Anshuman Goswamy

Marketing & Communications at BetterPlace

Unlocking Marketing Insights: A Conversation with Anshuman Goswamy

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, a career in marketing demands adaptability and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. To gain valuable insights into the world of marketing, we sat down with Anshuman Goswamy, leading Marketing and Communications at BetterPlace, who also happens to be a seasoned marketing professional with over a decade of experience in diverse industries, ranging from e-commerce and airlines to workforce management. Anshuman's journey offers a unique perspective on the ever-changing marketing landscape and the importance of consumer-centric strategies.

In this insightful Q&A session, Anshuman shares his thoughts on content marketing, the challenges of reaching diverse audiences, the power of storytelling, and the role of technology in shaping the future of marketing with Rishabh Shekhar, Co-founder and COO of Pepper Content. Whether you're a budding marketer or a seasoned professional, Anshuman's experiences and advice will surely resonate and inspire. Let's dive into the conversation.

1. Can you provide a brief overview of your career and the industries you've worked in?

Certainly. I've had a diverse career spanning over 12 years, with experiences in various sectors. I started in the FMCD industry, working in the mobile division of Videocon. Later, I ventured into e-commerce and marketing roles at InfoEdge, leading brands like Jeevansathi, 99acres, and Naukri. I also worked in the FinTech sector, handling services such as insurance, loans, mutual funds, and digital gold.

Afterward, I took on the marketing lead role for the Southeast Asia region at AirAsia, overseeing the launch of digital services across multiple countries. Currently, I'm heading marketing, growth, and communications for Betterplace, a workforce management SAS platform focusing on the frontline workforce, including gig workers and blue-collar employees

2. When did you first encounter the term "content marketing," and how have you seen it evolve throughout your career?

My introduction to content marketing came early in my career, around 2011-2012, when I worked at India Mart, a B2B classifieds platform. Back then, India Mart was preparing for an IPO, and content marketing played a crucial role in educating SMEs about the platform's value. We used content, including case studies and use cases, to demonstrate how India Mart could benefit these businesses.

Throughout my career, I've observed content marketing evolve significantly. It has become more personalized and consumer-centric. In the past, it was about providing information, but now it's about crafting stories that resonate with the audience. Content has become more dynamic, focusing on engaging and building consumer trust.

"You have the content part, you have the distribution part, and then the actual service or the product that you're looking at. Because that's the experience with which people finally convert."

3. At BetterPlace, you engage with a diverse workforce, including individuals who may not be highly educated. How do you tailor your communication and content to reach and engage this audience effectively?

Tailoring communication for a diverse workforce is indeed a challenge but a rewarding one. We employ a mix of digital and non-digital channels to connect with this audience effectively. Within the digital realm, we leverage platforms like ShareChat, Marge, and WhatsApp groups, which are popular among our target audience. We use vernacular languages and simplified content to ensure clarity.

Moreover, we've built a network of influencers and champions within the ecosystem who help us reach these individuals through word-of-mouth referrals. Offline channels, such as walk-in stores and industrial outlets, also play a role in reaching potential employees. It's all about simplifying content to make it accessible to those with limited formal education while still harnessing the power of digital tools.

4. In your career, you've worked in vastly different industries, from e-commerce to airlines and now workforce management. How have you managed to adapt to such diverse sectors successfully?

Adaptability is essential in a dynamic career, and I've embraced it throughout my journey. In the first half of my career, my choices were somewhat destiny-driven. I followed roles that intrigued me and added value to the companies I worked for. This phase exposed me to various industries, helping me develop a broad skill set.

In the second half of my career, I intentionally chose sectors that touched many lives and were undergoing significant tech-driven changes. While the sectors varied, the core principles of marketing remained consistent—understanding consumer needs, crafting effective messaging, and leveraging technology. I believe that marketing is fundamentally about solving problems and creating value, regardless of the industry.

5. Can you share your insights on storytelling in marketing and its role in engaging consumers effectively?

Storytelling is a potent tool in marketing, and it has evolved over the years. It's no longer just about relaying information but creating an emotional connection with the audience. Effective storytelling taps into human experiences, aspirations, and pain points.

Whether you're marketing a B2B or B2C product, storytelling helps build trust and relatability. For instance, in my experience with Betterplace, we use storytelling to highlight frontline workers' challenges and how our platform helps improve their lives. Consumers want to connect with brands that understand their needs and can offer solutions.

