectives to be heard in the world of entertainment. Overall, the increased ability to consume content has opened up new possibilities for both creators and viewers, making the world of entertainment more accessible than ever before.

6. How has the type of content marketing changed in the last decade?

The type of content marketing has changed significantly in the last decade. Earlier, brands used to create one TV ad and put all their money behind it, which was considered content marketing. However, now, there are various forms of content marketing, including blogs, and short-form content, and is available on all channels and types of communication. Brands need to be present where their consumers are and ensure that they are providing relevant and engaging content.

Content marketing has undergone a significant transformation in the past decade. The traditional approach of creating a single TV advertisement and investing all resources behind it is no longer effective. Today, businesses have to create engaging content that is accessible on all communication channels, including blogs, social media, podcasts, and videos, among others. The evolution of content marketing is attributed to changing consumer behavior. People are more informed and expect brands to offer information that is relevant and valuable to them.

Therefore, businesses must have a strong digital presence and create content that aligns with their customers' interests, challenges, and aspirations. This approach not only helps to build trust with the audience but also establishes the brand as an authority in its niche. As such, companies that invest in content marketing have a higher chance of attracting and retaining customers, increasing brand awareness, and ultimately driving revenue growth.

7. How does Baja Auto think of being available to its customers and in how many places?

Baja Auto thinks of being available to its customers by mapping their journey from awareness to buying in as much detail as possible. The thought process is from the consumer's point of view, and research plays a crucial role in understanding their journey. By understanding the customer's journey, Baja Auto ensures that it is present where the customers are and provide relevant and engaging content. The focus is on being present on all channels and types of communication that the customers are using to ensure maximum reach and impact.

Creativity is the secret source. You have to understand the customer or the reader or the consumer for whom you are writing and match that creativity with the right target audience.

8. What is the significance of content when selling experiences like holidays or travel?

Content plays a significant role when selling experiences like holidays or travel as people invest in an experience and want to make the most of it. People research and read about what to do, what not to do, what to carry, and other related information to ensure they have a great experience. The level of involvement of content is high in this case, as people seek positive reinforcement to justify their decision and want to consume as much relevant content as possible. As holidays are a considerable investment and people take one big holiday a year, they want to ensure that they make it work and extract maximum value out of it. Therefore, content is crucial when selling experiences like holidays or travel.

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