Aman Matta

Brand Marketing at JioSaavn

Aman Matta on the Future of Content Marketing

In this illuminating conversation, Aman Matta, a veteran in the content marketing sphere, provides a deep dive into his vision for the future of this industry. The interview uncovers Matta's understanding of content performance analysis tools, his daily reliance on tech platforms, and most intriguingly, his dream for a fully automated content marketing tool. Matta believes that real-time tracking, adjustable filters, content creation, and automation are the key elements to future content marketing success.

In conversation with Anchal Khosla, Aman Matta, Brand Marketing at JioSaavn, talks about how the synthesis of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence can lead to content marketing's evolution. Buckle up for a ride into the future of content marketing as envisioned by Aman Matta.

1. Please tell us about your journey.

It is a very funny story. You know how there's this usual trend where people take boring courses and then end up doing cool stuff like photography or making videos? Well, my story is a bit different. I used to be into making films. Yep, I studied how to make movies and all that fun stuff. But then life threw me a curveball. I got curious about advertising – you know, those ads you see everywhere. They fascinated me, and that's how I got interested in marketing.

Instead of doing the usual route, I jumped into marketing, which was quite a switch from filmmaking. I've had experience working with startups, where things are a bit crazy. Even though I had a specific role, I ended up doing a bunch of different things in marketing.

I went from writing content for big companies like Amazon to figuring out how to make ads that work well. I also got to organize events and create campaigns that people liked. And that's not all – I even got to be involved in managing products and making sure people knew about them. Now, fast forward to today. I'm on a team that handles brand marketing and advertising at Jio Savan. I've learned a lot from working with both regular customers and businesses.

2. How many years have passed and how many companies have you been a part of on this journey?

When I look back, my journey has been a mix of trying new things and being part of different companies. I started my own business, which was a big step for me. After that, I tried different things that helped me learn and grow. If I add up the time from when I had my business, it's been around five years.

Talking about the companies, I've been in two or three of them. Each company was like a different chapter, making my journey more interesting. Right now, I'm working my third full-time job at a company. The things I learned from my earlier jobs are like puzzle pieces that have made me better. I'm excited about what's coming next as my journey continues to unfold.

As a marketer, you will need to grow with the AI. It's not the time when these are two different things. You need to know how to make it work.

3. In five years, have you noticed changes in marketing's evolution? Do you anticipate a different future landscape for it?

As a marketer, I've learned that looking ahead is vital. People we talk to keep changing, especially in the Direct-to-Consumer world where new folks join all the time. I've always found that interesting. From the start, I saw big changes in how we share content. At first, it was all real and honest, then it got a bit fake, and now it's coming back to being real. This is thanks to some good tools and ways we use them. I've been lucky to explore many sides of these changes. When I think about the future, I'm sure content will keep changing marketing. Tools like ChatGPT help me make things better and faster.

Things are changing quickly, with AI making how we use pictures and videos different. Imagine, AI creating videos that look great! Also, social media is pushing us to be honest. It's not just about people – it's changing how we market stuff. One thing is clear: being real matters in marketing. We can't just rely on big names to sell things anymore. The future is about matching what we say with what we do, being true. AI and tech don't change that; they make it even more important.

In this exciting journey where tech and people connect, we're learning and changing. We need to mix honesty, tech help, and understanding the people we talk to. I'm excited to see how all this shapes the future of marketing – a future where real connections matter most.

4. What are the common daily challenges for marketers? How do you suggest solving them?

In my business-to-business (B2B) world, there's a big problem we're tackling. It's about getting people to use a new platform, which is turning out to be quite tough for us. Our focus is on using sound for advertising. But getting companies to use audio ads is a bit hard. Everyone's into performance marketing these days, and it's tricky to fit audio into that world. How can we convince them to try something new when platforms like YouTube and Facebook are so popular?

This isn't just our problem. I'm sure other marketers are struggling with this too, trying to make their platforms stand out. When big companies dominate, finding space for new ideas is tough. There's no easy answer – we have to come up with creative solutions. Learning from your experience, I'm thinking of trying innovative campaigns. In my situation, focusing on how we present our products could be key. With so many new startups around, making our products look useful is important.

The future is all about good communication. With new companies joining the scene, explaining why our products matter is crucial. Being clear about what our products do is super important in a world that's always changing. Dealing with these challenges means being flexible and trying new ideas. The marketing world keeps changing, so we have to be ready to experiment and connect with people in real ways. It's all about learning as we go and finding new paths in a world that's always moving forward.

5. What tools do you use for content marketing daily? How much time and effort does your team dedicate to content marketing?

Content marketing is at our core. We believe steady content is vital for platform adoption, spanning text, images, videos, and case studies. I collaborate with the copywriting team and our agency, crafting engaging content. Much of my day focuses on content creation and planning, emphasizing marketing, especially in content advertising. Our dedication is evident in insightful case studies, showcasing platform benefits. Content aids our journey of adoption, promoting understanding and engagement. Our commitment to content marketing highlights authentic storytelling's power, bridging platform intricacies and user curiosity. It's a blend of tech and storytelling, forging connections beyond digital bounds.

6. What tools in your tech stack do you love for simplifying your work as a marketer?

As a marketer, I like using ChatGPT, a tool that helps me do tasks easily. I also use scheduling tools, platforms for managing content, and tools like Wordtune for making content. Tracking and reporting tools are important for seeing how well our content is doing. This mix of creativity and technology helps us in our marketing journey.

A dream content marketing tool, I've always wanted to have something which can from a far-fetched imagination of mine do the ideation for me.

7. If you could create your ideal content marketing tool with enthusiastic developers and product managers, how would you envision its features and design?

I've always wanted to create something based on my wild imagination. Imagine having a magical content tool that turns my ideas into real plans. I'd just tell it what I'm thinking, and it would find out what's popular right now. It would even consider things like who might like it and where it fits best. This tool wouldn't stop there. It would also decide how to present the content. Should it be a short tweet, a regular post, a detailed blog, or an engaging video? It would pick the best option to get the most attention. It would go ahead and create the content too. No need for me to do everything myself. Once the content is out there, the tool would gather all the info – who liked it, how many saw it, and more. This feedback would help me know what's working and what's not.

If you ask me why I want this tool, well, it's all about saving time and using automation to do the heavy lifting. In the fast-paced world we're in, trying out new things quickly is key. This dream tool would let me focus on making great content, while it handles the rest. Although I know such a tool might be a bit far-fetched, the idea of using automation to make our work smoother is exciting. While we wait for something like this, the journey toward more efficient content creation continues.

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Global Marketing Leaders 2023 by Pepper Content is an exclusive curation of the brightest minds who have revolutionized the world of marketing. These visionaries have pushed the boundaries, disrupted the status quo, and transformed the way we approach content and marketing. Check out the full exhibit to be informed and inspired by the insights shared by these trailblazers.