6. In your role at Betterplace, you manage a full-stack approach, serving enterprises and job seekers. How does your platform bridge the gap between these two segments?

Betterplace operates as a full-stack player in the workforce management space. We cater to both enterprises and job seekers in the frontline workforce. On the enterprise side, we streamline hiring, onboarding, background verification, attendance, and payroll processes by consolidating these services on a single platform. This eliminates the need for organizations to rely on multiple vendors or homegrown solutions.

On the job seeker side, we have an app called Rocket (formerly MahaJobs), a marketplace for job roles. It currently features over a million job listings across various industries. Job seekers can use the app to explore opportunities, access skilling modules, and network with peers. We aim to connect enterprises with the right talent while empowering job seekers to maximize their earning potential.

7. How do you approach content planning and creation in your marketing strategies, considering the diverse audience you cater to in both B2B and B2C contexts?

Content planning and creation are central to our marketing strategies at Betterplace. We take a hybrid approach that combines human insights and various tools. The process involves a collaborative effort to understand consumer pain points, which serve as our North Star.

For B2B audiences, we focus on thought leadership content, such as whitepapers and authored articles, to establish trust and authority in the workforce management space. On the B2C front, we use simplified content and engage in storytelling through small videos and snippets on social media platforms that resonate with a broader audience.

We leverage tools like Trello, Slack, Fiverr, and Zoho to streamline content planning, development, and distribution. Platforms like Pepper Content, which offer end-to-end content solutions, are becoming invaluable for managing our content strategy efficiently.

8. How do you see technology shaping the future of marketing, and what are your thoughts on integrated platforms like Pepper Content that streamline the content marketing process?

Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of marketing. As we move forward, integrated platforms like Pepper Content are becoming increasingly valuable. They offer a seamless end-to-end solution for content marketing, from ideation to distribution, making the process more efficient and data-driven.

Such platforms allow marketers to focus on strategy and creativity while automating repetitive tasks. They also provide insights and analytics that help in refining marketing campaigns. This technology-driven evolution enables marketing teams to adapt quickly to changing consumer preferences and stay ahead of the competition.

"Tools allow us to be more efficient, enabling us to have planning in place from with distributed teams. And then I think post-COVID, we've realized that the hybrid is also a better way to look at it."

9. Can you share an example from your career where you encountered a particularly challenging marketing situation and how you navigated it to achieve a successful outcome?

Certainly. One of the most challenging situations I faced was during my time at AirAsia, where we were launching digital services across multiple countries in Southeast Asia. Each market had its unique cultural nuances and competitive landscape.

To navigate this challenge, we adopted a hyper-localized approach. We deeply invested time in understanding the local markets, including consumer preferences, regulatory environments, and competitor strategies. We also partnered with local influencers and organizations to build credibility and reach. This approach allowed us to tailor our marketing campaigns effectively.

In one instance, when launching a travel marketplace in Indonesia, we faced stiff competition from established players. We tapped into the local culture by partnering with a popular Indonesian travel blogger to stand out. This influencer helped us create authentic content and engage with the local audience, gaining significant traction.

The key takeaway from this experience is the importance of understanding the local context and building partnerships to overcome challenges and succeed in diverse markets.

10. Lastly, what advice would you offer to budding marketers who aspire to thrive in today's competitive landscape?

My advice to budding marketers is simple yet crucial: embrace change. Marketing is an ever-evolving field driven by technology and consumer behavior. To thrive, you must be open to learning, unlearning, and relearning.

Stay curious, ask questions, and don't be afraid to experiment. The best marketers I know are the ones who are always looking for new ways to connect with audiences. Keep up with industry trends, but don't forget to build a strong foundation in marketing fundamentals.

Remember that marketing is not just about selling products; it's about solving problems and improving people's lives. You'll find success in any industry if you approach it with empathy and a genuine desire to add value.

"Meet the consumer, understand their pain points, and ensure that your North Star and everything else aligns with it, be it marketing or product. If it's not solving for the consumer at the end of the day, then all your promises will go for a toss."

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Global Marketing Leaders 2023 by Pepper Content is an exclusive curation of the brightest minds who have revolutionized the world of marketing. These visionaries have pushed the boundaries, disrupted the status quo, and transformed the way we approach content and marketing. Check out the full exhibit to be informed and inspired by the insights shared by these trailblazers.